Patrician gamer fuel only may enter here

Patrician gamer fuel only may enter here

cunny is my gamer fuel of choice


>not limonata
OP, are you video games? Because you seem to be playing yourself.

Everybody drinks limonata you plebeian, only true soda patrish knows about the blood orange

Canned flavored water tastes gross and dehydrating compared to anything that comes out of a plastic bottle. Prove me wrong.

Speaking of which, citrus flavored sparkling water is best for gaming.

>>Everybody drinks limonata you plebeian, only true soda patrish knows about the blood orange
Blood orange is the most overrated citrus. It's the honeycrisp of citrus. I'm unsurprised your hipster tastebuds tell you its good, scum.

>not ketchup

>drinks from plastic
I get my milk, soda water, and water in glass bottles only

>not grapefruit

Just water for me thanks


I started drinking Diet Coke for the taste and now all these years later I can't fucking stop no matter how much I want to. I don't want kidney stones.

>glass bottled water

Yeah at work

Mineral water
It's like deluxe water


What's mineral water anyway? Like soda? Or just normal water with minerals

actually it's clementina


This was disappointing as fuck. I'm not even one of those "all water tastes the same!" plebs, I've had Romanian spring water and it was delicious, but Fiji water is just ridiculously overrated.


Forgot pic

Thumbnails make these cans look like they're wearing bras.

VG Cats? Nice

jesus christ user
all drinkable water has minerals
demineralized water is the one you use to iron your clothes and shouldn't drink

Thats some Freudian shit user. You have a 50's fetish or something?

Link the set senpai

>nearly as much sugar as soda
>not nearly as sweet
Lmao just drink juice.

Anything that will prevent you from becoming obese / skinnyfat (like me) because of the sedentary life style


Mineral and soda water are interchangable terms here.

>iron your clothes
Only women and servants do that, I've never touched an iron and never will

my nigga


That what I always thought, because at the restaurant when I ask for soda they always clarify if I mean mineral water, but then I hear like "mineral spring water" does that mean there's ponds of water that's soda?

Am I cool yet?