>people born in 2000 will be able to post here tomorrow
>their first console will have been a PS3 or 360
I say that as if kids from 2006 are not already here
>people born in 2000 will be able to post here tomorrow
>their first console will have been a PS3 or 360
I say that as if kids from 2006 are not already here
>guise look at me Im old! Pls hold me guize XDDD why does time pass?
>everyone is born on the first day of the year
really gets me thinking
>I say that as if kids from 2006 are not already here
what even is the point?
Maybe it's time for us oldfags to leave.
exactly, what can we do?
What you mean liiiiiike.... grow up and get off our anime website?
Minimum age to post should be 30, without question.
Burn in hell all you young faggots, you're all actually fucking terrible.
Look at goofy so angry
What game made him so angry Sup Forums?
I've been on Sup Forums for ten years and as much as I doubt I'll ever leave, I certainly don't post much or lurk as many threads these days.
I'll ask a question because I don't get a reference and I'll get called a newfag because I didn't read a thread from two weeks ago at 2am.
You definitely need to invest a lot of time in this place to get the most out of it and I just don't have the time.
I work full time and have a gf now, I don't even play games anymore. Let alone read up on CWC latest exploits or catch on to the new hip buzzwords.
I'll never leave but this place definitely isn't for me anymore.
fuck you I was born in 91'
You really need to take up Chuck Grassley's example
When he flips to the history channel and doesn't see history on it he changes it lol
We need to bring back "lurk moar". I remember how much I was whipped into shape once I lurked for a year before posting. If they try to drown us out with "muh sekrit club", then reply "Lurk more" twice as hard.
ITT post your age and first console
20 and PS1
Well it's already 2018 in New Zealand
The lifespan of a game disc was 2 months at most
I really hate myself for not taking care of my games back then
atari 2600
25, Mega Drive
I don't know why I even come here anymore.
Pretty sure kids born in like 2012 are already posting on here
I assume that’s who posts the whirr threads
18, GameCube
24, Sega Mega Drive
Nintendo 64
if you were born in 2000 your first console was a PS2 retard.
also most gen Z kids played on hand-me-down consoles from the 90s before actually buying one.
Sega Master System
27, SNES
Why do I still come here
Raise it to 27. Anyone under 27 is a pants shitting retarded with the undeveloped brain of a kid, and I hate their fucking guts.
N64 technically on christmas, but brother sold it for a Ps1 same day
You dumb? Tomorrow is when there's no doubt someone born in 1999 is old enough to post here.
Game Boy Color for handheld
N64 for actual console
Wrong, retard.
22 PLAYstation 1
also did anyone else play this game?
I don't think anyone talk about it.
game boy pocket
24 psone
29, Commodore amiga
36, Atari 2600 bought for chump change three years after the crash. My parents had done a remarkably good job of keeping me of being aware Nintendo was a thing until a full year later.
Mint is my waifu
I want to fuck those polygons so bad tbqh
it's true my og gamecube was a pre-owned
It's correct, fuckface.
It's other way around, the MAXIMUM age to post should be 30. Anyone over this age should be having a job, a family and just getting their life straight, not shitposting autistic shit on some obscure imageboard. What the fuck, oldfags? Get a life ASAP.
Lurk moar has always been the warchword. Without that, this place might as well be a forum.
Some console that looked like the first xbox where I play Super Mario and Lode Runner. Then I got a PS1.
mint was OG waifu.
gonna look up r34 for this game now
y'know, for a friend haha
Master System 2, but had an Amstrad computer before that.
Kill yourself, normalfag.
If you want adults to post then you want the minimum age to be 25.
Unfortunately, the majority of posters are around 15.
Crusty oldfag here, stop being so whiny. Your post is hardly what I would call quality. This website's best years were had with majority underaged users pretending to be adults, admin included.
a max age isn't necessary user, most of are too busy or jaded to post anyways like you said. Even if I want to be a lazy sack of shit on a weekend there's just too much suff that needs balancing and nobody around to do it for me.
as if being a creepy weirdos was better than being a normal well adjusted mentally stable male :') you have to go back to /r9k/ and Sup Forums you pathetic NEET :)
So I wasn't a console pleb.
do you really think, that the age checkbox keeps any kids from clicking yes, and more importantly that anyone cares if somebody lies?
25 secondhand NES
epic, simply epic
5 and iPhone
>undeveloped brain
You're talking about 25, not 27. Maybe you're the one undeveloped? I'm kidding, just get your facts straight. Frontal lobe development occurs on average at 25 years of age.
When I first went on Sup Forums I was still an underaged faggot though.
I remember when "toasting in an epic bread" was somethnig people unironically said.
>just get your facts straight.
Don't you EVER tell me what to do.
I still have my Amstrad, I’m still sad I departed with my Tulip however.
>>their first console will have been a PS3
but the PS3 has no kid games the whole "ps3 sux" meme only retended to vanish when naughty dogs spammed those shitty uncharted sequels and spinoff. It make more sense to think they started with the wii.
well technically it was my dad`s, the first one that was actually mine was a NES
Third world country meant I experienced everything late. I went through the SNES phase as well and then got an N64 in like, 2002
Game Boy Colour
Atrai 2600
fuck I don't remember those powerful as fuck legs jesus christ!
25 and NES with a ton of NES games my grandma got for Christmas years ago.
Game Boy
But where else would we go, Winston?
They were good times.
Same age, same world category, and SNES, so yeah, it applies. DKC and DKC2 were the most fun games of that time. I never played Super Metroid back then and had to play it many years later, which is kind of a regret as I wish I had the chance to play it early.
Ps1 and Sega Genesis
bootleg russian nes
eastern europe yay
Riding a bicycle everywhere around all those mountains will do that.
Sega Genesis/PS1
18, n64
y'all acting like this website 90% newfag
Just because you lived with your parents to the ripe wise age of 27 doesnt mean you arent retarded.
>mfw 22 year olds think they are any better than 18 year olds
How would you like me to stomp your tiny hairless prepubescent balls for saying that to me?
23 N64
25 and Genesis
26, Genesis
SNES, N64 and MegaDrive
It's time to make room for younger generation
I'm 18, born in 1999. But I've owned and played extensively on the SNES, Gameboy Color, GBA, N64, GameCube, OG Xbox, PS2, 360, and PS3. And then basically all modern consoles.
Gameboy Color
This plug and play with the other pacman one
>2000 was 18 years ago tomorrow
I didn't even think I'd make it this far to be honest.
18, GBA
19, ps1
OG Game Boy
Sega Mega Drive if handhelds dont count
Atari XEGS