Let's take a moment to realize that Kingdom Hearts 3 is releasing in 2018. It feels surreal

Let's take a moment to realize that Kingdom Hearts 3 is releasing in 2018. It feels surreal

Other urls found in this thread:


>people caring about playing final fantasy 13: disney land edition

>Excited for Mickeyshit

It won't

>releasing 2018
If they plan a 2018 release I fear it would be rushed out. It really doesn't seem like its ready yet.

Maybe you should stop looking at a screenshot of it mid-development.

You work in Osaka?

They'll just make a Kingdom Hearts 3 Final Mix to add the rest of the content in only $60 more and to be released in 2021 :):):):)

>Kingdom Hearts 3 is releasing in 2018.
Whenever it will be released it will raise the suicide rate. Due to everything they did wrong for the sake of Disney and did nothing right for the player.

>Supporting the Mouse
No thanks. They lost my support after the abomination called The Last Jedi.


The series has lasted 15 fucking years. I think a few people care

Kathleen Kennedy is from Lucasfilm though, as far as i know Disney didn't even come close to Warner's level of meddling

No, the fact they plan on adding some sort of online mode with this game on top of everything else makes me worry. 2018 just doesn't seem realistic
>"Online is certainly part of my wish list -- we want gamers to play for a while and an online component helps this. While we may be focusing on the main campaign at the moment, but it's not as if we're going to tack on an online function at the end. In fact, we've already got plenty of ideas brewing at the moment. However, we're still not at the point where we can test these ideas inside the main game."

>Maybe you should stop looking at a screenshot of it mid-development.

exactly. People are trying to claim these leaks as screenshots of the final product

>No, the fact they plan on adding some sort of online
got a source for this?

That could mean anything from full-on co-op or just a leaderboard for Mirage Arena

>he didn't olay the online for BBS or Days
Missed out senpai

Why the fuck does Kingdom Hearts get shitposted about so much in every single thread I see? It's not ever this bad for any other game series. Are Final Fantasy fags just assblasted the KH games have been better then any FF title released?


what the fuck

Face it. Disney have got full control of KH and are now planing to make it even worse than before. KH time is over.


>Why the fuck does Kingdom Hearts get shitposted about so much in every single thread I see?

it's a combination of a few factors.
Dedicated anti-Japanese (aka anti-weeb) shitposters
People who just shit on anything
FF fanboys
Fans of other SE products that look down on any SE product is not the one they worship

As much of a hardcore fanboy I am for the series, I'm not sure how I feel about this game. 0.2 played completely different than the rest of the other games. I guess that's the trade-off of changing over to Unreal.

Puts a cgi Carrier Fisher in for female sjw and they kill off Han Solo yet Harrison Ford is still alive. Oh Disney how far will you sink.

Kingdom Hearts is a very mediocre franchise with at best one middling game. It does nothing better than any ARPG series out there and it's embarrassing you fags have such a hard on for a kids series.

>literally been in development since 2013

5 years is way than enough time to make a great game

>0.2 played completely different than the rest of the other games

does the combat in 2.8 feel the same as the other KH games?

>5 years is way than enough time to make a great game
5 Years is considered to be a good development time.

At least KH3 was not in development since 2006

>Solo is dead
>Luke is dead
>Fisher is dead, which means Leia is dead before the third film comes out
All Disney only have Lando and Chewie to exploit nostalgic fans. The original trio are now gone, and the new ones replacing them just don't measure up. Disney really fucked up by killing two of the trio, hoping the last one ddn't croak, which she did.

You forget we are talking about square enix who just released FFXV. Then put Tetsuya nomura on both KH3 development and FF7 remake development at the same time.

0.2 is pretty raw when it comes to combat, being just a tech demo and all, but as far as the simple act of attacking goes IMO it felt pretty satisfying and fast paced, miles better than BBS and DDD at least
It'll all come down to what abilities we'll be getting, the other systems I have a few doubts regarding keyblade transformation and don't think it'll be a good of a system as Drive and of course enemy design, the secret boss in 0.2 was pretty cool but everything else was kinda lacking

Toy Story
Monsters Inc
Big Hero 6
Twilight Town
Mysterious Tower

Not bad so far honestly

>Mysterious Tower

what's this one?

might get 2.8 when it gets on a sale

Keyblade Graveyard should be a given at this point

Yen Sid tower


We even saw it in 0.2

He was working on 0.2, KH3, FFXV and Final Fantasy VII and doing character designs in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 all at the same exact time

As much as i loved Fantasia in DDD i kinda wish they didn't blow their load earlier and would save it for KH3

I still don't believe it, it feels like a scattered.

And also spending several nights awake thinking hard about how to make the story even more retarded in Chi

Ford wanted his character killed off in empire, it was probably in his contract that Han not live past the first film.

How does he not kill himself with all the work he has to put himself through. SE already surprised him by making him director of FF7R.
>'Nomura-san mentioned that the busy schedule generated by managing both projects is the biggest challenge.'
>'Juggling this kind of things is a considerable challenge, but he also mentioned that it “comes with the territory” and it’s pretty much expected.'

Probably because they're terrible games outside of 2:FM and we've been waiting for a proper sequel for it for 10 years now?

They now have everything they needed. It was never about the films. It was only for the franchise.
>it was probably in his contract that Han not live past the first film.

Bullshit Ford and hamil wanted to finish what the started with the films to the very end. Unfortunately Disney must have made a power move by offering more money or something for them to just accept the films that were created by Disney. You can see it in Hamils face he is truly broken.

>and we've been waiting for a proper sequel for it for 10 years now?

but we have had sequels. Sure they are not KH2 levels of good but they were still decent games outside of 358/2.

What's the appeal of Kingdom Hearts?

What other ARPG? Name one ARPG with 3d movement better than kingdom hearts.

Beating people out with a pretty satisfying combat system while shit like this plays in the background youtube.com/watch?v=rgEGYgYfDls

Cheesy but likeable characters, good arpg combat and Disney nostalgia
Also god-tier music

>online mirage arena with good netcode
as great as that sounds, online multiplayer is a major weakness of japanese devs, from connection quality to balancing. They see their game and believe this is the only way it could be done, how can such a perfect system be improved.

>online multiplayer is a major weakness of japanese devs, from connection quality to balancing.

Yeah. Adding multiplyer stuff to a single player game sounds like a mess and usually has issues.

Comrades is a good and recent example of adding multiplayer to a Single Player game and look at all the issues reported for it. Granted, I did hear the loading screens were fixed

It isn't mediocre. It is one of the great franchises out there and the games are really fun to play. It really is its own thing. The combat for all the games is better than a majority of stuff out there, but 2FM destroys most games out there, especially Action RPGs. The game is surprisingly balanced for level 1 runs, making it the highest difficulty and best way to play it, with a really high skill ceiling.

A lot of people shitpost about it because they believe the "Deviant Art" factor is high for these games, when really anybody who says stupid shit like that is true cancer. So they go berserk and shitpost it like going through the captcha to make shitty passerby posts like "Kingdom Hearts is fucking trash." There is some kind of mental illness going on with those people but KH brings it out of them full blast. It's also a lot of people tend to really like the franchise, otherwise there wouldn't be so many shitposting.

I'll believe it when it's in my hands.

As much as I hate to say it because I like Roxas so much, 358/2 Days is probably the worst in the series behind Re:Coded. But can we agree 358 has some of the best music in the series?
See: youtube.com/watch?v=h623f4Yihlo

>5 Years is considered to be a good development time.
Literally who thinks this? Wow hahaha
The last gaurdian was good, remember guys?!?


>behind Re:Coded.

I thought Frozen was confirmed in that database leak??

But Re:Coded was pretty good.

The plot in Re:Coded is legitimately pointless. It's the only game in the series that you can skip. 358 has a half decent plot and gameplay I at least enjoyed.

i hate star wars, but i wouldn't really mind if it was in.

>Kingdom Hearts threads will inevitably attract anti-Mouse shitposters

I'm okay with this

There is no leak

That's just 2 different parts of the movie edited together, don't believe everything you see on 4chin

>Literally who thinks this?
Cough Cough bethesda Cough Cough.

Ace Combat 7

A lot of big budget games take 4-5 years now. Did you seriously not know this
GTAV took 4, Mario Odyssey took 4, BOTW took 5, Destiny took 4, etc


Did I miss kh3 news? Whats going on here?

no one picked up on your subtle sarcasm
don't worry, I thought it was funny

Nothing more to it than "Monsters SA got leaked"

I'm happy for Mark that he's finally free from Star Wars

Force Ghost

Yes you did. A bunch of Monsters Inc development screenshots were leaked
There's other stuff but it isn't as obviously credible as the pics are

How shit is the cellphone game

Na Ive heard that Han had to be killed too. I think Ford might have changed his mind after seeing all the fan excitment though

I want to see a Song of the South world, slaves included.

Fuuuck. I hope he tells them to fuck off. He looks and sounds pretty done after what they did to Luke in the last Jedi

>not even the dead can know peace from the mouse

What's the other stuff?

I guarantee kh3 won't have nearly as much content as any of those games

Does that actor not like Star Wars or something?


your "guarantee" is worthless

No user, his problem is that he loves it too much.

PC port of the HD collections when, lads?

He's the opposite of Ford actually
Yet he had to witness his character handled on a plate to a literally who

When pigs fly

>Was around 10 years old when Kingdom Hearts 1 came out
>Was around 13 years old when Kingdom Hearts 2 came out
>Going to be turning 25 years old when Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out

>tfw it wont
>and neither does FF7remake

>KH better than FF

>turning 30 in 2018

please let it come out for my birthday in may


Don't ff and kh share the same demographic?

RE:Coded is better than every KH game except for KH2, KH1, and CoM. It has the best command based combat and it doesn't feel like shit to play, plus the whole challenge dungeons are amazing.

Kingdom Hearts came out March 28th. Kingdom Hearts 2 came out March 28th

Kh3 was already confirmed not to be announced before April.

literally any tales, souls, etc.

If KH3 comes out in 2018 i'll eat my own shit, i want it to happen trust me but its going to get delayed 100%