Ottomans are the good guys

>Ottomans are the good guys
>Byzantines are the bad guys
why do people like this trash?

they don't.

I thought this game was widely disliked compared to 2 and Brotherhood

was this before or after the fall?

of course the byzantines are the bad guys
religion is evil, and christians are especially evil because my mum forced me to got to church when I was young

Ezio was also an asshole who had no problems throwing civilians into a meatgrinder to chase his target.

Then he killed the loyal boss of the jannisaries like a retard and didn't feel bad about it.

Then he got the main villain killed, despite him being extremely reasonable, and instead allowed his warmongering batshit brother to take the throne.

The plot on this one was dogshit

Poison bombs

I liked it, though it wasn't quite as hype as the trailer made it to be.

I'm also muslim, so there's that.

> plays a game about a Muslim organization vs a Christian organization as a member of the muslim faction
>wah wah why are yhe muslims the good guys

Because it's historically accurate you dumb byzaboo. Greeks have always been awful rulers, who only destroyed states inherited from their betters (Macedonians, Romans)

>has cute bookworm gf who had to work her way up in a male dominated society to follow her dreams
>damns the city to hardcore muslims by stabbing everyone reasonable

allah akbar my brother

People don't like Revelations, though

The byz empire lasted 1000 more years than the west roman one my dude

About 50 years after the City became rightful turkish clay.

mashallah akhi

>cute bookworm gf

no wonder Sup Forums is a shithole when shitskin goatfuckers post here

you will be the first corpse of the yihad stupid dhimmi.

Spoiler : Both sides are actually controlled by the ottoman

Well it is ubisoft but everyone knows Ottomans aka turkroaches are disgusting and the real evil ones. They are the reason the entire middle-east and Balkan + their Homeland is so fucked up

ابقي غاضبه أيها الكافر

I was honestly surprised there weren't people in the game walking around going

>you know what we should call this place "Istanbul"

The bomb mechanic in this game is shit by the way.

was this game released when everyone was rock hard about crafting systems?

I'm not even talking about the crafting, just the actual usage of the bombs.

Brotherhood and Black Flag are the only good ass creed games

The city was renamed centuries after so having NPCs say that would be dumb

Dhimmi are the ones who pay jizya, you're thinking of kuffar, hajji

>unironically being a muslim

It was so frustrating.

>Occupied citizens trying to restore their rightful capital
>Constantinople well known for being at odds with the papacy, the main villain of the series

>Ottoman empire, one of the largest and historically most threatening empires, are presented as good guys
>lol, orthodox are corrupt like the pope, Muslims are bros

The only thing it revealed is how fucking stupid the writing staff is

Don't forget that Lucy is templar in shitty dlc

>only historical character is a young Suleimeme

It made internal setting consistency sort of sense.
>Templars are bad guys
>Rome was Templars
>Byzantines were Rome
>Byzantines were Templars
>Byzantines are the bad guys
>Ottomans fought Byzantines
>Ottomans fought Templars
>Ottomans are the good guys

The central conflict in the series is between the templars (representing order) vs. Assassins (representing chaos), not between christians and muslims. Unlike their historical counterparts, these two groups consist of people from vastly different cultures, time periods and religious backgrounds.

In the previous games, the Papacy were the antagonists because it was a templar-controlled organization, whereas in this game, the Ottoman government was portrayed sympathetically because they were pro-assassin. In this game and even in the first one, there are certain antagonist muslim actors/factions that were sympathetic to templar interests.

Why are people saying the next game after Origins will be set in ancient Greece? By 50 BC ancient Greece was completely annexed by Rome.

this game was horrible compared to the 2 and brotherhood

In order to portray the Assassins as the good guys they always have to be on the right side of history. Ubisoft would never have the balls to pair them with a losing historical faction.

Didn't they do that in Unity?

>make AC set during Russian Revolution
>Bolsheviks are Templars
>Tzarists are pro Assassins
>optional: include open world meme

Unity was a bit of a weird case because Arno didn't care one bit for the assassin cause.
Even then, though, you were helping Napoleon in that game.

Would be cool. Rasputin was confirmed to have a shard of a piece of Eden.

Have they already said it'll be set on 50 BC?

Say what you want, but the ending of this game was a masterpiece.

>theres good guys and bad guys in history

They haven't said anything. So far it's been just "rumours" that it'd be a trilogy of Ptolemaic Egypt, ancient Greece and ancient Rome.

But they literally can't go back earlier before 50 BC because there was no assassin brotherhood before Origins.

Assassins sided with the French on the 7 Year's War. Though that's Rogue, where you play as a Templar. And it came after 3, so all the Templar's victories wouldn't last anyway.

Haven't they said before that Assassins and Templars go back as far as when the Precursors were alive?
I haven't played Origins, but they did a similar thing with Altair, Ezio says that he rebirthed the Assassins

You are correct, however Origins was canonically the first game to have an official assassin brotherhood.

Also funnily enough in Origins, Bayek's wife is a seasoned assassin in the game, yet AC2 and Brotherhood confirm it was Altair who mandated the rule that women are allowed to join the brotherhood.
So I don't know.

The Romans controlled land against others' wills as well. The Byzantines are an offshoot of the Roman Empire. So tell me how the Ottomans are any worse than the Byzantines?

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