Helium tank arrives today

>helium tank arrives today




i know youre meming but helium tanks arent strictly helium anymore, they have oxygen in them now
you wont die, you'll pass out and end up with brain damage for the rest of your life

kill yourself

Not true, if he passes out then he'll keep breathing the same air over and over again until he runs out of oxygen.

im good faggot

That's really fucked up. If someone wants to kill themselves why can't they? Is it because of the Jews?

it's because we have a limited supply of helium left on the planet and it's needed for more important things than NEETs killing themselves

>i-im g-g-good f-faggot
says the guy who knows all about helium tanks and suicide involving them

sanctity of life it's a gif blah blah i'm gay

isn't the hottest meme now using nitrogen gas instead, because it's basically the same effect but cheaper/less scarce?

Unironically had that exact same controller as a child, that little mask comes off

if you’re in america unless you’ve been diagnosed with mental illness or have a criminal record it’s much easier to just buy a gun
you can find dirt cheap shotguns for $200-300

>soyboy AND wojack poster
you’re just making yourself look bad
this shit has been well known for a while, it’s been posted here for a decade

>tfw live with parents and can't buy gas tanks and masks to kill myself
Rope it is.

Why does he wear the mask?

Leave it to Sup Forums to argue who is more of a faggot in a suicide thread.

GR 15

Nitrogen works better than helium since the atmosphere is 70 something % nitrogen.

So it's okay to waste our precious helium on party balloons?

That is messy as fuck. But if you're dead, then I doubt you'd give much of a shit.

It's been eight years user.

imagine actually being this autistic

I would but the tanks aren't pure helim

This is what happens when you don't use trigger warnings.