The other thread is filled with politics garbage. Let's talk about the best video games of 2017

The other thread is filled with politics garbage. Let's talk about the best video games of 2017.

10) Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
9) Tekken 7
8) Night in the Woods
7) Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
6) Destiny 2
5) Cuphead
4) Super Mario Odyssey
3) Nier: Automata
2) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
1) PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Other urls found in this thread:

>Abby and Ben are the two people that don't want PUBG near the top
>Neither of them can argue above kindergartner level

Jeff > Vinny > Brad
No one else matters, burn Giant Bomb to the ground

>"Fuck white people." - Jeff Gerstmann

Inb4 butthurt Danfags

Playing 8 hours of NieR and watching its endings on youtube makes you a worse judge of it than the people that fully finished it, in my opinion.

It's pretty impressive that Nier got that high

but is it good and do i like it?

Fuck you I liked tropical freeze and it's amazing soundtrack

Does anyone find it weird that out of nowhere months and months after release nitw was getting shilled heavily on their podcasts, then they have the creator on beastcast, and it ends up on the top 10 when it has no reason to?

>6) Destiny 2

Hehe, what do you mean? They're just a (((friend of the site)))



>Abby managed to get a character from Dream Daddy into top 3 literally just because he's trans

And I thought her brainwashing Vinny into supporting Cuckhead over P5 for style was bad.

Nope, it's just not very good and it's not cohesive and I dunno I just don't like it very much, it's not great and you have to look at 2B's butt which is NOT cohesive, I guess some people like it but personally I don't think it's very good or cohesive and it has a very generic anime soundtrack, I don't listen to a lot of anime but that's what it sounds like to me, it's really problematic in how you're forced to look up 2B's skirt which is not very good, it would be better if the music and gameplay were more cohesive but they're just not very good or cohesive and I don't like it because it should be a lot better than it is but it's just not good, it's not good and I don't like it and it's not good or cohesive at all

Are you trying to say that Alex pretended to like Nier to get him to write a top ten list?


we know

>Battlegrounds is an asset flip that has the distinction of winning big off a dollar scratchoff. People are losing their minds because you can now vault over things. I refuse to believe this is a finely crafted experience.
What did he mean by this?

nitw = Night in the Woods

>giant bomb goes to shit because of politics
>people point this out
no youre right giant bomb is very good and so cohesive

I havent listened yet; did he actually say this? Perfectly articulated and based.


>0 score
even the reddit hugbox can't defend this

Ok, fine.

He actually wrote it down and sent it via text. Jason can't articulate that well.

He wrote it, they read it out loud had a nice chuckle and proceeded to ignore it completely

Nobody take the bait this time.

>Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
What? How come it's in top 10?

Do you think abby is good?

>I think it's very good
>It's fun
>The characters are fun
>8 hours

you just did. at least @ him so he doesn't get (you)

Because its good and cohesive.

I think it's marvelous, I think it's amazing, I think it's astounding, I think it's astonishing, I think it's awesome, I think it's breathtaking, I think it's sensational, I think it's remarkable, I think it's spectacular, I think it's stupendous, I think it's staggering, I think it's stunning.

People who have never played a VN in their lives think it's revolutionizing the medium and love it because it has faggots, interracial faggot dating and trannies in it.

Well, I'm convinced

Old school Vinny was great, but he's gotten pretty insufferable imo since having a kid. He talked about how a game was too gory and really just brings me down now. Jeff and Dan are all that's left

I think it's veeeeeery good.
It's just like fun. The characters are fun.
They're not like one-dimensional. They actually have like depth like very good LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE

Dan is still too much of an attention whore for my taste. Vinny is tamer but still legit and legitimately funny.

This is unironically the worst list I've seen this year.

It's honestly one of the best I've seen, since it doesn't have BOTW on the top, like most.

Don't you have a dick to be choking on?

It's a VN with a novelty premise and solid-but-not-amazing writing.

No one on Giant Bomb knows shit about VNs, so Abby just lied its way onto the list by claiming it's some genre-defying masterpiece instead of a simply competent westernized VN.

>The left thinks that arguing against homosexuality will save them from the impending course of doom that they have set this country on


I suspect everyone knew Abby was full of shit and just let her have it anyways. Not even Dan was retarded enough to fall for it. Vinny even said that it was probably not pioneering anything but that he liked it regardless.

she lied about nier too so it's not surprising

She actually said "it's very good" twice within the span of about ten seconds and completely unironically near the end of the GotY discussion.

I don't want to hate Abby but I feel like I'm being pushed into a corner here. She is clearly out of her depth, she has no understanding of video game history to form comparisons or constructive arguments, and can just spew shit out of her mouth for several minutes without actually saying anything meaningful. I hope the hate forces her to leave or that Jeff comes to his senses, but I doubt it because she's very likely the type to cry anti-feminism.

It wasn't even the best Western meme VN this year.

I thought Dan did pretty well in the discussion this year at least. Only one that really pressed Abby on her argument for DD in the slightest.

I could tell instantly they were bringing up night in the woods on the podcasts to make it seem more natural when it ended up on the top 10. Giant Bomb is beyond saving

This is the first year I actually watched the video instead of listening to just the audio, because Dan's faces he makes when she says the dumbest shit are hilarious

I agree. Dan has always been pretty great in the GOTY podcasts. He stops being retarded and actually takes it seriously while having fun. He's unbearable aside from that, though.

Instead, it has a walking sim that only chinks play. And it also includes literal non-games, like the gay Tumblr VN or the furry Tumblr adventure "game".

Battlegrounds being game of the year is like an action flick being movie of the year. It may be fun but in no way does it have the quality to deserve such a title.

It's just, like, VERY GOOD.

the gb crew have obviously picked a side instead of staying out of politics and they gone so far into that side they're ostracized tons of their old fans. Of course threads will be shit up by political talk. This is the fate the gb faggots chose.

I want dweem Dadi on da liss iz fun VINNI GET DWEEM DADI ON DA LISS

I hate Battlegrounds, but calling it a walking simulator is just straight up retarded.

>Not Yakuza 0
>Not Persona 5
>Not Divinity 2 Original Sin
>Not Hollow Knight
>Not XCOM2
>Not Nioh
>Not Resident Evil 7
>But fucking Dream Daddy just because it has gays
>Best game of the year is an asset flip with no story, characters, new gameplay mechanics, map design, distinct visual style, memorable music, original setting, deep lore

When trying to make an argument for a game, she would consistently string together sentences like "I think it's very good. I think it's fun and the characters are good".

What the fuck does that tell anyone exactly? Did she just want people to remember she was there? Why did she keep speaking when she had nothing to say?

She's hoping that she can overwhelm the opposition into bowing down to her opinion with the most relentless amount of white noise imaginable.

She's gonna double down and be even more insufferable next year. I can't fucking wait, senpaitachi.

I'm sorry. Would a waiting simulator be better? You hide in buildings as long as possible, then walk to the next safe zone, then repeat until nobody is alive.

As if the Dream Daddy conversation wasn't annoying enough...

>defend Dream Daddy's writing as being fresh and unique for the genre (an outright falsehood) and slowly "convince" other duders to trust you on its quality
>REPEATEDLY try (and fail) to shit on Nier's story and try to downplay its themes and writing, refusing to trust her fellow duders on these matters since she flat out has no knowledge of most of the writing or story of Nier

Considering she also shit on Nier in other categories where it made no sense ("Generic JRPG Music", pretty sure she also shit on Emil for Best Shopkeeper at one point), it's clear that she has an agenda and was arguing in bad faith the entire time.

I don't hate Abby outside of GOTY, but I feel like she's only going to get worse considering no one was willing to really challenge her or call her out, so now this behavior has been rewarded.

>literally tires everyone out by circle jerking with "it's a very good game that I think is very good" for 30 minutes to get Dream Daddy on the top ten and push Yakuza off despite Dan's arguments making more sense and Yakuza being an objectively better game

>Dan makes a based strategic comeback to prevent her from doing the same thing with Cuphead by sacrificing Odyssey to be switched with Nier, locking Cuphead beneath Odyssey
>she continues to whinge for Cuphead to which Brad responds "I think that ship has sailed" and is visibly shut down
>actually boos at Nier and PUBG at the end of the discussion like a literal fucking child

>complains that you need to spend several hours in Nier before it gets good
>Ben calls out her hypocrisy by reminding her that she said you need to spend some time in Dream Daddy to get the dad book before the game becomes good
>"w-well that's 45 minutes compared to several hours"

She's such an insufferable cunt. Even when she's proven wrong she can't admit fault.

Casual reminder that Abby has a cute sister


But Abby is the funny one ™

Should've hired her. At least she's nice to look at.

Friendly reminder that the only reason why Dream Daddy got on the 10th spot is because Vinny liked it
Friendly reminder that the only reason why NieR went down from 2nd to 3rd was because Vinny wanted it to be so
Friendly reminder that Abby cried for Cuphead to go higher and NieR to go lower for three hours and she was ignored the whole time
Friendly reminder Abby spoke the most and made the least impact
Friendly reminder Abby is worthless

>#1 game for Alex Navarro
>#2 game for Austin Walker
>On the GOTY lists of her SJW mentor Danika and her girlcrush Janina.
>Praised by Polygon, Kotaku, and fucking Waypoint.

So whats Abby's deal? She can't even play the sexism card or the other usual SJW tricks when literally every other SJW is praising Nier. Is she literally so stupid that she can't even keep up with the trends of her social circle? I wonder if even other games journalists are looking at her and wondering what the fuck is her problem. Just looking at the guest top 10 lists, how angry must she be that so many respected and experienced members of her industry are praising a game she's so impotently furious about?

Holy fuck she is so ugly Jesus Christ.

What credentials does she have to even be steering the goty discussion so much? She is supposed to be producer

What's on the side of her face?

There are two possibilities
One is that she learned about Nier through some annoying asshole and she has an association problem that made her dislike Nier ever since
The other is that she originally thought she was gonna be the valiant charger of the "Nier sucks" movement before realizing no one agrees with her, but now it's too late and she can't change her mind because it projects weakness, so she keeps doubling down

Wasn’t she supposed to just be doing tech stuff for east? She would have been fine at just that i don’t know why she started to get so much spotlight put on her.

>Friendly reminder Abby spoke the most and made the least impact

She's fucked with best surprise with her stupid mummy bullshit and she is the reason Dream Daddy is on the list. Vinny would not have wanted it there and they gave it to her as a pity spot. She also completely fucked Yakuza

>she learned about Nier through some annoying asshole and she has an association problem that made her dislike Nier ever since
I mean Alex is pretty bad

>never played The Mummy and seemed to know jack shit about it going into GOTY
>tries her hardest to push it into top 3 for Best Surprise because OMG ITS A MOOOOOVIE GAME

At least the others making that argument fucking PLAYED the game.

>The other is that she originally thought she was gonna be the valiant charger of the "Nier sucks" movement before realizing no one agrees with her, but now it's too late and she can't change her mind because it projects weakness, so she keeps doubling down

This is what I think. I think she initially thought that there would be a number of SJWs who would jump on the hate bandwagon with her, but now it hasn't happened and so she's been left stranded by herself looking stupid.

She literally implied at one point that all females hate Nier because there are upskirt camera angles. The guys looked at her like she was some kind of fucking moron.

She's presumptuous and spews shit without any factual basis because she isn't a journalist. She is unqualified for GB and any kind of detailed discussion like the ones they have each year. I'm convinced she's only there because she's fucked Vinny for the job and if he fires her she'll bring the whole damn site down.


>Did she just want people to remember she was there? Why did she keep speaking when she had nothing to say?
Have you ever been around women before? That's literally all they do.

>One is that she learned about Nier through some annoying asshole and she has an association problem that made her dislike Nier ever since
The guy that introduced her to GB hates it. He also wants to fight you for being sexist.

I'd believe the latter possibility. She probably thought she could use her anti-Nier crusade as a springboard into the industry and realized too late it makes her sound like a petulant cunt. If anything I can't even imagine Waypoint taking her in with how stupid she sounds when arguing. Say what you will about Austin, but the nigga can argue with something resembling actual reasoning and he already has enough diversity hires.

Just imagine her trying to get a forward-facing job anywhere else now. All you'd have to do is post a supercut of her goty arguments and that'd sink any job application.

She has a pussy pass.

Just who the hell is Casey Malone? Is he relevant in any way? Jesus Christ.

after these deliberations it's really

Death of Giant Bomb>Dan>>>>Alex>Jeff>Ben>Jab>>>>>Brad>>>>>>>Vinny>>>>>>>>>>>>Flabby

>abby during the entire GOTY podcast

People are getting way ahead of themselves. One podcast and people pretend Dan and Alex are the best of the crew? I can't take this seriously.

honestly solid list even though i really disagree with dream daddy

the sheer amount of assmad that it's made Sup Forums is fucking hilarious though

> Tekken 7

You don't need to feel obligated to include fighting games in your list if you don't care about them, especially if they're cash cow re-releases from 2015.

I still can't stand Alex. In every category it always seems like he's the one that says the "Just b/c we're eliminating is doesn't mean it's a bad game" over and over

After GOTY deliberations, I honestly believe Abby is simply stupid.

While Dan is a fool, he's self-aware - this, and his stupidity has been blunted by being 30+ with years of experience in video game journalism. He's written (writes) reviews, has experience as an on-camera personality, interviewer, etc. He's experienced, and he's able to articulate coherent arguments for or against games despite occasionally displaying a baffling. Even when he's being egotistical, it's at least entertaining. He's able to discuss things he DID, rather than things he IS. His anecdotes are interesting.

In contrast, Abby is
>A self-regarded "comedienne"
>Self-centered, often redirects conversations to be about her
>Petulant, acting as if deliberations are a competition, rather than a celebration
>Literally boo'ing games other people are passionate about, inventing ad hominems
>Incapable of forming coherent arguments for or against games
>Literally lies because [???]
>Feel the need to talk when she has fucking nothing to say
>Railroads games she likes and dislikes based purely off of irrational reasons

She's an alright personality on GBE content, but she brings nothing to GOTY deliberations. She just seems... dumb. The worst part of this shit is people crying "sexism" when she's critiqued. A lot of people went into GOTY disliking Ben, the other new hire, but he received a lot of praise for making coherent arguments and being respectful.

When she starts her "i think its very good the writing is so good its funny its coherent" she gets into that same rhythm or manner of speaking as if shes suddenly reading from a script or remembering practiced lines or something. its bizzare. i might understand if shes tryig to recall actual arguments she told herself to make, but its just weird

>Self-centered, often redirects conversations to be about her
Dan is very guilty of this too

In terms of taste and reasonability? Yes they are at the top. Overall maybe no but people are mostly ranking them based on GOTY performance.

theres so many unpaid game bloggers/journalists/youtubers,twitch streamers/etc all out there working their asses off getting experience, followers, credibility, knowledge, and so on.

and all of us have resumes thrown into the garbage so they can pick up some 22 year old teenager fresh out of college who has zero experience, knowledge, or interest in games.

yes yes
>the city of me for dedicating so much of my time and life and making sacrifices just to get a low paying game-related job
but its just ridiculous

Fair enough, if that's the case, I agree. Alex was in top tier shape these GOTYs.