Thanks for the beta-testing guys!

Thanks for the beta-testing guys!

looks just like the japanese guy from black mirror

PUBG cinematic universe when?

at least he's not black like 90% guys from black mirror

>every platform
>mobile and switch pubg
God the game ALREADY runs like shit

Better than trying to copyright an entire videogame genre.

I already have the superior Fortnite

You're supposed to have the superior version when you say that. God console peasants suck at this.

what's superior, the one with chinese bots?

I thought he looked familiar!

you joke but Tencent is currently developing 2(two) mobile versions of pubg.


>paying for digital distribution
>paying for games being released as the cancer known as "games as a service"

Already in beta.

there are already dozens of smartphone clones cobbled together from asset store stuff the same way pubg is
the fact is there is nothing special about pubg.


What kinda "franchise" can you even make out of that? PUBG has no character, no innovations, no interesting setting. It has nothing at all.

Funny thing about this is it is a cycle. The next one will be like dayz with a better building feature but zombies changed to soldiers and such. Next will feature planes and shit with bigger maps so like planetside.

>pubg in 2017


Then people will clamor for pure pvp with no roaming so like CSGO.

it's an ok game
fun with friends

Fortnite BR isn't going to be one upped. The reason why H1Z1 and PUBG died was because of technical issues, which Fortnite BR doesn't have.

>a universal

Are these people working with windows text editor? Holy shit

EA is the king of retarded releases, why they didn't repurpose a Battlefield game to turn into a BR title? Hell, use that failure of BF hardline and you have a success

this is a dumb thing that can be said about literally anything
if the game isn't fun on your own, it just isn't fun period

>play Fortnite
>get sued by Epic Games

What's wrong with "a universal"?

They don't have an army of mercenaries that abduct and torture cheaters like Epic Games does.

>it's fun with friends

So is every fucking video game in existence. Aquaman on the Xbox was fun with friends also.

Jesus fuck, a game needs to be fun on its own.

>best selling console game by far last gen is a port of a pc game
>best selling console game this gen is very likely going to be a port of a pc game
>apart from this the best sellers are overwhelmingly multiplats

Do console players actually not see a problem with this?

>xbone exclusive
>have been on pc for over a year

I’m more concerned with them trying to turn PUBG into a franchise. How would you even do that? No potential for action figures cause everyone looks the same. What story can be told besides ripping off Battle Royal. How about a animated series or a ride at universal?

You know, in the end, it's about family.

it's supposed to be "an universal".

No, read "universal" out aloud and you will notice that it starts with a vowel. A is correct.


How stupid do you have to be to claim that PUBG is dead, especially compared to Fortnite lol

Holy shit its so delusional

Console exclusivity lost its meaning. If theres a console exclusive it means you cant get the game in the rival console while they release the same game no pc. Ofc theres exceptions.

for me, pubg is one of the few games where not even playing with friends is enough to make it fun. it just feels so bad to play that i'd rather do just about anything else than play it

have you requested a refund?

PUBG anime when

i bought the game in like april and have gone way past the 2 hour limit. i was dragged into games for a while until i decided never again

So you rather Fortnite gets the advantage there? Because its only a matter of time before Switch gets it.

shut up