Anyone else here make girl characters in video games because they want to be a girl in real life?
Anyone else here make girl characters in video games because they want to be a girl in real life?
not really
i just make them girls to look at their slutty butts while playing
No, neck yourself. Sage
no, but I do make girl characters and gap to them during and after character creation
I'm pretty sure all guys would pick being a cute girl over being an average-looking dude. Everyone wants to be cute. Just look at VRchat, even straight guys willingly pick female anime avatars because they're cute.
what if I want to be with girls, but want to remain a dude
Playing a miqo'te literally turned me into a tranny
I do it because I like to get fucked in the ass.
no, I make them because I'm a lonely virgin
>make girl character
>play as her for awhile
I make girl characters in video games to get bullied, serve others and relieve their sexual tension.
But how else will I create sexual tension in the first place?
Post the sauce, I'm begging you. Dark skin and light hair is my only weakness
Nah I'm not some faggot, but i always have to have a female character, especially if there's dress up in the game since females always have way more options than dudes
Takeda Hiromitsu for the first one. ground zero for the second one and this un.
Okay, let's say I have a raging erection right now.
Now it's your turn.
No, I tend to make characters I want to go on an adventure with. A grizzled old wizard dude, a cute thief girl, whatever I find interesting.
I like playing cute girl characters while having no desire to be a girl and I don't even feel sexual attraction to my characters as well as dress them like proper, respectful ladies, not sluts.
Thank you for being a man of culture
i always create cute slim boys because I want to be slim and cute, not chubby and cute
But Sup Forums is not a video game, user. If I ever meet you in a video game though, that's a different story.
What games do you play?
Gunna need a source for this image my guy.
Yeah... I'm glad I'm not the only one that wants to be a girl...