>Metroid Prime 4 is now known as Metroid Prime Alliance and is focused on cooperation with the other federation soldiers. To defeat enemies. Solve puzzles etc. has a really cool stylistic cel shaded look.

>the new yoshi game is now known as yoshi crafty adventure.

>a new Pokémon game is coming to the e shop on 3ds. It's a new Pokémon pinball game the first in fifteen years. It will be free to play and you'll get one free table but have to buy the rest. Developed by the team who made the pokemon rumble games.
>Mario run will be coming to the switch on the e shop and you'll be able to transfer your date from the mobile one to the switch version. More information later.
>intelligent systems is bringing a new puzzle game to the e shop. Switch bricks. Looks alotnlike puzzle league.
>pikmin is announced for the switch. That's it. No more info. Except for the fact you'll be playing as oilmar again.
>the third Dillon game is coming to the west and will be called dillons dusty trails

But what about The World Ends With You 2

This is so lackluster I'm afraid it'll be true.


>cel shaded look

>no animal crossing

They've been busy with squid shooter too.

not gonna lie, I would play the shit out of Pokemon Pinball (provided its not more than $40). i loved that game on the GBC.

>Metroid Prime 4 is now known as Metroid Prime Alliance and is focused on cooperation with the other federation soldiers. To defeat enemies. Solve puzzles etc. has a really cool stylistic cel shaded look.

I have never wished for a post to be fake this hard. Jesus christ that sounds atrocious.

shit, nevermind I can't read. that sounds dumb.

why does this sound real?

>Pokémon Pinball
>3DS, free to play, Rumble team

I know the leak is fake but they would absolutely fuck it up like this

>new pokemon pinball
>free to play

Congrats OP out of all fake leaks, this one is the most realistic one

>>Metroid Prime 4 is now known as Metroid Prime Alliance and is focused on cooperation with the other federation soldiers. To defeat enemies. Solve puzzles etc. has a really cool stylistic cel shaded look.

I will go to your house and upperdeck your toilet you fucker. dont even joke like that.

>new pokemon pinball
I wish, best spinoff after the dungeons

>no fire emblem
>Metroid Prime Alliance
Holy shit thank god for being fake

This: You fucked up, OP.

>Metroid Prime 4 is now known as Metroid Prime Alliance
Why would they do it? They explicitly announced it as Metroid Prime four. Not "Metroid Prime for Nintendo Switch", not "New Metroid". Four. 4. し. 死ね.

How? They're not going to show every game.

Why does this seem so real?

FE Switch was confirmed ages ago. They'll show it for sure.

>no Animal Crossing

Fug, just end my life already

On the one hand, AC is popular enough that it could be good ammo for their E3's lineup, but on the other hand, they may want to start the year strong and also take advantage of whatever popularity the shitty phone app may still have.

the AC team also made s platoon. I don't think we'll be getting it for a while. Maybe an announcement. But I wouldn't expect one until next year or later.

>Metroid Prime Alliance

Stopped reading there. Kill yourself. This is obviously fake, which means you're pulling these ideas out of your own ass, so fucking kill yourself for imagining another multiplayer co-op Metroid game.


I know we're all just speculating, but "Alliance" ain't happening.

And you know

switch bricks is a bretty funny title, but not enough to get a (You), get fucked

>Metroid Prime 4 is now known as Metroid Prime Alliance and is focused on cooperation with the other federation soldiers.
-user's ass

>the team is working hard to bring “the action, isolation, and exploration of the Metroid Prime universe to life”.
-The fucking director

Another user here. Alliance and "feeling of isolation" are kinda different, don't you think?

Sperging out because you know it'll happen.

Holy shit, this.

>pikmin is announced for the switch. That's it. No more info. Except for the fact you'll be playing as oilmar again.
You can't trick me. Oilmar isn't a real character