Why don't you use ReShade, Sup Forums?

Why don't you use ReShade, Sup Forums?

>those filters

Too much tinkering for so little

I only use it if I find the color of the original game too bleak for its theme, I don't care for bloom and dof out the ass.

Man of taste and culture.
I also use it to offset obnoxious color filters if they exist.
Bloom and DoF users should be gassed.

fug off


>so little

>Too much tinkering
It's the easiest fucking thing to install ever.

I don't use it very often though because it fucks a lot of games up.

You fucked up and oversaturated it.


Jesus christ kill yourself.

Make me

I play games the way the developers intended

Is the game or mod doing the blurring? It looks like poop.

>blacks are now blues

Holy shit end life.

Yeah I was really into blue when I made it

Shit taste is real.

got you covered senpai

Oh come now on, you cannot argue that this looks good? You've turned a dark and brooding experience into a cartoon.

I really love colors, can't stand grey/brownish experiences

Do you work for Grezzo?

The original wasn't great, but yours looks even worse.

I too appreciate colors over drab gray shit user, but light touch. Instead of just ramping the vibrance up to max, experiment with the black levels and curves to enhance, not override.

Notice how my blacks are still black.

This. There has to be some sort of dynamic there

I appreciate the advice, but I'm really just into oversaturation.
I'm also trying to make people mad here

That actually looks surprisingly nice. What gaem?


Just for you user. It's on sale too, and tons of fun.

Believe it or not, saturation actually kinda' works in Metroid. If you really want to trigger people, you have to oversatturate realistic-looking games.

Metroid was always saturated as fuck

>trying to make people mad here

Jokes on you, I actually am retarded.

That's the reason why I cut the last frame.

"Better gray than garish." - Jean Auguste-Dominique Ingres

It's actually harder these days. Nine years ago you just needed to post a photo of a game running on a mac, to get 300+ guaranteed replies.
It's pretty hard to bait the general user if you want to stay away from the usual, boring consolewar or some fanbase-specific trigger

where can i get this, looks sorta cool.

Your opinion is objectively wrong

>Suicide Squad first reveal
>Suicide Squad final cut

OP do you take requests? I want to see Ico or Shadow of the Colossus.

>find nice settings
>game turns into a slide show
Not very potato friendly

>use shaders to good effect
>try to share knowledge on them
>guys like come along and discredit such enhancements with their retarded taste

I can't even tell if he's trolling.

It's really cool to drive around with this reshade while you're drunk irl, but I wouldn't recommend a full playthrough like that.
I have no idea if and where you can find a similar enb online, I made this

no shit sherlock

I've only ever noticed a performance hit with Cemu because the emulator is fucked up somehow. The settings you found are trolling you.

Underrated game.

When you turn the subtle yellow of a street light into burnt orange, that's probably a hint that it's too much.

I call this the Samsung filter
anything looks like this on a Samsung display by default
they call it good, when in reality is just overblown reds