Why is it bad?

Why is it bad?

Chinese are spying in on ports.


They also have a stake in discord, read the terms of service

It's a good service and very versatile. I hear it has some data mining shit, but don't know if it's true or tinfoil. I wouldn't be surprised considering it's totally free, but I don't care enough about that to stop using it.

just depends on who you're comfortable with selling your data. in this case, they're probably selling your logs in addition to other info.

Literal botnet.



It isn't. It's killed all competition and it's an aesthetic and functional.chat program that will eventually replace Sup Forums

"how do you do, fellow kids"

That and some bullshit on ToS. Still better than Skype, so we don't really have any choice.

Where did you guys get this from?

It's garbage
The problem is there are no better alternatives

Read what you agreed to when you installed it.

Tencent is an investor and the program is closed-source. It's fair game for accusing of being a botnet.

It uses a lot of bandwidth for some reason

It's popular

still less than skype or teamspeak


I'm glad I didn't install it.

>Everything you post is yours
>Actually it belongs to us
How can anyone defend this?

popularity doesn't always equate to quality

>neckbeards afraid of a subclause in a ToS that will literally never apply to them
o no but the chinese will see me posting memes to my friends :o

Can i upload other people's works and let this company profit off them?

>tell the people that own the work you uploaded that discord is claiming it as theirs
>make another chat program to rival discord
>discord goes under from legal troubles

You can't. It's usually used against you in court should you sue them, and that's (probably) the real reason why they do that.
That, and control means might.
Fuck tencent.

discord is jewish

>replace Sup Forums

You jest , yes?

They also resell your information to other companies.
Remember, free usually means you are the product.

sneaky jews

I think it's American/Chinese

>To develop Discord, Hammer & Chisel gained additional funding from YouWeb's 9+ incubator, who had also funded the startup of Hammer & Chisel, and from Benchmark capital and Tencent.
>Benchmark is an American venture capital firm responsible for the early stage funding of numerous successful startups including Dropbox, Twitter, Uber, Snapchat, Instagram, and Discord.


They aren't especially sneaky about it, user. It's just that nobody gives a shit anymore.

>wow I wonder how this ad-free free service keeps running xD

>need an account
>community managed channels a.k.a "your rights ends where my feelings begin"

Nah, they're planning on controlling what people are allowed to post more when they add a real report system and that's when it will die.

yeah, it's been normalized. target demographic is young gamers. young people readily give away their info to everyone. they're even dumb enough to commit crimes and post about it on social accounts linked to their identity.

Give me 1(ONE) reason why I should use discord instead of mumble

That's how all social networks operate. You didn't think websites and web services ran on magic and fairy dust, did you? They have to make money somehow. You either pay them with money, pay them with your data, or pay them via viewing advertising. People have chosen to pay with their data.

Make a quality free and open-source Discord replacement if you want to get rid of them.

It's not you just don't have friends.

Thank God I never had Facebook

irc > whatever other faggy numale soyed-up chat bullshit you queers use.

Mumble is shit and always has and will be shit.

What about the browser version? Is that just as bad?

>irc > whatever other faggy numale soyed-up chat bullshit you queers use.
My man.

It's literally the same thing sweetie.....

t.a fucking t-rex

What do you have to hide? You're not a nazi alt right are you?


Oh no they're spying on all my hentai posting.

kickback. service isn't enough for my info. give me achievements.

>>community managed channels a.k.a "your rights ends where my feelings begin"
That's wrong though. You can easily just make your own server and have nothing happen unless you post CP or something and somoene rpeorts you for it to the Dscord Twitter or something. I am in so many Discord servers that have dedicated porn/nsfw channels, and I post gross images from this site on my sekrit club server of friends all the time.

My jimmies only get rustled with Discord when it comes to Steam games and there's always a collection of fags who want you to use it over the Steam one.

It really triggers a nigga why moment for me since invites are tied to the steam client so you're bound to be fumbling with that anyway.

Everything spies on you. Everyone is selling your data. To think otherwise is almost endearingly naive.

What's the difference between teamspeak, mumble, ventrillo, and discord? Only ever used mumble once and discord now.

that's how any social media works

Yes so give up all together and join the botnet

Datamining, I guess. Privacy is totally dead these days but it's a con alright. Somehow I got used to the unfunny messages you see when booting the program.
I just use it for gfur and such so whatever.

those same faggots would be asking you to use skype anyways so basically nothing has changed. I don't get why people don't just use steams voice chat.

>implying i care that some private companies look at the memes me and my friends keep on posting on my server
Sup Forums please

I've had a Steam group chat for years before moving to Discord and steam group chats are garbage. I don't know how Valve has gone so long witohut realizing they need to update it:
>chat somehow magically desynchs and breaks, so it looks like everyone's in the chat still but just not saying anything until you rejoin and see everyone got disconnected
>voice chat is awful, sometimes laggy and low quality
>maintenance tuesdays meaning everything involving Steam servers gets nuked
>terrible role management system
>all groups have to be publicly visible
Don't miss that shit at all.

I have friends that want to use facebook to organize group gaming sessions instead of just making a steam group and doing it through there to group up. Had to make an account just for that and keep it quarantined in my browser.

I just upload funny pictures I find on here to show my friends.
It's not like I'm uploading my own works of art to it.

This is fine.

>give up all together and join the botnet
It's either that or make your browsing experience extremely cumbersome to the point where you may as well throw out your computer and live in the forests.

Everything you post on this site is logged too by the way. Get banned by a mod and try to repeal it, and then watch as they mention your other posts and bans and judge you.


>This day and age, not having your own "TOS"

>By aknowledging me, with ADS or whatsoever, i get ownership of everything and i can modify this anytime

Just act good, and don't nuke everything cause it could cause "dislikes"

That's actually worse because you're encouraging the community to have multiple discord channels when they see something they don't like.
Also to participate in a channel you need a link to the channel right? Which means you can't browse channel related content like you can in Sup Forums. Saying that discord will replace something entirely different is objectively wrong

No. What I can do (and am doing) is limit the amount information I decide to share with others, but that takes way too much effort for the average user so they don't bother and tell everyone else to give up instead. Some things are a necessary evil but that too can be minimized with in some form or another.

>Not getting a new IP and deleting your cookies when you get banned

This, it makes me laugh when people post unironically that they are actually anonymous here


It's only used by sissy white boys

I think he means appealing. Probably because of its ease of use and all that.

>not being in a blacks only discord with bro-tier homies sharing twitter memes while talking about life, sports, and vidya
must suck for u white boy

>but i dont care enough to stop using it
And thus the cycle continues. Just as all of our posts and captchas are a data mining operation to sell us more garbage every year or make us guilty of wrongthink.

>heh fucking discord plebs they dont care about security like me
>uses a imageboard that tracks and bans by IP run by a jap that uses it to mine bitcoin


>not being a black man in a 99% sissy white boy discord

Literally free boypussy whenever I want

How is that any different than the faggot mods here? They ban people for shits and giggles and delete any thread they dont like.

there are white women for that part user

>can't delete your account ever

It’s the pre-Microsoft Skype of 2017.

>Sisko Pepe

choice bru

This. Dunno how many times I've been banned or have had my threads 404'd for on-topic discussion just because it was something that triggered mods. They can do it so easily too because of that line going "the quality of posts is very important."

>post WHIIIIIIIIR meme
>post deleted

>Pepe and wojack posting is okay and even embraced outside /r9k/
>post something else entirely and get banned

The PC app is literally just a chrome browser that loads the web version as said.

I forgot, how's the Resetera discord these days?

White women are disgustin my nigguh. Da sissy white bois are where its at. Feels good knowin dat the white boi is finally realizin his role when he's near da BIG BLACK DICK.

Only reason I use Discord is to keep in touch with some friends I made in a guild on WoW which we all eventually left and some moved on to other games

Any kind of guilds that "require" you to join their Discord consists 99% of memes and bantering and 1% announcements (which can be done w/o a fucking Discord)

[citation needed]
There are people taking the race bait in this thread btw. Is that what you people consider related to the topic being discussed?

I joined to it to learn some smash things and spy on other people to help me gain an advantage at my local scene, so far its paying off.

Die barneyfags

>he has never had one of his posts deleted by a mod for no reason
You're probably a very boring nintentoddler

He probably never even dumped porn until the thread was 404'd

You have to painfully search through a warren of bots and third-party programs if you want to export logs.

I got banned for dumping guro once. Otherwise, no I really haven't had any of my posts deleted for no "reason". There's a board more suited for you guys

>there are people who think they're not newfags yet have never been permabanned

Reddit is a better place for you, you boring nintentoddler window licker

I remember having a Disgaea 5 thread deleted by the mods back when it had just released on PS4 because someone posted the STICKY RUNNY BUNNY CUNNY pasta in the thread.

>made a file name thread a couple of days ago
>had non-vidya webm, but the file name was vidya related (essentially the entire point of the threads)
>mod 404's it

meanwhile a bunch of fagtalk or feet or whatever threads stay up till 500+ posts

They definitely will hand your info out to other people somehow. My friend once had his account get into the hands of someone else even though my friend never shared info with anyone. The imposter would be on my friend's account and be seen playing games my friend didn't own. If I messaged my "friend" when the imposter was on the account they tried to play along like it was my friend and I eventually called the imposter out on it. My friend eventually got home from work and changed their login info and stuff and to my knowledge it didn't ever happen again. (I think). This happened roughly a year and a half ago.

Why the fuck would you upload data you plan to make money from on Discord tho?
The spying is bad, so is selling your data tho, but everybody does(unless you host your own server) so we barely have alternative.