Make embarrassing username for account as a kid

>make embarrassing username for account as a kid
>can't change it and can't just start over because of how much you've put into it

Whatever you say xXxSasuke_666xXx

faggot OP in another thread had all his accounts revealed

>use weeb name
>can't change it
>non-weeb friend asks for friend request

>all the stuff that I made embarrassing usernames for is so old that it's all defunct

Thank God.

All those... Moments will be lost... in time, like tears in rain.

>initially used embarrassing email for family reasons
>sister calls me by it occasionally

>ywn be an AI

your spacing is retarded thats not how he said it at all

Yes it is, I literally watched the clip as I wrote it.

>not ready to drop a thing as meaningless as an account at a moment's notice

I'm literally stuck with the username I made when I signed up for GameFAQs in 2001. I did, finally, after about 15 years, manage to drop the numbers from the end though.


>Have a decent/creative and most importantly unique Username since a child
>All cringe posts you've ever made can be found by a quick google

Be glad you have deniability. There's tons of xXxGoDlYsLaYeRsXxX but only one of me.

tfw my actual gaia online name was XxNightmareWishxX

i try not to think about it too much

her latest RE7 video was extra cute

>tfw only ever lurked websites as a child and rarely posted so I don't see anything retarded I might have said as a child

Yes, you can, OP.
I had a steam account with thousands of games, dollars and hours spent on it.
You know what I did? I cut that shit off like a cancerous mole and started a new.
It was refreshing. Now I have one private account and one public account exclusively for people I know in real life. It feels so fucking good.

>that old flash game forum you posted on is down, all the dumb shit you posted is gone forever
>tfw finally dropped my old cringy handle i made when i was 12

>steam username is my child nickname
>send mail to steam to see if I can change it
>"Nope, you're stuck with it forever"

fucking ironic weeb


I've literally put in my name. When I was restringing xbl account I didn't know what gamertag meant

>made some edgy nazi steam username
>can't change

>use fake name when I signed up for Bnet when I was like 12
>try to change it as an adult
>"we need your id, your SSN, your passport, your list of employers, your GPA, a DNA test, and you'll have to wait on the phone for 10 days"


>Usename starts with a number (4 and it replaces/means A)
>Make PSN account
>"The first symbol must be a letter"
>Replace it with A
>*Username taken*
>*Starts sweating*
>O-Ok I'll just change the numbers at the end to my secondary (and only other) option
>*Still taken*
>Put - between number and letter part
>Try _
>Put the most retarded name ever: IRL name followed by birth
>*Panic levels reach infinity*
>Try different number, puting _ and - between etc.
>*name unavailable x3*
>Put my normal username but put x on both sides
>Realize day later how retarded of a username I could have taken

>Tfw I made a super generic name
No one must know my secrets.

>not naming your online accounts after your waifu
fucking normies

>Edgy nazi name
You implying XxX_JewGa55eR_666_XxX isn't a God-tier username?

>remembering all the times you didn't capitalize "I"

looked like JewGagger for a moment

My email was created 14 years ago and it has the name "deidara" on it. I'm doomed.

what was I thinking back then...

>Tfw the one forum I regulared at is still up even after close to a decade after the original site just 404'd one day
>It was right at the crux of my Sonic Phase
>Mfw reading my own posts from way back when

i had tommy waisus voice in my head reading it.

We've all been in bad stages
gamewinners I think it was used to have this one "Eggpets" RP board. They were even autistic enough to have fonts to use for your OC donut steal pet. My autism from back then fears me.

glad all the forums i ever frequented have since shuttered.

>tfw you were too devoid of creativity to come up with a username that wasn’t just a combination of your first and last names

Pretty easy to still use my old handles

>posts a guy

>tfw my autism was never posted online
>it ended up being fully visible IRL with my edgy middle school phase instead

Camilla defense force is out today

>declaring boogeyman just because you posted a guy and claimed waifu

>My main username was generic enough I had to use variations on other websites so only one autism source can be breached

>pick edgy name as kid
>it becomes a meme when you grow up

I'll take it, better then being in your situation

>make username
>sounds like something else thats gay as fuck
>dont realize this until i give it to friends

Thanks PSN

Not a boogeyman if it's true, user :)

At least you can claim to have been into it before it was cool.

fortunately nobody sees it but you

>make a username just called ''Denis'' even though it's not my real name
>entertain the idea of this being my NA alias that everyone will know me by
>begin training signatures to put on work
>mfw it always looked like a signed ''Penis''

Aw, it's okay user
It's nearly 2018 so you can like guys

>people start making fun of your name in-game
>friends dont say anything

mine sounds very close to "lord virgin"

it was supposed to be some random gibberish!


At least it never got archived.

>10 years ago, on YouTube
>Someone is shitting on a game I like, and I try to defend it
>Not only does the guy make fun of my English, he also shoots down any positive things I had to say about the game and thoroughly shits on it, and me
I know it was one of you.
Batman Arkham Asylum is a good game, APOLOGIZE.

I've been using the same username for decades. In the past few years I finally wised up and started using throwaways with numbers for porn forums and shit, but man, it's a hassle.

Thankfully, 99% of all posts I've ever made online have been here, where it's lost in a sea of bullshit and anonymity. At least until an AI starts constructing profiles based on common word patterns and linking all this crap together.

It was shit, kid.

Gay for Hinoka!

>Trying to pic a good username for my xbox account
>Think of just putting my name and some random numbers
>Friends shit on me because it's "too lame"
>Try to imitate my friends
>End up with something like DaRkWaRri0RZ51
>They make fun of me, and use more normal sounding usernames
>Several people made fun of me constantly online for years

>User name as a kid is [videogame character] [word]
>Drop [videogame character] years later and just go by [word]

Crisis averted.

It was good, and it deserved all the awards it got.
Who is the "sad little cunt" now? You piece of shit.


>username was LiMe_WiRe for the longest time, played with it on UT99 and Q3A
>made my username on steam and several other games godofthematrix
>runescape account name was flex_man245 and still is, getting my 10 year vet cape in 86 days

what a time