Do you like the first game or the second game more?
Parasite Eve
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First. NMCs a shit
The first, the 2 ruined everything and the 3 doesn't exists.
The first was great but I like the second's gameplay more.
ATB was a pain
Second was good too, though.
>3 doesn't exists.
Was it that bad? I'm tempted to play it just for the bonus outfits.
>ATB was a pain
ATB the best. If I wanted to play an action game, I would play Resident Evil. Just teasing, I haven't played PE2 yet. I might give it a shot as I work through my backlog
Second. it my most completed game ever.
love both
and fuck whoever shits on 2 ur a fucking faggot
I like both. Fuck 3, though.
The first game has the benefit of Daniel being there.
how are you supposed to impregnate this thing
2, but I love them both
Every PE game that followed the first one is a burning heap of trash garbage. If trash garbage is your thing, hey good for you, but don't pretend it's anything but trash garbage.
back of the knee perhaps?
love them both for different reasons
Second game. Kenichi Iwao(RE1 writer, PE2 director-writer) is highly talented at world building, the famous "itchy tasty" note, Umbrella, Wesker, MIST, No.9, Raccoon city, Dryfield all comes from his brain.
The first one felt a little too Final Fantasy to me.
It's the Ultimate Being. It impregnates you.
You don't. It impregnates you since it's on the top of the evolution pyramid.
The reason PE2 gets so much hate is because PE1 fanboys are butthurt and T3B fanboys attack it to make T3B sound better and more relevant, it's a game stuck between some of the most cancerous fanbases in gaming, surpassed only by the MGS and Zelda fanbase i believe.
Maybe I was too harsh on the game, better replay it.
>tfw wrong turn
You know at first I thought this was bullshit but in retrospect I'm surprised and kind of pleased they had the balls
What happens?
You died and have to fight the UB again from the start.
All 3 were fun and great for different reasons. Third Birthday was a blast gameplay wise even if the story was shit.
I liked the second
never played the first
God Bless Japan.
Rpg styled combat>Shitty Resident evil tank controls
its a good gamethe only reason i like resident evil games are the tank controls, theres just something great about em
If you play TB, do yourself a favor and play that shit undubbed. At least make some part of it tolerable.
I enjoyed both games but prefer the gameplay of the first, the level design of the second was pretty great though. TTB though was a straight up dumpster fire though, almost fun gameplay but why the fuck was it a Parasite Eve game.
>play that shit undubbed.
Oh, I only play NTSC-J now so I should be good.
You might as well ask me whether I prefer Dino Crisis 1 or 2. They're different enough games so I can enjoy both for their own strengths. Although, it's hard to deny that wheres first Parasite Eve had its own identity the second was Squaresoft's answer to Resident Evil. Not to mention all the "where are the strong female characters?" fucks tend to forget about Aya.
First was cool, played the second for maybe an hour before dropping it. Dunno, it just didn't grip me.
Aya is the epitome of a female character
3rd Birthday's on sale in America a little while longer if I'm not mistaken. How bad is it really?
What's the rundown about her in 3? Did she lose all her powers again or something?
It's a fun little TPS game, but it gets alot of hate for the nonsensical bullshit plot.
Play the game, skip the cutscenes and you're good to go.
>Not to mention all the "where are the strong female characters?" fucks tend to forget about Aya.
The people who usually say that don't actually play video games.
So good gameplay, shit story? I can live with that.
>but why the fuck was it a Parasite Eve game.
Technically it wasn't. Tabata just wanted to make some game so he reused Aya and marketed it as "return of Parasite Eve" to guarantee profits. Square Enix can't use the "Parasite Eve" brand name anymore, so the Aya character was stuck in limbo, in a way i'm grateful for this because it means that Tabata's attempt to rape the Parasite Eve series is non-canon.
As I recall, it was supposed to be a different story, but they lost the rights to whatever cast was supposed to be in it. In order to save the work they'd done, they slapped Aya in it and just said "there, it's Parasite Eve 3." Aya and Maeda are completely out of character, and the story ties to basically nothing. So yeah, the story makes little sense and should just be ignored entirely.
Are the Parasite Eve novels translated and good?
The first game has better plot but the second one is far far superior in Eve-rything else. Also you don't have to run away from a faggatron in a boat.
The first by miles. It's the perfect video game.
PE2 just makes me want to play RE instead, although it did freak me out several times. Picture fucking related.
It is.
I like both equally, 3rd birthday was fucking garbage and I refuse to acknowledge its existence. I wish they'd remake the first two.
I just read a synopsis and apparently Aya isn't there
I always wondered how people don't complain about PS1 era despite having all the shit people go apeshit now.
Lara Croft was a massive bitch, Aya Brea, Konoko and Claire Redfield were strong career womyn and defacto single mothers (though in Resi Jill was the career focused and Claire the motherly one) and Hana was a turbodyke and literal prostitute.
The novel takes place before the first game.
Oh, then why can't Square Enix just make "Virus Eva" or some shit instead?
Because these characters are actually good strong women characters
I started reading the novel, but it seemed kinda autistic and bored me to tears desu
How are they different?
If they made modern Parasite Eve Sup Forumsacks would trash it for having female protagonist and bunch of useless men. Of course Aya was justified as she was the only one who could do shit but the outrage doesn't care about facts.
I don't really care what Sup Forums thinks, or why they throw childish temper tantrums.
The only problem I have with female protagonists is when they state over and over again that womyn > men or some shit.
I'd actually like more games with girl protagonists but not because muh inclushun, but just because.
Actually the problem is shit writing not the message.
Many of the classic french comics like Laureline and Valentine constantly bash all the male characters who are at best blunt instruments that are only kept around for dick and because places need occasionally be nuked by a deep striking in a super agent.
Thing is, the original PE didn't have shit like that. Aya was completely capable cop without being arrogant, and questions several times why she's the only one that is able to save the world - she doesn't revel in it, but rather gets freaked out by it. Her partner, Daniel, is a fucking champ. Worries about being a good dad, pulls various ass-savers during the game, and survives falling out of a fucking helicopter while on fire. Maeda was the only one that was really looked down on in the game for being an awkward nerd, but he was also the brains that figured all the shit out and created the only weapon that could kill the Ultimate Being.
Then they pulled Third Birthday with shit like "look, you can dress up like a sexy office woman and your clothes take battle damage! Who's Daniel? Maeda can't stop talking about how hot he thinks you are lololol."
So honestly, if people were to bitch about a modern PE game, it's because that's what they turned modern PE into - a shitshow. If they made another game like PE1, I see no justification for bitching.