Vidya died in 2007

>vidya died in 2007
>it’s soon 2018
How do you cope with the fsct that every single game released during past 10 years has been 100% pure shit? Do you ever think about quitting vidya altogether?

I wasn't aware Vidya died.

I coped by getting a fucking life. I only play when I'm so fucking bored and have nothing to do. Video games should be a hobby, not your fucking life. Fix your life and then you'll enjoy vidya again

>I don't like newer video games and it's stoping me from enjoying the older ones that I DO like

>ive become so jaded and cling to feelings of nostalgia and don’t like anything anymore which means everything sucks and it’s not just me
fuck off you ape

But MHW comes out soon and will save video games

if you think every videogame after 2007 is pure shit then you should accept that you're a massive retard and kill yourself

Just because Nintendo have become shit after 2007, there is no reason to say that all games after this year sucks

>Video games should be a hobby, not your fucking life. Fix your life and then you'll enjoy vidya again
Wish the average Sup Forumsirgin had an actual brain like this user.

How do you cope with being an empty husk?

>100% pure shit
There's no way a game is 100% shit unless it's unplayable with no music or sound effects. Even the shitty games that came out in the previous years I admired some things in them.

>mount and blade: warband
>monster hunter series
>crusader kings II
>dark souls series
>the witcher series
>mgs v
fuck off

You mean after 1998?

You do realize we're talking about games right? Get a life and then you won't worry about video games.

All those normies I fucking swear.

>waaa vidya is dead
No, vidya is dead to you, bidya isnt dead. The difference is really fucking obvious to anyone with half a brain, no wonder you miss it.

This. Vidya died with the advent of 6th gen of consoles.

>vidya died in 2007
Maybe for you faggot. I on the other hand have been enjoying video games all this time.

>I enjoy eating shit
That’s not something to be proud of, user.

Go whine somewhere else
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If you say so Skinner.

So have I
but it was better then

>grumpy old men everything was better before

lmao get over yourself

didnt know this was shiteater central

There's always going to be bad video games. Just because you can't find anything to play doesn't mean the market is fucked.

>How do you cope with the fsct that every single game released during past 10 years has been 100% pure shit?

By playing the older games that I missed out on instead of the modern AAA titles.

t. buttdevastated OP

Man at least you got to play during the golden era of gaming, most of these kids play trash like pubg or overwatch

What this user said.