The human eye can literally not see more than 60fps

In the latest season, Bill Nye confirms the human eye can only see 60fps. You have 10 seconds to justify your 144Hz monitor.

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there is a diference between a 30 video and a 60fps one, I asume videogames work the same

Yes. But there is no difference above 60 because even if your GPU is drawing 120 frames per second, your brain can only process every other frame as the human eye cannot see more than 60fps.

Move your mouse pointer quickly across the screen.


Bill Nye the reddit guy

Bill! Bill! Bill! Bill!

the human eye doesn't see in frames retard

desu this doesn't prove anything, I have a 165 hz monitor and I still get teleporting cursor effect

>not having eyes inside your head

Isn't 144hz just how fast the screen responds to the computer? It's a separate thing from fps.

there's no version of vsync that syncs your eyes with the game's frames

Yes it does idiot, the retina transmits light signals to the brain and each cell in the retina can only transmit one light level at a time. Each discrete transmission from all the cells of the retina to the brain is one frame.

I remember when Bill Nye was on Battlebots.
I miss Battlebots.


Which of these run at 60fps

The eye doesn't see in FPS, vision is an analogue system comprised of:
>Mean count of rods was 60,123,000 +/- 12,907,000, and mean cone count was 3,173,000 +/- 555,000.
that are all operating individually, feeding data into the occipital lobe which processes and sends cleaned signals across the brain to trigger action potential as needed.

Moreover the refresh rate on your monitor impacts frame latency, meaning a 60hz monitor is bottlenecking frametimes artificially in any circumstances where you could be drawing above 60fps. So on top of the input latency caused by a monitor you're also introducing a couple extra milliseconds of lag. While that does seem like a thin margin, between the subject, their input peripherals, processing time, and their output while also factoring network latency it adds up pretty fast. Is it going to make you a better player? No.

Reminder that the only people who try this sort of claim, have never seen the difference firsthand.

Dismissed etc.

actually each eye can only see 30fps
so people with 2 eyes can see 60fps together
people with only 1 working eye can only see 30fps
which is the reason theres so many people praising and defending consoles
console peasants lose their eye when younger

>how fast the screen responds to the computer
That’s the response time.
Refresh rate is how many times per second the display can change the image

But that's wrong, the occipital lobe amalgamates and processes signals to render a frame, but the eyes themselves do not see in frames due to the disassociation of the individual cones and rods. This is why you have tracers.

I remember when Billy Nye wasn't a fag and he didn't have a show about gay ice cream orgies

>You have 10 seconds to justify your 144Hz monitor.

Game engines that have frame-limited performance.

A shit ton of older games actually rely on the CPU speed for operational speed, so what happens when you try to play a game intended for a 120mhz CPU on a quad core 3.2ghz CPU?
Something unplayable that needs an emulator to slow it down.

The same applies for certain modern games, where unlocking the framerate causes oddities.
Like, ability regeneration or enemy rate of fire increasing dramatically.

And how the fuck would that faggot know?

Wrong brain second only coint ads half a computer second so you have to do the math idiot, multiply by 2 then you get the answer. Ill leave the rest up to you.

that is wrong. first of all its weak bait because you provided no source. and second of all imma gonna enlighten you anyways.
the human eye does not work in frames. what humans percieve is the bounced back and flitered reflection of light.
light is ultraviolet. that means it is invisible but also all the colors at the same time.
when light meets a surface every color gets absorbed by it except the one that is the same as the surface it collides with. that color gets bounced back and the human then can see the color on a surface.
to achieve this the human eye can perceive partial differences in light as soon as the light gets reflected on a surface. it processes a constant stream of information and change of information. thats how we can tell frames apart in the first place. thats also how you can tell theres a difference between 30 and 60 fps but also between 60 and 120+ fps.
the eye is a marvel of evolution and biochemical engineering and is literally capable of processing light faster than it travels even though that doesnt happen. because the light needs to be percieved first but from a biological standpoint it is very much capable to do so.

This, I always pity them though. Must be hard to live with only one eye.

Okay, but in that case the brain is still rendering one frame of information at a time. You aren't seeing literal screen tearing in real life by having past and present parts of scenes processed by your mind at the same time.

Ergo humans do see in frames per second.

Only one I know of is Yakuza 0
>It's a PS3 port

>light is ultraviolet
nigga wat

Response time is a weird measure for ghosting and there is no set standard for it. It's not what you think it is though, it's a time measure for the panel to shift from one tone to another. You're thinking of input latency which is the time from the GPU to the panel, which ranges from something like 9 ms to extraordinarily high about 90ms. With that said, he is actually partially correct as the panel refresh can add a layer of artificial input latency on top of it, which is why vsync was developed.

>no source

What is the image title? What is the OP text? If you're not even going to be serious then just leave.

Was Bill Nye coming back some sort of monkey's paw situation? I'm sure there were parents who wished "Man, I loved Bill Nye the Science Guy as a kid. I sure wish he'd come back and teach my kids shit!". Next thing we know, Nye's back and preaching there are 63 genders.

this is true! also we only have two ears so 7.1 speakers are a scam! wake up sheeple!

>screen tearing
This supports the opposite argument. That is a phenomenon that requires frames and it is absent.

Street Fighter V

No, they don't. Wave your hand in front of your face, you will see that there is a trailing effect, that is the cones and rods changing dynamically. The eye is dynamic, the brain is dynamic, the system as a whole is dynamic.

yes. light is a wavelength.

>tfw human eye unironically cant see past 3p

So has anyone actually watched it to tell us what actually was done/said?


Ultraviolet isn't visible light you brainlet

Feet arent shoes, user.

For every gender there is a frame in the space reality so games could possibly reach 63-67 fps. Any more and its a scam.

Then why is 144 vs 60 insanely obvious?

neat trick making your copy of bloodborne float but it doesn't run at 60fps

It's like you stopped reading his post at "ultraviolet"

It's not, it's marketing/placebo. As in "gee don't you want to waste money on this expensive new monitor?" and "I didn't waste money I can really tell the difference!"

That sentence and the following sentence make absolutely no sense

>Bill Nye
>Knowing anything
The best he can do is pull from actual scientists or get his naive tranny following to yell loud enough.

>that guy eating crab legs is only having fun because he paid money for it. my uncooked potato is just as good!



It came back for two seasons on ABC recently, if you didn't know.
Didn't seem to get renewed, but the creators seem intent on making another season happen.

>implying I give a fuck about what that sjw pandering cuck says

Perceived motion in the brain operates at higher than 60 fps, you still need to match the brains processing speed, it's not like you eyes flicker at 60 fps you retard

Same number of genders too.

>tfw Bill Nye is a really cool guy and I met him in person as a kid
>he's just a nice guy that wants kids to be interested in science because he thinks its neat
>he said some political shit and now everyone hates him

When the fuck will politics be illegal in america
When are they going to stop doing this shit

Why did he even have to bring politics into it
Why do people have to forget everything else about him just because of his political views
Why the fuck are americans so fucking retarded about politics?

I like Bill Nye, I still like Bill Nye, I don't agree with some of his views, but I still like him and think he's a cool guy.
Why the fuck can't americans do that, why do they treat politics like some kind of flaccid internet slapfight between two teams, and you're either with one team or the other .

our eyes dont see in fps you fucking dipshit

I'm pretty sure it was republicans who brought science into politics, not the other way around you asshole

Even reddit hates bill now

Reddit does whatever Sup Forums did 6 months ago

>buzzwords and blatant ingorance againce hard facts

Listen... The guy really believes we only see in 60 fps. He cant be a real scientist... You and i both know that. Its time to leave bill in the past with all the other 60 fps console babbys.

yeah, this guy is right. it's all those damn republicans like former vice president al gore with his global warming films

But Reddit didn't start hating him randomly, he done some AMA where he just showed he's a pretentious cunt that tries his hardest to constantly sound smart and deep.

Everyone except you has said he's a cunt irl desu

He isn't a real scientist, but he genuinely likes science

He's not an intellectual, he's an entertainer, but he genuinely loves science and wants kids to love it too

My highschool science teacher used to date Bill in college and had him come visit class after we found out and bugged her about it enough, he's super chill and a really nice guy. Makes me kind of sad that people hate him now over such trivial shit. It'd be like hating Adam West because he's not actually a skilled martial artist.

>light is ultraviolet. that means it is invisible but also all the colors at the same time.

Light isn't made up of uniform UV waves which are then transformed into other waves, the other waves are produced at the same time and are there before being reflected by an object.

Ultraviolet is its own color, not all the colors.

educate yourselves niggers

People don't like him now because he stopped teaching actual science and started spewing pseudo SJW science.

Well if Reddit says he's a total cunt asshole that doesn't know anything and is just pretending, I guess I'm wrong and he was just tricking me when I met him in person and chatted with him for like an hour.

Its a good thing reddit exists or I wouldn't know what to think about him, I would have had to just make my own decisions based on my own experiences and opinions or something

This basically. He was fun before he started pushing an agenda.

>teleporting cursor effect
would happen even at 1000hz. it's a thing windows does you idiot.

Gee, I dunno, maybe his confirmed 145+ IQ?

I mean, I don't like his new show, but I don't think thats any reason to start hating the man.
So what, he has some political views that I don't, that doesn't mean he's some asshole, he's just getting caught up in americas obsession with being political right now. Everyone is doing it, mostly because it sells, honestly I wouldn't even be surprised if Netflix gave him certain things to talk about because they wanted the show to generate buzz or 'click' with todays youth.

Still, I hate this whole outrage/political culture shit thats been going on, where if you find out someone has political beliefs from the opposing team, suddenly they're a piece of shit and they were never good.

The right does it whenever they find out someone leans to the left, and the left does it whenever they find out someone leans to the right.
Its so fucking stupid.

I genuinely can't understand why americans get so booty blasted when someone has a different political opinion.

But IQ only measures your ability to recognize patterns

A food analogy evrey time

Your 60 fps reception is not synced up to a 60 hrtz monitor you tard
Have you every seen a recording of a computer screen through a camera?

You know there are a lot of batshit insane bullshit spouting people with high IQs right?

then what are you trying to prove with that idiotic experiment?

>such trivial shit
Like what? When he's presenting counter-scientific claims as literally "world saving" pro-science, and deriding scientists who identify and factually debunk those claims, it's clear that he's motivated to ignore science which doesn't support his political views or supports the political views of people he dislikes. And since he's still a trusted 'science guy' to the public, it's dangerous for him to have counter-scientific motivations.

>play vidya on 144hz monitor
>smooth everything just looks smooth
>play on 60hz
>choppy mess

Explain this athiests.

I wasn't the guy you were responding to, but you can still see the effects of refresh rate by moving your mouse. An better test would be


Hmm, do you browse pol?

It's fine if he is passing off his views as political, but he isn't. Believing that everyone's gender can be represented by a flavor of ice cream and pushing it as fact is fucking absurd. I like old bill, he taught me some cool shit, but new bill is a brainwashed pseudo science scumbag now.

>hand doing a thumbs up
>not on top of all the games

We all know that's bullshit. You can do blind tests and consistently tell the difference between 60 fps and 144fps...

Nice bait nignog

>And since he's still a trusted 'science guy' to the public
He's not a real scientist though, he's a "science guy"

It'd be like hating these two because they aren't actually mechanical engineers.

They're just entertainers, I kinda have a hard time believing that anyone could grow up actually watching Bill Nye and still considering him an actual serious scientist.
I really wouldn't be surprised if a large portion of the people that hate him didn't actually grow up watching his show, they were just aware of him from pop culture references

>some sort of monkey's paw situation

who knew an aerospace engineer who read lines on a script would be so shit when the script was written by mentally ill retards.

Bill Nye is a fraud that pushes pseudoscience and blatant fake science as truth.

grow up you fucking KEK

I can see the difference.

Went from a 60hz display to a 144hz G-Sync display. The difference is immense and I can never go back to regular 60hz displays again. I doubt 60hz will be the standard for very long, there's no reason for manufacturers not to have higher refresh rates.

Why does it bother you that people want to have nice things?

Bill Nye is not a scientist.

My sexuality is seeing in 80fps and Bill Nye said you have to respect my flavours so checkmate, OP

you're retarded




nobody's making him get political but himself
he could have enjoyed his retirement and legacy but instead started spouting political/ideological views and calling them scientific fact

i don't understand why you think he's not doing anything here, dude. he doesn't "happen" to have political views, he's literally coming out of retirement to shoehorn them in wherever he can and using his clout to push an agenda.

i get your confusion, but bill's not some clueless old man tripping over controversy here. he knows what he's saying.