Could you beat Chun in a fight?

Could you beat Chun in a fight?

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I would lose on purpose, pretend I was knocked out then she w

I can't believe Chun killed user before he could finish his post

Possibly. Though those kicks it'd be a problem...


we would have a pretty even fight, but evventually she would get the better of me

until she realizes it was a hologram the entire time

god I wish that were me

Why aren't muscular martial arts qts real?

Fighting with an erection is too difficult

>Why aren't muscular martial arts qts real?

Great taste


One of my faves


karate qts are the best


Judo qt is better

Judo girls are great too

and kung fu qts

>mfw the only vidya Judo qt is Ryoko

No but I want makoto to beat me up though

Think again

Women are weak so yes

Even if i posted examples now you would just say the guy wasn’t trying or of course he lost because he is not a 300lb giga nigga like i am

>women are weak

Post one for a laugh.

Should be lretty easy for these guys to out strength her and throw her off right? They are born as guys after all and there fore will have superior natural strength even at the same size. Should be easy.

Thats not a fight. Thats some hoe using a jiu jitsu on smiling giggling boys in a park who are happy to smell her sweaty armpits. I knew you were full of shit

Hey should be easy for them to throw her off user. If they csnnot do that what makes you think they can do anything else?

Want more?

Not sure why the last link posted wrong here:

If I was a horse, probably.

Are you retarded? They arent TRYING to throw her off. They are play-wrestling on purpose for the camera. You think if they weren't letting her show off that any one of them couldn't pick her up and slam her on her spine rendering her disabled for life?

>*ignores all the links i posted
>has never grappled in his life from an inferior position in his life and thinks you can “shrug that off”

You are retarded. Anyone one with a weeks training of Jiu-Jitsu will see you are retarded too. Its ok user, got to be a normalfag at something

I want them to rape me

Jiu Jitsu is a fucking meme. I can only hope you get raped by a mexican one day to prove it to you

>still offers no comment on the links

You had your chance with the first video you posted, it was bullshit, so Im done with you.

>white/jewish "women"

Kek what a complete salty nigger i win.

Any more where this came from?

What game?

Rumble Roses

Thanks nig

I will make her submit.

Can't beat the cock, man.

At least she was nice enough to hit Submit.

She’s a real stand up gal. 10/10 would be crushed to death by her thighs.

Of course we can. Even the strongest woman is still weaker than an average guy.

>tfw she will never squeeze your head between her thighs

Can you do hadouken?

Why even live?

I beat my cock all the time

No, but I never intended to. Instead I would take a stance with my legs set really wide. Not enough so that it's really obvious that I'm doing it on purpose, but enough to make it noticeable that I'm open.

Then my dreams would come true

I miss when Chun Li had actually human proportions like this.


i'd invite her into my guard and heem her stiff
if you know what i meme

I could beat my dick in a fight with chun li

>Chun-Li will never be real
>you will never be in a real street fight with her
It hurts so much

>Chun-Li will never be real
>you will never be SFV balrog in a real street fight with her
>you will never get to TAP that

so, for a very short period of the lifetime of street fighter




I got a little chun li within me.

>tfw when I first started mma as a teen an older girl knocked me out on accident
>later on she let me win at grappling on purpose so other guys don't laugh at me for losing to a girl




I ain't gonna say it. I'm gonna THINK it, but I ain't gonna say it.

i would fall down and wait for her to top mount me and then eat her out into submission

Just bring a pistol and tell everyone you beat her to death.

Now you can see why in those post below yours. The faces.


Hey, I met her some years ago. She is really nice and beautifull. And flexible. She can still make the Scorpion Kick. She is awesome.

Alpha Chun-Li is and always was best Chun-Li.

Around 20 years yeah

No mortal could beat someone who can pull the shit she can.

She'd probably literally kick the shit out of me in tachi-waza, if I had the chance to get close to her and take her to newaza, I would 100% win her with a choke or an armlock, but standing, her kicks would be the end of me.

Chun could beat me with those thighs anytime.

I'd beat her up, chop her arms and legs off, and mail them to the police department.

I can't even beat depression.

but.... why?


t. JD

>see OP pic
>oh boy, Chun thread, this going b gud
>get 3DPD dump instead

I suddenly want to be beaten up now

A-user! Come back to me!

Depends. Who is her main and what's her rank?


It depends.
Are we in the real world and she comes with powers? Does she come power-less?
Are we in a H-game?
Is she a designated jobber for our fight?

I would beat her, then eat ver.

God I wish it were me.

No she would overpower me and choke me with her thighs wouldn't that be funny hahaha

No, but i'd probably beat my dick

It doesn't really matter what she does next, because he already won.

Chun is now challenging you to a fight handicapped in a wedding dress with the stipulation that if you lose, you're forced to marry her on the spot. What do?

Give up

>Sup Forums "human"

I'd probably lose, since I'm not trained in any fighting, but if I was, I would fight to win, then instead of her forcing me to marry, I force her to marry me.

Try to tackle her but situate my self were she counters choking me with her thighs.
