
Metal Gear Solid thread

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3 > 1 > V > 2 > PW >>>>> Being burned alive >>>>> 4

>4 being better than anything
don't make me post the image


4 is the worst game in the series and I hate anyone who disagrees
It ruined the series

4 has the best stealth gameplay in the franchise. it really needed a chapter select menu though

this. everyone else here has shit taste

Brainlet opinions

Here it comes. Warned you.

The only correct way to play metal gear solid is to only play the original PS MGS and then nothing else. Each subsequent entry ruins the story more and more

2 >>> power gap >>> 4 > 1 > PW > 5 > dog shit > 3

3 is the worst game in the series. at least 4 has a cool story.


but 3>1>2>5>4

gameplay is like 5>3>the rest

3>1>everything else

oh no, not the story, not my precious literature
>whacky russians hijacked a giant robot that shoots nukes!!
whoooaaaaaaweeee. call tom clancy, i think his ghostwriter escaped


Terrible list
Decent but not that much better
best in-thread until mine

Best list



Place 2 ahead of V and I'd agree. I'm convinced Peace Walker should have been the fifth game in the series and made for the PS3 like it was originally planned to be.

>I can't understand themes unless they're in a book written a century ago by a Russian.


Missed PO.

it's easy to bully 4 about being the first when it's more movie than game, but the true worst entry is 3, that is more menu than a game, it necessitated a revision to be playable and not only did it go in explaining what went wrong with big boss, it made him likeable enough for people to want every game be about him, giving us Star Wars prequels-tier of shit writing and asspulls

post the one with nipples.

metul ger suled 2 is ta werst metul ger suled gaem

One (1) aged like milk

I think MGS is a pretty good series.


I don't think Tom Clancy is that old or that slavic.

How do you have such shit taste?

1-4 is basically the same game with a time and character change
>mid 2000s


MGS1 = MGS3 = GB > MGS2 > MGS4 = MGSV > PW > PO

1 was never good. this is coming from someone who played the game in 1999 and thought it was a stupid game then and thinks its a stupid game now. i spent more time playing croc then mgs1.

PW is ten times worse than MGS4

1 > 2 > 4 > 3 > PW > 5
Do not reply to my post unless it's to agree with my list, which is the objective truth.


4 in front of literally anything is a troll. Report and move on.

PW is better than MGS4 by virtue of being a game. I would rather chew a brass ring for one hour than fight one of those awful Peace Walker rocket sponge bosses again and I think it's a better package than MGS4.

get a clue, moran!

The only people that think 4 is the worse are Kojima drones that started with mgs3 and still think MGS are masterpiece games of art and don't understand mgs lore was always shit.

WINNERS 3 is by far the best as a whole, 1 is the classic, and it follows on from there with 4 last.

WHy did you think it was a stupid game? Croc was just a poor mans banjo, and i dislike banjo for the terrible music and over the top collection crap

I bet Heavy Rain is your favorite vidya you shit taste nerd.

All but V are good and the rest are not worth my time

MGS3 > MGS1 > MGS5 >> MGS4 >> MGS2

>banjo music is terrible
Lordy, kys yourself

4 was great, I found myself wanting to skip most of the actual stealth gameplay in previous games becaue I just wanted to get to the story and 4's balance of gameplay and cutscenes suited me for that

Has Sup Forums seen this yet?


>PW is better than MGS4 by virtue of being a game.
And 3 is more menus than game.
4 > 3.
PW is terrible, Phantom Pain is just fucking garbage.
Go fuck yourself.

i hated the top down control style. i hated the super solider guards with vision cones extending 3 feet in front of them. i hated how the game tries convincing the player its a stealth game but in reality youre forced to take one single path. oh and the obscene amounts of backtracking.

What the fuck is this garbage

I stopped reading at mother's pathos then skimmed
>It is 2008. It is the future, and we are awake.
bwhaha wtf. Is this written by a wizard; because its fucken magical.

a load of pretentious bullshit

some user who wrote a mgs4 article a decade ago is having a midlife crisis or something and so hes been spamming his retarded game review for the past few weeks on Sup Forums. god only knows why.


Yeah, you'd be the exact idiot that would enjoy 4

Yes out of context sentences sure are silly.

I think he's asking about the review, not about MGS4.

oh no, not another one

3 can be bad for menus but at least it doesn't have as many menus as Menu Gear Solid V: Play Online and you will feel Pain

You are a fuckng idiot and your reason for PW being better is dumb. Stop pretending MGS had and level of depth before MGS4. Even in those two acts in MGS4 you could do more than you ever could in MGS1 thru 3. And had more variety than any of the other games. MGS4 isn't a game because you less time to repetitively crawl and hide against walls for hours! Fuck off faggot and stop parroting shit you hear from neckbeard mgs fanboys.

>I think he's asking about the review, not about MGS4.

my statement is for the review.

MGS4's story is a mess for trying to tie up and explain all the loose ends of the series (most of which were caused by the shitty Patriot AI crap in 2)

>playing MGSV
>finished episode 25
>suddenly a disease is spreading around mother base
>staff are dying left and right
what the fuck is going on


I know, right. Completed RE1 (game from same time and console) two years ago and it was fking awesome, even got spooked couple times, usually games have no such effect on me.

how do I emulate the first 2 games?? (Metal Gear & Metal gear 2)

>3 can be bad for menus but at least it doesn't have as many menus as Menu Gear Solid V: Play Online and you will feel Pain
Yes, I already told you MGSV is garbage.
And Peace Walker is marginally better than MGSV.

pretty much this. except he is on point with the egg paragraph

2 > 3 > 1 > PW > 4

Haven't played 5.

Play MGS3 via the HD Collection. Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 are available via the main menu of Snake Eater.

I couldn't care less of your opinions on 4 just know it will always be my favourite.

>he had niggers and people who could speak in ebonics in his Mother Base
I am laffing

Bad writting, user. Awful hack writting.

>3 is more menus than game.
Whenever I hear people complain about the camouflage menu, I can't help but envision a chubby little middle schooler, the kind who gets good grades and didn't have a date for the dance, who after being told in the tutorial codecs to change their camo to increase the camo index. Thus they obsessively min-max the damn thing despite it ultimately being not very helpful. And then they get detected anyway.

I'd rather have 8 hours of well paced Pac Man stealth than a dozen five-minute bursts of Really Nice stealth.

>I couldn't care less of your opinions on 4 just know it will always be my favourite.

Perfect ranking

>V above anything


>4 above anything
>Le V is bad meme
Brainlet spotted

>le 4 is bad meme
V is really, really bad.


Does anyone else feel like hes actually performing judo moves with gamepad while playing MGS 3? Not just mashing buttons.
Maybe it was original intent for such wonky controls?

>opinions on Sup Forums


had a diffifcult time putting 4 above 2. The gameplay is way better in 4 but there's not much of it and there are a shitload of annoying cutscenes. Ultimately decided to go with 4 over 2 because 2 is literally
>want to replay game
>remember "that part"
but "that part" is pretty much the entire game

>Shit story where even the premise doesn't even make sense
>All the new characters are garbage. With Paz being one of the stupidest and cringiest thing MGS shitted out.
>Big boss character regressed back to being a child wanting his Boss waifu
>Game mechanics are barebone and certain mechanics are removed for no reason like crawling.
>Maps are tiny as fuck and even smaller than some protable ops maps
>Boss fights are FUCKING TRASH and all of them are the same.
>gameplay is repetitive
>Monster hunter levels of grinding
The game is fucking trash. How the fuck can anyone say it's not the worst. Even if you have MGS4 at least it had some good stuff like gameplay mechanics, frist two acts,graphics, music qnd some bosses like rex vs ray. There is nothing good and MGS PW and all the "content" you think the game has is just a scam.

>How the fuck can anyone say it's not the worst.
Easily. It's a handheld game, and not just any handheld game but a fucking PSP game which means there are fewer people who have actually played it than fucking Snake's Revenge. Generally when it comes to console-based franchises in general, best and worst is reserved for games actually on a console as handheld/mobile/pachislot spinoffs are assumed to suck until proven otherwise.

>I'd rather have 8 hours of well paced Pac Man stealth
too bad no mgs game has that. each one is constantly interrupted by cutscenes

2>1>3>4>>>>>>>>>>>Vhy is it called Metal Gear

You really expect me to read that long ass bullshit while I'm drunk, filename?

except ground zeroes

Peace Walker is in the HD collection for PS3 and 360, literally everybody's played it

Doesn't change that it's a PSP game.

you're right, I meant "well paced by mgs standards" sort of like how mgs has "good writing" "for video games standards"

I don't see what people have against 4. I thought it had the absolute best gameplay in the series until V released, and it had some great moments.

Granted I'll never play it again because the highlight moments were cutscenes or limited gameplay and V just trumps it all if I want to play in any sense.

1 > 2=3 > V >=4

Doesn't change the fact that you're a retard who thinks more people have played Snake's Revenge than Peace Walker

Why did people dislike V again?

What's with the pictures of out of focus trees?
You should probably go to /p/ or /out/ with those.

wah kojima lied to us (a-fucking-gain)

Ahh I had forgotten about that.

If I could just get MGSV with no motherbase and just a flow of missions and cutscenes... well that'd just be grand.

It's all the extra, little bullshit that makes me remember why I'm not likely to ever replay the game.

>2 empty open worlds
>not even finished
>majority of the missions are "fulton this nameless character" or "destroy these armored trucks"
>the entire fulton & MB staff mechanic is pointlessly lengthening the game by forcing you to get a mandatory CHILD FULTON for one mission near the end of the game while everything else (iirc) is optional
>one boss fight

also because everyone has their own opinions.

MGS1 has aged the poorest.
MGS2 is overrated pretentiousness.
MGS3 had pause to gameplay gameplay.
MGS4 was a hot mess all over.
Peace Walker was repetitive shit.
Twin Snakes was an embarrassment of a remake.
Portable Ops isn't even canon.

>MGS2 is overrated pretentiousness.
i'm not trolling when i say this. mgs2 was legitimately too deep for you.

>overrated pretentiousness