Alright, we need to talk about the big one. Markers on maps, mini maps and compasses...

Alright, we need to talk about the big one. Markers on maps, mini maps and compasses. Whether they denote the destination for a quest to start/continue/end, nearby shops and other buildings of importance, or the presence of enemies, in my opinion they ultimately end up undermining the experience. While intended to make the game less stressful, which they do accomplish, they bring with them a nasty side effect.

Think about it. When you're playing Skyrim, Fallout or The Witcher, what are you doing? Certainly not watching the game. Rather, you're keenly observing that neat tool the developer left at your disposal. Instead of scouting the area, remembering what NPC's said and consulting your own intuition about the situation and what way to go, you follow the instructions of this impeccable guide, who does the thinking for you, organizes information for you, and, actually, plays the whole game for you.

What's the opinion of you guys on the matter?

Asian thottie for attention.

Other urls found in this thread:

post more cute asian girls

>that overflowing garbage in the background

Unacceptable. You must be punished for your misguided ways.

its terrible game design. at worst, it should be optional as in totally unnecessary to make progress, or it should only be on easier difficulties

x-ray vision modes are even worse

Quest markers suck ass just like Asian girls.


very cute, go on

jesus what the fuck is wrong with her eyelids

it's a cartoon

If I didn't like it I would turn it off.

If I were to adventure in real life, I would bring a map.


I think it is the demonstrable weakness of openworld games that the game isn't actually navigable without the quest markers. Since now every game strives to be one of these; it's now at a point I actively hate the third person unstructured venue altogether.

I think quest markers are fine because most devs can't fucking write good directions. Think back morrowind. It was fucking dog shit instructions. Sometimes the shrine you were looking for or dungeon wasn't anywhere near what the NPC fucking said.

I am a man of objectives. If I am a fighter and the fighter guild says "Go to X dungeon and murder Y enemy inside" I am going to go to that dungeon if that is what I want to do. I don't like "getting lost" because I am not going to drop what the fuck I was doing to fuck off into some other ruin. I want to find the ruin I intended to go to and do the fucking task I intended.

I have noticed autists are the ones that care about "directions". Basically, I am task oriented and don't like straying from a task I want to do at the time. If I want to explore, I will just pick a fucking direction and walk randomly in that area. If I want to go kill a lich in a fucking dungeon that has a name and location then I am going to that location.


The problem is that some games are centered around this mechanic. For example, one way this is done is that characters won't even give you directions, but instead tell you they marked the location on your map. What if I don't want to use the omnipotent map to solve every quest in the most braindead fashion imaginable?

I liked what AC: origin did with the papyrus scrolls

oh gosh

>Think back morrowind. It was fucking dog shit instructions.
I've literally had 0 problems with it

Enough with these stealth threads. We have entire boards for this shit.

What? If someone in real life tells you "Hey, proceed down the highway at get off at exit 3, then take the dirt road North South and find the tree with the broken limb, take a left and follow the sidewalk South NOrth and I think the location is somewhere in that area" vs "Hey Let me mark this location and you find your own way to it".

Which sounds better you fucking autist? Most open world games now mark the location and you can get there how you choose. I fucking hate autists who want some NPC to diarrhea words out with nonsense instructions.

Any landmark/point of interest you find should be marked on your map(s) once discovered. Fast travel points should exist but only to main hubs (i.e. cities) and/or unique zones.

Map/Journal should display the area the next objective is in, (i.e. The kingdom of _____) with more in depth directives in the journal or quest dialogue (you will find the [thing] in the northern region of _____, nearby 2 towering trees).

There should be a quests completed% and points of interest located% for every region of the world (and a total % for both for the entire world), so you know if you've missed something in an area.

I hate pixel hunting more than I hate the mapmarkers to be honest. No mapmarkers only really works in really well-crafted games with open-ended clear objectives. I'm playing Xenoblade 2 and I was just thinking what a pain in the ass some of the sidequests would be without the compass. And that game's compass sucks.

>stealth thread
>with two paragraphs

The former because I have a triple digit IQ

Choose one of these asian girls to marry and racemix, in that order

doesn't mean it wasn't dog shit. I didn't have much of a issue either but in hindsight, it was annoying. Basically, there is a time for exploring. if I wanted to fucking explore, I would just fucking explore. I don't need the game to help me get lost with shit instructions to get me to explore.

Jesus fucking Christ, take out your trash, disgusting whore.

>that disgusting kitchen

How did you get lost though? There's an in game map and any directions you're given are logged in the journal. I never got lost on any quest I was doing.

Calm down, no one's out to get you. Perhaps we can find a compromise. NPC's should be able to mark locations on your map, but only the rough area. The way things currently are, you have markers that pinpoint you exactly where you need to go. That doesn't happen in real life, does it?

>choose one
can I just have them all

It was pretty crap. If I remember correclty, your journal had the names of places but didn't link to the map and sometimes didn't keep directions. So if you hear about a quest and then don't do it immediately, getting back to a quest was a nightmare.

you're a lazy bitch without an attention span, we get it. you're the autist here

You are free to write down additional information on a sheet of paper.

skyrim with immersive HUD is quite nice


>So if you hear about a quest and then don't do it immediately, getting back to a quest was a nightmare.
That was an issue, but it was resolved with the expansions. And how hard it is to toggle between your journal and the map? also this

Or I could use the computer that I'm already using to play the game like someone who isn't retarded. But then at that point I'd probably just go to UESP anyway.

The goal of a good user interface should be to keep a user engaged with the game itself and reduce or eliminate the need to use outside resources. You can do that and make a good interface without going overboard and giving too much information.

What the fuck are you talking about it? Of course it happens in real life. If I say, "Meet me at 365 Oak Street", there really isn't much way you can fuck it up.

Quest markers are great for some games since some games you shouldn't pay too much attention to your surroundings, kinda like Skyrim and GTA.

Meanwhile Souls games don't need them because your always supposed to be aware of your surroundings and there's no important quests.

>Ah yes, Rolaf, hand me your smartphone so I can mark the man you are supposed to use a dragon shout against. It'll then transfer an image of reality into your head that has the indicator hover above the head of the assassination target.

Do you not have a smartphone? Do you not know what an address is?

Why do every asian girl that people say is hot look like a retarded 12 year old?

>If I say, "Meet me at 365 Oak Street", there really isn't much way you can fuck it up.
Before GPS existed you actually had to ask people for directions, (wouldn't expect you to know that though since you're under 18) or use a map, something that is in the game.

So what is a minimap if not a character constantly looking at a map?

If you're a white male then you'll eventually have them all

I'm talking about in Morrowind how you pause the game and look at your actual map, the minimap is too small to provide any direction. Maps in real life do not have "markers" placed around other than ones you draw on them yourself.

Nothing spells adventure to me like wandering about staring at a map.

You can't use maps without scouting the environment for additonal information. Real maps don't have the little player dot on them, you know?

I am a big fan of Etrian Odyssey, so I admit, I'm a bit biased in thinking half of an adventure is staring at a map.


Most open world games are just too big for their own good, the environment is meant to be traveled at an accelerated rate though easy maps, markers, and fast travel simply because the devs didn't actually sit there and meaningfully create every last little hill and cave. In fact a large portion of most open world game design is creating a procedurally generated environment and then just curating it towards what you want out of it. They don't actually sit there and handcraft everything, so I'm not going to sit there and pretend like it's an actual new world to explore. The only games I feel handle large open worlds well are those with really good movement systems to go along with it, like the newest Zelda or Morrowind.

Look at that nose and jawline, user. Look at it.

Look at that body though.

>Most open world games are just too big for their own good
I think the real problem is that developers rely on map/terrain random generation rather than crafting it themselves, which causes them to use quest markers when they would otherwise lead the player through directions of contextual clues in the environment.

She is cute.

she is ugly like most asian girls, they all have that monkey nose, disgusting shit

that's just you projecting your pedophilia


Pretty plain, if that's your idea of an amazing female body then I pity you
You are ugly yourself then, and thus your opinions hold no merit. Goodbye


>npc: you can get to the fortress of goatse by turning left at blah blah blah
>player: could you mark that on my map, which is a thing my character actually has in the game?
>npc: no, what are you, some kind of CASUAL?!
It's perfectly fucking reasonable to have approximate overworld locations marked on a map. But you should have to open up your map to see them. There should be no giant arrow on your HUD telling you the exact door you have to go through, or floating over the head of the enemy you are supposed to kill, or marking the specific chest you are supposed to open.

How can yellow bois even compete?

In ever rpg or shooter that lets me i turn the maps off cause i find i do just that i spend the entire time looking at the mini map

No joke that guy is more attractive than those mudslime gooks

>Caring about face more than body


>t. disgusting white hag

The body is dull and simple also, you retards have no taste, stop watching anime.

I pity you user.
Having the inability to find beauty in all things.

>body gets harder and harder to maintain with age
>face stays, for the most part, constant
think before you post

something tells me that this one has or used to have a penis.
and I'm okay with that.

shes oriental

You should post a cute girl.

The body is an easy fix
the face isn't
And the offspring benefits more from a pretty face rather than a nice body

here you go

What title?

What if the character you're talking to knows nothing about local geography (like most people tend to do)?

Fucking third-worlder, you know you can use the smartphones you nab from tourists?

Degenerate gays need to die.

Plenty of Asian cuties itt. But don't you dare post an ugly chink with a nigger nose and call it "cute", it's a genetic defect that needs to adopt white features or die off.

Dreams are good to have user

Ask and it shall be given to you.

Doesn't seem that way IMO.

its a weird situation where I could totally get an average to even below average looking girlfriend and be personally satisfied. it doesn't take much for me to be willing to fuck you and as long as you're not a gigacunt I could make it work
however I want a girlfriend that other people will approve of too and think "hey he has a hot girlfriend"

anybody else have this problem?

weird swimsuits look a lot better in my animes than irl...

That's why you get an asian since as long as they aren't fat or have horrible acne they look average at worst, in fact if you give them glasses they'll look hotter

>its a weird situation where I could totally get an average to even below average looking girlfriend

Stopped reading there, sure okay dude

>they look average at best


Same feel, I worry about disappointing my parents and family by bringing home an ugly girlfriend. I'm fairly attractive myself so I really feel there's an expectation to fuck someone at least as high on the scale.

i mean, her face look kinda like those expensive thai ladyboy


>please stop finding non-whites attractive
>t. Sup Forums

since I'm not asian I don't really view asian girls as humans. They are kind of like something else all together, so I'm much more forgiving about the looks

like pugs are ugly as fuck, but its a dog so its a cute dog
same with an asian

Jealousy is a terrible thing, user. Maybe if you took better care of yourself, you could compete. Maybe.


> post girl
> have shit opinion

Not surprised.

>hurr hurr le ethnostate meme
fuck off fag literally everyone is mixed from the first people ever, born in africa

are you honestly implying that girl is not attractive?

She is too attractive and sexy to be cute.

Cute isn't the same as sexy.

But even with a game procedurally generated during development, prudent devs can make an engaging open world that doesn't need markers.
Star Control 2 springs to mind. Admittedly, that game is very archaic, but through modern eyes it's fascinating.