Thoughts? Predictions?
Soul Calibur 2 "reboot"? Guard Impact?
Talim?? Kilik and Xianghua reunited?? Seung Mina returns??
Thoughts? Predictions?
Soul Calibur 2 "reboot"? Guard Impact?
Talim?? Kilik and Xianghua reunited?? Seung Mina returns??
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just glad i don't have to buy a fucking console to get back into SC
SC V was fucking trash, so my hopes aren't exactly high
>call it 6
>not of 1, but 2
This is why my hopes are high.
SCV was rushed bullshit, they might have learned their lesson and put some actual work into SCVI
If Aeon Calcos is not present I will not buy SCVI
>they might have learned their lesson
Fuckin' yeah right. Game devs and publishers never learn their lesson.
need to show off astaroth asap
What made soul calibur 2 so good? I only played it for a small amount of time and I remember it being awesome
>tfw sc is finally coming to pc
What a time to be alive
Because it was the first Soul Calibur for many gamers, because Link which means best thing ever.
Some even say the bullshit that 2 had an extra mode with missions when 1 already did that and much better, not the tedious "labyrinth/maze" shit fighting lizardmans for 15 straight fights.
SC2 Nightmare or riot.
People seem to have mixed feelings about the core mechanics but I personally loved the atmosphere of it. The music, the look, the tone, it really drew me in.
Also the voice acting was cheesy but in a memorable way.
Since there's historically been console exclusive guest characters, what about a PC exclusive guest character? Who do you figure that would be?
He was in SC1, so his chances of getting in are alright. Might even get a glimpse of human Aeon in the story. Gonna piss me off if he becomes a Sophitia clone again, though. SCV Aeon was the fucking bomb, hope they bring him back. And this time as a customizeable character, please.
SCV is fun.
I think this was a concept for Patrokolos or a costume concept for Siegfried.
>no switch version with link
In SC2 it doesn't cost anything to perform a parry. You can get into infinite parry battles one after the other until someone messes up their timing. Every SC afterward implemented a super meter which was used for your parry. Super meter killed games
Costume concept. It's art that you can find in SC3.
now THIS is Patrokolos
It's his SCIII alternate outfit
>because Link
xbox version is the superior version bub
Talim is so cute
>no switch ver
but why?
Because FUCK Legend of Numaleda.
>no Switch version
They always talk about Link, not Spawn. Spawn was based though and had cheap tricks like one where either teleports or jumps very high and then slams down
But personally I always prefered 1, despite 2 being good and introducing some fun characters like Raphael. Raphael was pretty fun in 2
The story mode will be someone actually telling the story, hence why we’ll have new and old versions of classic characters. It’ll be like MK9 where we play the story up into the current point and then the final sets of fights are someone new finishing the story once and for all. They’ll probably be a created character campaign but with more board game and lite RPG elements where you fight randonmly created NPC’s with random requirements and actual characters as boss battles to earn gold and exp to make your character stronger. Online will be shit to mediocre and sfm porn will be glorious although key characters will be less lewd.
nearly every one of spawn's attacks caused the enemy to fucking bounce around it was unfair as fuck but fun
Gameplay was straight to the point and movement was the fastest in the series, I think. I don't remember my time with 1.
It seems like more time has been put into this title and the guy that did a lot of the fucking up with 5 """left""" the company, so I'm optimistic.
Who gives a shit, it's guaranteed to have Reddit Maxi over Li Long. Preorder cancelled.
can you fags go 5 minutes without talking about reddit
Right, I forgot how he would slash down and make opponents bounce like ragdolls.
One of the devs said that SC6 has been in development for nearly 3 years and at that time no one knew about the switch. Your only hope is that there is enough demand for a port after it releases.
Lads, what characters will you main?
Voldo is there of course but I'm quite afraid raphael might not make it since they are rebooting the first game and raphael only comes in the second. Is there any hope for him?
I'm in the same boat. No Raph, no buy.
Pls gib ghost pirate cervantes back
Enjoy 100 players after a month
Was discussing this with my friend who mained Raph for a good number of years. Tbh I really don't think he's going to be in, not with Xinghua and a "reboot". They are going to want very distinct characters and button mashers won't understand the difference or care about anything other than "waifus".
>Noctis gets announced for Tekken
>Think it would make much more sense to have him in SC since he is a weapon fighter
>New SC gets announved a few weeks later?
Why didnt they just wait?
>SCVI Roster:
Guest character
New character with double bladed sword
There you go. That's who's in.
>SCVI Roster:
Guest character
New character with double bladed sword
There you go. That's who's in.
They're going to include Raph without a doubt. I'd be extremely surprised if he were excluded.
Xianghua, Tira, Yoshimitsu. It has been stated characters from 2 and 3 will return. Don't worry too much about it. Expect to see roster reveals over the next few months.
Nah the game is going for SC2 nostalgia pandering, no idea what you're on about.
This would be perfect for the Switch..
>ctrl+F "counter"
>no results
wow, did the Aris dicksuckers all leave this place or did he change his mind and commanded them to stay put until further instructions?
Namco is going to make yet another fucking rehash every fucking game just like Tekken and its going to be dogshit just like Tekken and faggots will hype it and realize they spent money on yet the exact same game as before without any new interesting content or take on the mechanics.
You Switchfags begging for ports are the worst. The best part about Nintendo consoles are the exclusive titles, you should be grateful Nintendo still even cares about first-party development. Stop asking for inferior ports of multiplats. Get a decent PC
>yfw SCVI includes Lootboxes
Tekken 7 had 5 brand new characters that weren't rehashes of older ones. How many will SC6 have?
I just want a finished Story mode and a COMPLETE character creator with more options than "ONE OR MORE CLOTHING OPTIONS DON'T WORK TOGETHER"
A bigger roster, 30 characters is a good start.
What about Sora?
>story of hearts and keyblades
>eternally retold
One. They've already stated there is a new character as a foil to kilik and that the vast majority of characters are returning from SC, SC2, SC3 (Preference on SC considering the game is taking place back then).
What guest character would you like to see on PS4, XBO, and PC respectively?
None. Console exclusive characters are bullshit of the highest level. If they have guest characters they should be the same across all versions.
No Amy no buy
this desu senpai
it seems like they have, the game was 70% done with the reveal and it still seems like a good ways off
I don't get Tira's popularity
Aris is right tho, fuck comeback mechanics
SCV has best gameplay in series, although too offensive focused which alienated all players who weren't pro level and caused massive amounts of "X and Y character are OP af" posts.
But if they remove the parry mechanic I'm going to be sad. Hopefully they realize people liked it.
Maybe something is wrong with me but I've always felt the character creators in these games were a huge waste of effort and time
When they allow such a level of creativity like in SCV they are pretty good. However if it's pre-set costumes like in T7 I'd rather they spend the budget on something important.
also fucking jesus can we please rotate items in whichever way we want now? People are going to make dicks regardless.
All they need to do is keep the system from 5, add a fuck ton of new parts and implement a proper color wheel and it'll be 10/10, especially so on PC when you factor in modding.
But modding won't allow them to sell dlc that is 5x higher quality than the standard content in the game
it's a love it or hate it thing. I think it's fucking retarded but some of my friends love this shit
The thing is that activities need to have ups and downs, and the creator provides the downs to relax from the high tension fighting, while also alleviating some seriousness with weird costumes and such. It's actually a really good combination.
ya I think one of SC's biggest strengths is how it offers a bunch of stuff outside of just straight up fighting
Well I don't think it has anything besides creator and fighting desu. it was very lacking in content.
I was talking about SC in general, like the single player content
Based Square Enix saving me from not having to see that faggot Noctis in the new Soul Calibur.
good, fuck tekken and fuck FFXV, keep em together
Don't be a dick
>Only playing online
>no switch
Hope we get a Lost Sword esque mode, but not completely retarded.