Why don't you make games based off of dreams you have had?

Why don't you make games based off of dreams you have had?

I sleep only 5 hours a day, I don't dream.

yes you do, you just dont remember them

They're usually too mundane to make interesting content, and it would be a lot of work. It is something I'd like to see more of though.

it'd just be a black screen cause I don't dream. Cant even remember the last time I did

Either you dream or you never sleep. You just never remember them.

Cause I've been messing with RPG Makers for a really long time and have little to show for it.

Maybe someday. Freeware tier.

Because Boba Fett and Diablo are already copyrighted.

I sleep, but always wake up every hour or every couple hours. So you tell me

You know what, fuck it, I will make a RPG game about my dreams, it will be called uhhhhhhhh yume niki.

>make a bad game
>make sure it's pretentious
>smart people on Sup Forums eat it up

>Yume Nikki
This is bait but whatever, the game is 2deep4u.

I am. for some strange reason i naturally have lucid dreams pretty much every single night

probably 70% of my ideas probably originated from dreams

>Roman von Ungern-Sternberg and his neo-Mongol fantasies ascending to the wall of dead meme ideologies
The world is better without a game based on this

How is your dream world user?

pic related

If I could just instantly make a game of super high quality without knowing shit about how to make a game, believe me I would. Crawling around in caves while Ridley is right above you trying to snap into you, inside of a space station. is very cool. Also that one time I dreamed about a level around the space colony ARK like in SA2 but much more vast would be fun as well.

I had like one lucid dream when I was a kid.

It lasted long enough for me to make a plate of donuts appear before I abruptly woke up.

Because lsd is already a thing

The only thing that Yume Nikki has going for it is the presentation. The "gameplay" is just slowly roaming through huge looping areas with nothing in them while hoping that you'll come across something that you can interact with. As much as Sup Forums loves to throw the "walking simulator" term around, that's actually 100% what Yume Nikki is.

>dream about being in school
>fall asleep
>wake up to find everyone dead and mauled to death
>as I leave hear creepy vent noises
>for whatever reason decide to return that night with a gun i have no idea how I got
>cops now there but find them dead
>as I explore find another student somehow
>as we escape big mouth creature bursts through wall and kills us
Weird ass dream but it might make some sort of horror game

I had a lucid dream as a kid. Probably.

I was super determined to stay aware when I dreamed that night, and thought about it over and over until I fell asleep. I didn't realize right away but I eventually realized I was dreaming. And then I immediately woke up,

So I'm not sure if I was really aware, or if I just dreamed that I was lucid dreaming.

Nope, you are dead wrong right there, yume nikki is just one big puzzle open to the interpretation of the player, there are many open questions and the end of the game open even more questions.

You and me share dream worlds.

>There will never be an asymmetrical Nightmare on Elm Street game
Why does gaming suck so much?

Hearts of iron: kaiserreich

I'll tell you about a dream I just had


The gameplay is still nothing but walking.