Cmon dude...
Cmon dude
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They really just need to give us a manual rename feature to let us all handle our own library autism.
Maybe you shouldn't buy garbage like Battlefront.
Yes, I'm aware it's the old one.
>STAR™ WARS™ Knights™ of™ the™ Old™ Republic™ I™I™ -™ The™ Sith™ Lords™
fucking every time
>452 hours
whoa we found, the most powerful meta-autistic Sup Forumsirgin.
Are you fucking serious? What could possibly drive you to play that many goddamn pajama sam and freddie fish games, let alone for FOUR HUNDRED HOURS.
That's honest to god DSM-V autism spectrum shit. I'm not sure if it would be better or worse if you masturbated to them as your excuse or genuinely enjoy the gameplay enough to warrant a damn fortnight of consecutive playtime
but the order
>This level of autism
this is making me nervous
i hope this account is shared with a small child
Have they ever given a reason on why manual rename isn't a thing?
>he didn't buy the bundle
Okay, you're obviously idling these games for a laugh, but why?
Is it worth it to have to wake up and start up all these games every morning?
>Haha, this'll knock 'em dead
How did your own joke not run dry after the first week of doing it?
Honestly it's more autistic than legitly playing 500 hours of Freddi Fish.
>452 hours
>452 hours
>Buy KOTOR 1 on steam
>the resolution is fixed to a tiny box in the middle of the screen
>Having less the 400 hours in any of the Kinoludo Fish
I'm happy this user exposed how fake you faggot "gamers" are.
These games are only 2 hours long
no way its like 28 fucking games, i dont have that much spare time to copy them all
explicit/troll names. imagine how many "Half Life 3"s youd see, seriously. or "your friend xxxx is now playing Hitler Was Right"
>452 hours
>452 hours of a short adventure game for kids
>~226 playthroughs
>These newfags replying for le ebin memepost screenshot
fuck this reddit tier garbage
fucking silent storm, with it being 640x480, top left corner, and it minimizes if you click off it. FUCK.
>mfw I bought the bundle in 2009 before most of that shit was on there
seek medical help
The Pajama Jam game in which he faces the darkness and becomes friends with his shadow was pretty good, like what I imagine a western Persona would be like
just had to check, there even is a reddit for it. and lordy, on the theme of uneven filenames or game numbers, look at that fucking set, how uneven they all are
god damn how would you even sort that shit
but I GOTTA know
>™, ™, ™, ™, ™, ™, ™, ™, ™, ™, ™, [...],™, ™, ™, ™, ™, ™
>I don’t have so much spare time
>plays Freddi fish for 450 hours
>452 hours
>Almost 19 days
You need help, user.
they're from a time where you absolutely had to have the TM mark or else the TM wouldn't be valid
I swear, shit like that is what creates OCD-like tendencies in some kids. That would have driven 5 year old me up a fucking wall.
this. theres some musical album that they got the copyright wrong in it, they did the year in roman numerals and fucked it up and now its in this legal grey area because no ones sure what it means and its not popular enough for anyone to go through the courts to figure it out not to mention the insane requirements for some licensing anyways regardless if needed or not
>mountaindew valley
End yourself.
Says the Sup Forums participator whose only use is supplying me with cute anime girls
>explicit/troll names
Bet people already do that with steam shortcuts.
This irks me because the original game is either Final Doom or Ultimate Doom and on the completely other side of my library
i did not read this post but i did save the image
right, but thats a vastly smaller scale because of that
anime website
Some relief for all of you.
it also happened to night of the living dead where they forgot to add the copyright symbol in the opening credits
it's why you see night of the living dead in so many other movies just playing in the background and it also helped make it one of the most renown movies in history
more importantly
the word/concept of the ZOMBIE is not copyrighted to romero because of that which made it become an entire genre in the first place
That "HD" ruins it
Might as well slap a GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION, TODD'S CUT on there as well
nah, that sorta stuff, if used enough does become a generic term
like dry ice, and heroin. brand names that just lost it over excessive use and what not
He didn't invent that, though.
Uhh guys steam doesn't have commas in the hour totals, this could be 450 to like 45000
arma does this as well, fucking frustrating
Only 452 hours nub git gud
>putting ™ or ® in your games title
why do publisher do this
>buying games
oh no i was one of the bottom guys for all 3000 hours
not possible, games only been on steam for 3 years
why would you rebuy the same games twice
Could still be 450 or 4500 then
>Putt-Putt: Pepe's Birthday Surprise
Fucking frog devs
I didn't. They gave away the remasters for those who owned the originals plus DLC.
Also, Bioshock devs actually renamed their games after people complained the remasters were displayed in the wrong order
kek, gonna have to shop luthors face onto a frog sometime now
>that inconsistency
>not putt putt goes to the moon
now thats a 400+ hour worthy game
why this
I don't even live in Germany
you can change your hours played with steam achievement manager
I don't have any of the LEGO STAR WARS games on Steam, but they even managed to fuck it up there.
>RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard / BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil
>GOG has users who make plugins so you can re-arrange your library
>Steam only has shitty skin mods for the client
Explain yourself?
GoG has so few games that users have resorted to glumly managing their libraries.
You walked right into that one
It doesn’t have to show up for others.
I mean I love those games but jesus
>GoG has so few games that users have resorted to glumly managing their libraries.
How does that make any sense?
More games means that people need to manage their shit.
Also: GOG has over 2000 games nowadays.
That is nearly as much as Steam had like 3-4 years ago before Greenlight and Steam Direct ruined everything by flooding the store with 2.000 - 3.000 garbage titles a year.
I mean, maybe you run a server so it's easy, but still - why
>How does that make any sense?
Let me explain slowly: you're not playing games, you're shuffling them around. That's the joke. You prissy gognards are worse than the Lineucks knackers.
>you are not playing games
That is true for everyoen who buys games digitally.
Steam has over 10.000 games but over 90% of all Steamusers exclusively play PUBG, Dota 2 and CS:GO
I'm confused, are PUBG, Dota, and CSGO not games?
>early access, ASSFAGGOTS and a reskin of an older game
Technically, but not really, no.
Steam makes tons of money and Steam games generally sell pretty well.
So well that most console games nowadays get ported to PC unless there is some deal for exclusiveity behind it.
Yet Steam player numbers in general are very very low.
Things like Blazblue which has thousands of players on japanese consoles alone only gets like 100 players worldwide on Steam.
Because Steamfags are collectors rather than players.
They buy tons of shit on sale and never actually play the games they purchased.
Same thing on GOG where most just use it for Witcher 3 and the few exclusives it has while buying everything else on the next big sale for collectors sake.
I ended up just sticking them in their own categories. It saves space and keeps the horseshit out of sight.
>resident evil 4 / biohazard 4
>r / b
>Far Cry
>Saints Row
>Not in garbage
Explain yourself.
And then you log onto another computer and fucks up all your custom categories
>log onto another computer
Kill yourself.
>some autistic hero/disney employee went through and fixed all those fucking inconsistent naming schemes a few years back
>the dumb faggot who "updated" battlefront 2 ruined it again