>Hi, police? Yeah, I'd like to order the execution of an innocent father of two, in Kansas
> Yeah, just put in on the tax payer's bill and if you can, please try to deliver in under 30 minutes thx
Hi, police? Yeah, I'd like to order the execution of an innocent father of two, in Kansas
>Hi, police? Yeah, I heard some terrorists at 12 Innocent White Male Avenue. Maybe you should send a heavily-armed SWAT team there to shoot people with no warning.
>blaming this guy
Anyone got the name or photo of the cop that murdered an innocent, unarmed man in his doorway?
No, of course not. The guy who made a prank call was responsible. Cops are innocent of all wrongdoing, they spray death in the direction of whoever happens to pick up a phone and it's not their fault in the least.
I hate cops and I'm not even black.
thousands of times swatting has been called in without this result, how was he supposed to know? its still a fun prank that hasnt resulted in serious damage until now and the guy shouldnt be chastised for it, nor should swatting stop because one rare incident.
please don't lie on the internet
he was white
You just copy pasted this from pol you faggot.
Pic unrelated?
>be american
>lose on shootan game
>call swat
>Innocents get shot
such is life in freedom land
>Sup Forums cries when someone calls them a fag or says "gg ez" in a multiplayer game
>defends a le epic prankster that called a swat team on someone
>its still a fun prank
False reports aren't a fun prank.
>its still a fun prank that hasnt resulted in serious damage until now
No it's not and yes it has. How young/retarded do you have to think to think this is a funny thing to do?
>Police hear a call about someone threatening holding hostages
>Try to slowly reason out the situation and see what's going on
>Man kills all of the hostages, puts several cops in the hospital and kills himself because they hesitated
I'm not defending the police here but this is an absolute dammned if you do dammned if you don't kind of situation. There's a reason that false police reports are a crime, the system can't work if they have to second guess everything and at the end of the day if this sociopathic looking motherfucker didn't try to "prank" someone over fucking videogames an innocent man would still be alive in 2018
both groups are responsible equally, period.
Making false police reports is already a crime, brainlet.
>how was he supposed to know?
That defense would absolutely not hold up in court.
>harmless prank
People have been arrested for making prank calls on the police
Pic related called the SWAT team. He wasn't the victim.
In fact, he called the SWAT team on someone who pissed him off in a game, but that guy gave a fake address, which of course the police showed up to.
So the dead guy is the unlucky fuck whose address happened to be given at random.
>Anonymous 12/31/17(Sun)10:50:31 No.4017787
Yeah because he wasnt the victim of the shooting , idiot. Learn to read.
he made the call he got exactly what he wanted.
The cop could have avoided it but in theory if he was called for a terror attack he would have done just this and be a hero.
El americano....
watch this and tell me its not hilarious. If you dont think its hilarious then you have no sense of humor.
Someone (I'm assuming the fine looking gent in the OP) called in a false hostage situation to a streamer's local police station so that the SWAT team would raid him while on air. It's been done before, but this time it resulted in them shooting and killing him.
Degenerate calls police on video game streamer in attempted "swatting" prank.
Streamer provided a fake address so the police went to some random house.
The resident of that house, no doubt inexperienced with interacting with heavily armed police, appeared to move his arms toward his waist, and was shot.
Sup Forums is full of brainlets who think it's 100% the cop's fault or 100% the prankster's fault and cannot be both.
>fear that a man sorrounded by swat with rifles outside his house can somehow kill the hostages and damage the swat
don't fuck with cops. especially if they got guns retard.
>that'll be $1.50 + tip
WHERE is his JAW
prove it, also not your personal army. Imagine being responsible for him getting years off of his sentence by publishing his picture like this?
Fine then charge him with that but stop pretending he had any hand in that mans death, its not the same thing. Making a phone call isnt the same as pulling a trigger.
Logical conclusions on Sup Forums? Most people are either bootlickers or anarchists. Edgy kids here haven't learned that there is a middle ground yet.
this but unironically
Not him; I don't think it's funny but I AM glad it happens.
Nobody gives two shits about police due process because they assume anyone under investigation must be guilty. It's a problem that will never be fixed because there's a complete lack of public concern.
If average people start to become terrified that a SWAT team would bust down their door and murder them for literally no reason at all, maybe something will actually change. Even if only because police departments themselves will be sick of it.
>>that'll be 7.62 + hollow point tip
I am going to blame this amerimutt quadroon nigger because if he never swatted that guy the person would still be alive
Imagine if that was a real bullet that hit him.
>Someone kocks on your door
>Go out to check who it is
>Get shot
This is completely normal in America apparently
you wouldn't have survived even if you didn't fuck with cops
they were trigger happy
This. By not blaming the cops, you're saying any police call should end in someone innocent getting shot without issue
When will people learn to obey an officer when he's pointing a gun towards you?
>its still a fun prank
How underage could you possibly be?
How about someone Swats you and a retarded police puts a bullet into your autistic head?
>non-whites lack a basic understanding of morality
Oh so the streamer is fine? What a pity.
>how would he know telling people with guns there's a dangerous situation might result in someone getting shot
le 56 face
I mean, you do have to kind of be an idiot to call in one of the biggest gangs around. Not saying everyone should just go by who can kick their ass the most. But it couldn't hurt to consider this when contacting them.
>Cartel: These people have guns and shoot people all the time
>Police: These people have guns and shoot people all the time
basic risk assessment man.
>unarmed black man who literally didn't do anything (Garner, Grey, etc.) gets killed by police brutality
>Sup Forums bootlicks
>same thing happens with a white guy
member when republicans used to love the police?
It's been all over the news since it happened dude
Unironically kill yourself.
Of only the faggot who got shot was as good at complying with police demands as he was as video games he would have been just fine.
It was kansas. Guarantee you those cops were just begging for any excuse to wear their tacticool riot gear and dust off their assault rifles they bought using their bloated budget that for some reason never goes towards their salaries. This cop was finally going to get to show the people that bullied him in highschool how much of a badass he is. By the time that he got to the dudes house he was chaffed because the vest was way too tight on his beer gut and was in a shit mood because his boss made him take his chaw out.
>Man guns down all the hostages that' he's been watching over with his babykiller 5000 assault weapon in a minute or so, assuming he doesn't just have some kind of explosive set up that takes down him and everyone near him
It's the trolley problem, if you gamble that this is a false call brought on by some bugman who thinks it's funny you're literally gambling with peoples lives because the swat are expecting that they are only called for when it's important, as they have for fucking decades
>Oh so the streamer is fine? What a pity.
>but this time it resulted in them shooting and killing him.
> killing him.
Depends on your definition of fine, I guess.
you are so obviously a person of shit color. Also niggers act like its only them who get shot by cops. It's not a race thing. Cops are just psychopaths.
but it wasnt so again its not that big a deal. Its a fun prank, gtfo. we shouldnt punish everyone who swats because pigs dont know how to defuse a situation or do their due dilligence.
The "news" isn't the law you fuckface. They have no legal obligation to be telling the truth.
That's not how criminal law works you mutt mongrel
Remember when fear was considered a form of respect?
Because everyone realised they were also shooting white people.
See: the woman who got shot by police she called for help
In every swatting video I see, there's like 6 cops pointing their guns at some pasty nerd with his back turned on the computer and they're screaming at him GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND! All of them screaming, not just the leader. they're yelling over each other trying to be as loud as possible, its ridiculous. They clearly enjoy pointing guns at people. Fake calls don't even bother them, they just like to scare nerds and shoot people.
Isn't it kind of fucked up that cops can bust into your house based on an anonymous unverified tip?
American police is fucked up
why not both?
But user said the streamer gave a fake address and they went into some random dude
's house?
It's almost like you have literally zero idea what the fuck you're talking about. A)The reports imply that the cop immediately fired upon entry. B)The guy who was murdered didn't even play video games. The memester who swatted used a false address that was supplied to him.
>The United States of America
>implying anyone gives a shit about your shit country
What the fuck, mods? The Neogaf shit got purged on sight but this is okay? The faggot isn't even bothering to mention video games in the OP anymore.
The streamer wasn't the one who got shot
>especially if they got guns retard
All police officers have a gun on their belt.
Swatting is funny
>be american
>get shot
I don't see the problem here
This is life in the land of the free ND everyone knows it,by living there you accept this
Americans deserve it anyway
he is as much to blame as the one who pulled the trigger. If pic related is him, he gonna have a nice time with midnight intruders behind bars