Zero Time Dilemma takes place during New Year's Eve, so let's have one final ZTD thread this year

Zero Time Dilemma takes place during New Year's Eve, so let's have one final ZTD thread this year.

999 and VLR is also acceptable, provided you remember that Carlos is the *objectively* superior protagonist in all these three games (even if ZTD has other problems).

ZTD was a steaming pile of shit

Say that to my face fucker, not online and see what happens.

What do you think Uchikoshi's new announcement is?


Returning to the roots, doing something simple for handhelds. Maybe

How the fuck do you go from the masterpiece that was Virtues Last reward to ZTD? I don't get it, I originally decided to play the series because of how much it was memed on Sup Forums and the first two games really blew my mind. I always knew ZTD was bad but fuck it was worse then I could have ever imagined

Switch compilation for ZE probably

another VN or cinematic like ZTD?
has the chinese studio that made ZTD done anything since?
that'd be a waste of hyping an announcement

I think you're being overly critical. It wasn't as good as the other two but it wasn't outright bad. Considering it barely got made, you kind of have to view it from a distance to imagine what the intended vision was supposed to be, before they rewrote it so it would be playable by anyone even not familiar with the series

My expectations were very low when I went into it - maybe that was why I didn't think it was that bad. I actually liked some of the characters a lot. As I said in the OP, Carlos is a God-tier protagonist and an actual, worthy hero who goes out to face the unknown and bring order into chaos. There are bad things about the game, like many of the plot decisions (and Eric's insufferable character), but when I played it I just focused on the highlights and had a decent time, despite what Sup Forums had told me.

i went into it without reading a single impression or review from anyone whilst being a big fan of the two previous games

it is one of the worst pieces of shit i've ever read in my life and i'll almost certainly never waste time on anything from this hack again

I really didn't like how it was not chronological, I mean it makes sense with but it just kinda bugged me. Carlos was cool and I also liked getting to see all of the returning characters such as Sigma, Akane, Junpei,and phi. But the ending really just left such a bad taste in my mouth

>it's not bad you just have to imagine a better game
The plot is pants-on-head retarded, the moral "dilemmas" almost non-existent, established characters get destroyed and the huge potential of the fragment system is wasted. The game is failure as a conclusion to the series and as a game in itself.

OFFICIAL series protagonist ranking

Sigma > Carlos >>>>>>> Junpei the angsty teenager

>hating on based Junpei
ZTD made him edgy dude, In 999and VLR he is great

>I don't like the character development of my favorite generic animu character, therefore the final game in a series never happened and I can ignore it

Yeah the ending was a bit weird I agree. But the ending where Sigma lost his arms and Radical-6 got out was pretty neat since it showcased the "doomed" timeline that led to VLR.

You mean the ending where everyone just kinda gives up instead of
>putting two and two together and realizing Zero's identity
>shifting back and finally getting shit done
? It makes no sense as to why they would just continue down that timeline.

Did they even know how to shift in that timeline?

This is what the game should have showcased.

Sigma and Phi knew throughout the whole game but never bothered to try and see who kidnapped them or use it to for any practical purposes, like shifting back in time and not trying to disarm the bomb or getting injected with R6 by Mira. Junpei, Akane and Carlos all knew how to shift, they just came from a timeline where they shifted from a reactor explosion and Carlos was doing like 3 shifts just to get to this point. They also had all the information needed to figure out who Zero is, the X-Pass board literally spells it out for them. Diana's knowledge is debatable at that point, but she knew the consequences of R6 escaping and instead of calling in a hazmat team she just kinda fucks 3/4 of humanity for no reason at all.

ZTD was the final nail in the coffin and I wish it just never had gotten made then what we got.

I want to impregnate Phi and take responsibility.

>and take responsibility.
For the mutant manchild offspring?

But Clover is the better waifu


Difficult choice, but I'd have to go with Clover from 999. She's just more innocent there. Plus, I prefer my chicks not infected with deadly viruses

The disjointed fragments were a really cool idea but fell flat in its execution. I think the main issues were;

1. You have to clear every fragment, like other Uchikoshi games where you have to clear other routes to access the true ending. It removes tension, because you're just thinking "who cares if this gun fires and kills Sigma, even if it didn't I'd have to reload and get him killed afterwards to get him killed anyway". This was kind of the case in VLR, but you still had the tension of the AB game and not knowing which route you'd be put on, while having the luxury of following your chosen route to the end and dealing with the consequences of what just happened. Following on from that;
2. The fragments are disjointed and without context. I know this was intentional to create confusion and make you try to puzzle out which timeline you were in, but it again removes tension because nothing you do has any onscreen consequence. You might end the fragment with C-Team imploding and Carlos losing his arm, and then the next segment is one where they took the acid bath and died and now you're playing as Q-Team sitting at the bar. Half the fragments end on awful cliffhangers but you won't get any payoff until five hours later when you've already lost all investment.
3. Being able to view main plot events out of order could result in unintentional spoilers. This actually happened to me; I made the mistake of taking a crack at Force Quit (D-Team) as soon as I unlocked it not knowing it was part of the final story. I successfully guessed the answer to the FQB ('a mother's heirloom' which I already knew was the blue bird pendant from VLR) which suddenly triggered a flurry of flashbacks about Sigma and Diana being Phi's parents and I wasn't able to alt+F4 in time. A similar incident happened when I first heard Delta's name and tried to input it into the Q-Team standoff (thinking it was Sean) only for Wesker to start speaking to me directly. Wow.

Akane and Junpei are literally standing in front of this board when Zero starts talking to them and confirms he's an old as fuck dude. Could Zero actually be the old as fuck dude we know nothing about, who is somehow still alive somewhere in this bunker? I wonder if we maybe try and investigate instead of just abandoning hope.

ZTD may not have been great but it did give us the best character in the series

By the way, why was Mira in the game?

What did she even add?

Danger to force people to shitt because Sigma and Philly refused to do so.

Obligatory useuless titcow like Lotus and Alice.

>I know this was intentional to create confusion and make you try to puzzle out which timeline you were in
They didn't even capitalize on this. You play the game and suddenly "puzzle" solves itself you you're presented the correct order of events. For game with an hour-long finale without any puzzles they wasted this perfect setup.

>Being able to view main plot events out of order could result in unintentional spoilers.
They even intentionally ruined some twists and turns. I saw Junpei's decapitated head long before I got the fragment where they are dealing with the supposed "fake" body parts. Kinda retarded. Also the AFM room being accessible right at the beginning of the game is the most baffling thing to me. That's not how you slowly introduce new players the supernatural elements of your story.

That's not Carlos.

Except that doesn't make sense when people don't know she's the danger until the very last segment of the game

>Except that doesn't make sense
How is that surprising? Nothing makes sense in this game.
And she does create the '''vlr''' timeline.

I just beat 999 for the first time today after playing the first two hours of the game as a kid.

Probably the best ruse cruise I've been on in video game form. What a good (semi) book. Only one I've ever played that got me harder was Ghost Trick. It also made me realize just HOW bad our standards for writing in video games are.

I hear the writing goes to hell, which is a shame. Also Christ the HD port is shoddy.

Mira can somehow cut Sigma's connection to the morphogenetic field. How else would you shove in a mention of Kyle and Zero Jr.?

>before they rewrote it so it would be playable by anyone even not familiar with the series
Why didn't they just NOT BRING BACK SO MANY CHARACTERS then?


They kinda ruined the meta twist and the final puzzle in the HD port too. VLR should play fine though. Now get out of here or you will get spoiled. Don't you dare to hover over this.

Because that's nothing but an excuse Uchi used for the game's mediocrity.

I still haven't played it yet, cause I'm scared of the disappointment. Had it pre-ordered forever ago too, and got the watch.
Same with Danganronpa 3 too. I really need to start take them off my backlog

I read it entirely in Novel Mode and was already aware of it being two different screens of text on DS, so it didn't change too much. Seriously, who the fuck thought porting it like that was a good idea? Even if you have no budget it would have been trivial to port the game as two square screens with a divider. Would have gotten rid of the butt ugly UI, too. It's just a goddamn trainwreck of a port and I don't understand how anyone who works in game design could have okayed that shit.

If you can view ZTD through the lens of a saw ripoff then it isn't that bad, but if you are invested in the story from VLR and 999 AND are expecting continuity then I wouldn't bother.

DRV3 is completely ass except for 1 case, case 3, I wouldn't even bother

>two good cases
So it's an improvement for the series?

well that was good game, though I was shocked because of all those deaths, blood

though, I liked sigma's story. junpei's story never was because it never was, in this timeline. but sigma, with all his girls, children, timetravelling, and other shit is really great

this game is good, but all those games are good. 999, virtu last reward, ever17.

Sorry, I meant one case as in there is only one good case being case 3

>I don't understand how anyone who works in game design could have okayed that shit
The same people thought that their new final "puzzle" was a good replacement for one that's literally centered around the number 9. It doesn't even use the two different modes to add to the twist, so I have no idea why they didn't just use Sudoku again.

>invested in the story from VLR and 999 AND are expecting continuity then I wouldn't bother.
Exactly what I was expected desu, considering it's a trilogy. I wouldn't mind if there were a few forgotten holes, as long as the major ones got wrapped up.

>Sigma acting like a senile fuck during the whole game was great
Are Sigma fanboys retarded? He was easily the worst part of the game.

>I wouldn't mind if there were a few forgotten holes,
lol, the entire ending from VLR is more or less retconned because they wanted to make it more accessible to people who never played VLR

see me after class

>Uchikoshi turned out to be a hack

I remember how insanely hyped I was when Project Bluebird actually started getting recognition. I just about jumped for joy when the teaser site went up. Remember when we got the sketches of the nine participants?

No need to thank me for pointing out the truth.


No, that's my bad for misreading.
There's still not a single Dangan Ronpa where more than 2/5 of the game is enjoyable and I'm not sure how you can keep striking out so many times.

It's just baffling. Like it isn't even a money issue, it's a matter of horrendous design from someone being an incompetent nincompoop. Why the fuck do you shove two big, unhideable buttons on the UI at all times? Why wouldn't you just map these things to the menu and have a toggle button for help? If they were dead set against two screens why didn't they just implement the system in a less shitty way, like making the two scripts a smooth transition instead of an annoying static thing? Why have the dialogue buried inside the narration instead of having two different scripts and allowing the player the option to have a visual notification every time something is added to the script they aren't viewing? Why not just make the narration a fucking toggle and keep the dialogue boxes? Why not make the two screen puzzles a toggle? It's all craziness. There are so many ways to solve these problems and they went out of their way to invent new problems.

of what game? third one? but he s like 100+ years atm. but then we see his story, lots of his fucking stories

the whole zero time dilemma about sigma. even on cover we see this red girl shooting his head. game about his son, his daughter, his waifu, his friends from second game, his time travelling and other

though, other characters wasn't shit too. every scene was fucking edgy cool. even with useless mira and eric, and that emil from nier, when they aiming at each other

There are moments when a single game can make a series go extinct.

by the way
why Sigma was translated as "sigma klim"? he s "siguma kuraimu", so it was like, "sigma crime", that makes at least some sense

hmmhmh, whatever you say, popsicle

Are we sure he's a hack and he didn't just make a big fucking mistake? Doesn't every author goof once or twice in their career?

The story about how he fucked everything up? About how he refused to shift for no reason? About how Carlos was able to use the fax machine better than him? About how he tried to disarm the bomb like a complete retard despite knowing what would happen? About how he ignored the deaf blind old man that fitted Delta's description? About how he fucked some drunk bitch because she questioned his masculinity?
Great fucking story. VLR training was wasted on Sigma and Phi.

A true hero.

yea that was cool

you know, eating bad ramen is it's own good and cool experience about eating bad ramen


Sorry, but I don't think eating shit is cool just because it's a new experience.

ZTD is better than the first game in my opinion.
I played ZTD first and went back to play 999.
ZTD is more interesting story-wise.

I like the off screen Delta better than Ace.
They wake up at seperate time in the same place is better than the fake ship.
I cry a bit at Q's bad ending and I didn't feel much about 999.
Shifting as a whole is more interesting than morphogenetic field.
Overall, I got mindblown more in ZTD's twists than 999's.

I can't finish VLR, because I'm kinda burnout after 999 which didn't meet my expectation.

That metaphor works more for stuff you personally didn't enjoy but felt like you got something out of, not laughably bad drama.

>I like the off screen Delta better than Ace.
Why was he offscreen again? What purpose did it serve? Everyone and their mother knew he was there.

but off-screen was zero, not ace

>Sigma Klim
>GI Sam Milk

A chief shitting in the chocolate mousse isn't a goof user.

It sounds like you care more about over the top reveals, twists, spectacle and novelty rather than the strength of the writing. Piecing the series of swerves and situations in 999 together was really rewarding, but ZTD is just kind of loud and shallow.

Shit I meant for

It was shit the moment Uchi came up with the transporter.

Sometimes you get really drunk and make big goofs.

Like smoking meth.

So there is a twists for the player. Imagine the guy was there the whole time. You would instantly know he's Zero.

>Kyle Klim
>Milky Elk

>playing ZTD first
You don't deserve to be in the new year.

The other characters don't seem to suspect him so why would I?

It was so fucking bad. All the returning characters are so badly OOC the whole fucking game, the new art style is terribly animated, and the game is short as fuck too.

Bring back the 999 anime-esque style, hell even the VLR 3d models are better.

What we got was awful trash, and the series would be better off without ZTD existing.

Because he isn't in any of the cells right at the start of the game for example.

Or getting really angry at fans where K was in ZTD and who was ?.

They needed someone besides the mastermind to be a killer, like Ace and Dio. Except she isnt even close to being as good as those.

I would just think that they just ignored him because he's a blind deaf old man.
Plus Zero is able to stand/walk.

I didn't know he was there.

I mean as the main bad guy. Off-screen only apply to Delta, I know.

I don't think when playing this.

The most important question is what happened to Santa

Probably killed by that psycho bitch Akane for some trivial heat-of-the-moment thing.

>Get the three bad endings first.
>Halfway through Coffin I realize Junpei isn't the narrator.
>Santa mentions his sister.
>Get to the cards.
>See what it says about Junpei.
This was such a gratifying moment and I'm so glad I managed to get literally every other ending before the real one.

>I would just think that they just ignored him because he's a blind deaf old man.
He isn't in the cells. You see everyone in those cells but him. Then the game starts and suddenly there is another player who wasn't there before and who matches the description of Brother we got in the last game. You literally have to be a character out of ZTD to not realize there's something fishy.

Plus those two had actual motivations for their killings.
Why the hell did Zero think it was a good idea to have an actual serial killer in the base with his group?
>That Jailbreak at the end
What the fuck was going through his head as he wrote that whole file?

He's playing stocks on some other timeline.

>About how he ignored the deaf blind old man that fitted Delta's description?
I will never not be mad about this.

I thought the thing with letting R6 fuck everything is that particular timeline HAD to happen since it was the reason they shifted back in the first place, and shifting just flips the consciousness of the shifters between timelines without actually altering the timelines.

>Then the game starts and suddenly there is another player who wasn't there before
Isn't that pretty much Q?
Why was he there in the first place? Why did he go back to the cells in the first place? It's not like he interacted with them.
It just seems like poor writing to me.


June's commentary on Junpei is adorable in retrospect.

And why didn't he use a prerecorded video?