>shoot kid in game
>FBI busts down your door
Shoot kid in game
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they're absolutely going to profile people for being 'good' at the shooter role
And they are going to make police 200% hp
So they are harder to kill.
>Still have 10.0kdr
Lmao scrubs
Don't go to school then. I am 100% real about this, it would also fix budgets. Give children a choice.
Is this a multiplayer game?
>we can prevent a lot of these deaths, we can make this a safer enviroment
with a school shooting simulator nigga wtf hahaha why dont u actually do something like put more precautions in place not make a school shooter sim lmao
>Make this a safer environment
How do you make an environment in which all weapons are prohibited any safer?
>not making a hitman like game where you try to kill as many people as possible in a school with a lot of security
seriously though why would they think it was a good idea to make the shooter role be playable instead of ai controlled
isnt this about SURVIVING a shooting and not committing one?
loot boxes when
That will never get anywhere close to finished because of the kike """dev""".
They should release the shooter version of this online so they can have people from all over the world trying to kill them while they are training for school shooters
Then put the ones who get good k:d ratios on a watch list
The only AI is the kids you idiots. It's a online multiplayer role play trainer.
mega when?
Post link
If it's AI you can predict what it does. I'm more interested on if the people using this for training can actually aim and move properly
Armed guards at every entry like they have at jewish schools.
Too hot a topic, fuck dealing with that drama. Release it as DLC. Get your prospective customers to buy in first. Then hit em with the core content.
You guys remember playing JFK Reloaded?
You may honestly be retarded
What engine are they using? Unreal?
>Land of the free
>Need armed guards at every school with metal detectors
Calling dip on the female student.
Yeah bro, that game was the tits.
>He doesn't shop exclusively at hot topic
MKultra DiGRA shit
But unironically
Are they using the arrow keys to aim?
Or do they just suck
When I was in highschool 7 years ago we literally had an old man as the sole security guard. He was more of a doorman than anything.
can you play as the police and bring LAW to snotnosed school shooter kids?
fuck it, i just want a good game of SOME sort where you can be a multiplayer lawbringer that isn't dead or shit like APB
This is disgusting
I think you're missing the point that other first world countries don't even have security staff in schools.
Frostbite based but they call the government targeted version something else I don't feel like looking up.
>Join server
>Active shooter role is already taken
fuck this
When I was in high school two years ago it was the same. Schools don't take action until somebody dies lol. Purely reactionary, need to save money for that $1000000000/year football program
no they just can't show kids getting murdered on the news
They are even out the front of preschools. This is Australia btw not hot spots in Israel.
>large number a year football program
I went back to my school to workout. Found out they installed an entire turf football field. Ironic since the kids that went there now don't give a shit about sports.
I know schools in Europe that hire a "security staff". It's a formality at most. You're also missing the point that a single old man is not a security staff.
it's not real enough. it needs to be more real.
if it werent for the edgy subject matter it could make a pretty fun asymmetric horror game.
teachers vs shooter in different weather conditions with variable win conditions for both sides
the whole concept is a little too much though. It's hard to tell if these kinds of simulations actually translate to the real world
>go to school
>get shot
good simulator
On the one hand, I'm impressed that the US government is developing a video game with killing children as an objective.
On the other hand, I'm confused as to why they are doing it instead of actually training faculty.
VR School shooter battle royale when
blast your nemesis!
Its an alternate reality where games never were invented. They just have stuff like this for simulation. No one thinks of them as fun.
A peak into another world
>school shooter simulator with roles as teachers, shooters and police
>made by the fucking US government
You think that's disturbing OP?
You haven't seen nothing yet. Google "DHS no hesitation targets".
we had a middle school "cop"
had his own office in the school. but he never carried a gun. he was just the equivalent of nosey old woman who would complain about how you have too many weeds. he never did shit
putting more onto this. anything that happened outside school, they would address it when you finally came to school. i dont know what his point was
Where do i find this shit.
It's about getting into the mind of the shooter and getting to know about his strengths and weaknesses.
It's like you play always the same role everywhere.
Jesus christ, Desensitizing the police force. Great idea
>little kid in 4th picture doesn't also have a gun
daily reminder schools and governments are EVIL
Not out yet dummy, though I appreciate the enthusiasm. Postal 2 exists
Coming to steam early access soon
You gotta take out the unarmed ones first, you don't know what they could do. At least with a gun pointed at you, you know where they stand. Filthy neutrals, when will they learn.
what do you think the strengths and weaknesses would be?
they cant know their secrets
>How many trainees can a single EDGE training session support?
>Each EDGE FRS v1.2.1 training session can support up to 40 total users, including all trainees, role players, and instructors.
40 player online multiplayer school shooting simulator intended to be played internally on first responder organisation training computers
let's put our heads together, this is a situation that actually warrants it.
From: cesiedgetraining.com
>EDGE is available free of charge to all first responder organizations, including:
>Federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial government law enforcement organizations
>Federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial government or volunteer fire fighting organizations
>Federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial government or validated for profit emergency medical services organizations
>Federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial government emergency management organizations
So. Do we have anyone on Sup Forums who is an EMT, firefighter, cop, or other emergency responder? probably not. teachers, principals, etc, would also probably work
new account form: cesiedgetraining.com
>How can I host an EDGE training session on my own servers?
>Qualified first responder organizations may request distribution of the EDGE server software suitable for hosing local or online training sessions. Please see the Use EDGE FRS page to request a distribution of the EDGE FRS software.
we just need someone to get sent the client download and then a) fiddle around and make a private server like they did with pirated assassin's creed 2 back in the day or b) send another request for the server files. say you're at a rural police station with shit internet and can't do their hosted ones, only LAN because it's too laggy. then at least we can have organised Sup Forums play over hamachi/tunngle etc
There's a lot of simulation software out there as well. I'd love to see what some intelligence agencies use.
Postal doesnt let me shoot kids, i want to be edgy.
not really disturbing. if the cop hesitates, he will be dead.
A pregnant woman points a gun at you.
What do you do?
>Doubt because she's pregnant
If you play it, you'll realize them.
I mean let's take Star Craft for an example, you won't really know how to deal with the other two classes if you only play one. When you start playing the others you realize "Alright, at this point in the game I need to do this and that"
batlte royal mode when?
>Video games get blamed for shootings.
>Use video games to prepare for shootings.
Will it work?
You gotta shoot the fetus first, who knows what kind of weapons it could be holding.
Probably easier to just put a game together as a half-life mod or something
Man, imagine this shit with mods
>getting into the mind of the shooter
No way a video game can accomplish this. Video games can't even accomplish putting you into any other situations perfectly mentally. The adrenaline your body produces alone from being in any dangerous situation can never be reproduced by a simulation.
What able the Sup Forums posters who are not subject to the constitution of the United States?
Abortion is cool legally, I see nothing wrong with this 'No hesitation business'. Life only has the value that those words on paper give it.
>it's not a VR game
They dun goofd
>Open door
>Get shot
And people wonder how these things happen
Why are their armed guards in australian schools?
new maps when?
This is pretty much half the problem. During training, cops have it drilled into their head that anyone could potentially have a gun, so they need to treat a lot of situations as if they're a potentially lethal threat.
Although the other half of the problem is that anyone COULD potentially have a gun on them, and that if the cop in question is wrong and hesitates once, he can get killed.
Knives are a bigger threat than guns. It's scary when they're pulled on you
Yeah but it helps, you know more about being in that position.
>that pic related
I'd say the problem is that cops don't get proper training and are prone to panicking and fail to asset threats.
>Cop gets stabbed in the face
>Then they immediately cut to the autopsy of a cop getting stabbed in the face along with the crime scene
And people wonder why they're on edge. Especially when there are retards crying for their executions on the internet.
Cost, according to the video.
The real problem is the niggers who think they can get away with shooting cops so all the cops are on edge when dealing with potentially armed people
Canadians are fantastic sometimes.
I don't know. Even in the most realistic war games I've played I've never once felt like I was truly in that position. No matter the steps I took to try to get immersion going on. So I just don't see this is any different.
cop training is the equivalent of seeing a spider and immediately killing it
They're Wisconsin actually. RLM had an episode about it and were obsessed with the video
This actually looks really fun
Because jews go to school there.
I want to play it
>america has gotten to the point where its now crowdsourcing school shootings
The real problem are the blacks who don't know if any random cop will murder them and get away scott free
Wait you can go to your old school to workout?
That seems like a lot of work that could be avoided with more sensible gun control and a less fanatical culture.
Except part of that training is telling cops anyone and everyone could potentially pull a gun and kill you, even during mundane shit like routine traffic stops.
Sadly, there really isn't one "good" solution to this because in America, they aren't exactly wrong. Anyone can potentially have a gun, and you never know how people are going to react.
They're also taught to shoot to kill over disable. Aiming for disabling points like the arms and legs is all well and good, but much easier to miss over aiming for someone's chest or stomach.
There have been a few minor incidents of antisemitism that the local Jews have hailed as a second holocaust and as a result they have pooled extensive funds into making their schools as secure as an illegally occupied west bank territory.
sm h.com.au/nsw/racist-abuse-of-jewish-children-on-school-bus-an-isolated-and-random-attack-say-police-20140807-101gei.html
I hope they let you simulate using an Anonymous imageboard to alert people of your school shooting
I guess it depends. Mine allowed alumni to use the weight room. The neighboring ones also allowed it. Saved me a shit load of money not having to pay to workout.