Why the hell did Game Grumps make a gay dating sim? I don't get it, it's so random and stupid

Why the hell did Game Grumps make a gay dating sim? I don't get it, it's so random and stupid.

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Probably to appeal to their gay and stupid fanbase, like oyu

>so random and stupid
Just like Game Grumps?

Didn't egoraptor just do the art for it

>people actually watched game grumps

Free money from their retarded tumblr fanbase.

Jon/early Dan stuff was really good background noise IMO.

without Dan I wouldnt watch gamegrumps. John was great but Arin just relies on being loud and obnoxious, but Dan is chill

It's thanks to that gay dating sim that we no longer have doodle dudes. Depending on how you look at that, nothing of value was lost I suppose.


>it's so random and stupid
I mean, being random and stupid is exactly their thing, so yeah.

Why do people keep including Jon in most grump images? He left long ago and haven't appeared in anything for years now. Don't think he's even interested in ever being involved again. Unless I been missing his guest appearances

>I don't get it, it's so random and stupid
There's your answer

I'm pretty sure soon enough we'll have Arin on his own.

Barry's gone, Ross is basically gone because he's focusing on actually being an animator unlike Arin or Chris o'Neil, Danny's obviously losing the will to stick on and it's lost most of its profitability thanks to ad-shit, Brian doesn't do anything besides management and Matt and Ryan are literal whos.

E-celebs = cancer

Eh the NormalBoots crew is alright

except PBG, he's become unbearable.

>Barry's gone, Ross is basically gone
Wait they are gone now?

>Danny's obviously losing interest
Citation needed

I'm watching the Jon episodes, and they're pretty good, but I'm wondering why it took until just recently for the SJWs to go for his throat. I can't believe some of the shit he got away with saying on Game Grumps.

Arin is the best part of gamegrumps due his inherent ability to improvise. Dan just plays along.

This, Dan has some great stories and life experience though, and he's also not bad at improv. Their youtube red series is total ass however

They've made a game
Have you?

Someone explain this argument

His tenure is Game Grump's peak

Because nobody cared until he was financially successful. That's how sjws work. They don't actually give a shit unless money's involved

They didn't watch Game Grumps. They don't actually care about video games.

>Arin is the best part of gamegrumps due his inherent ability to improvise.

What good is improvision when the only thing that results is poop jokes, references to "smelly sweaty dicks" and annoying voices?

>Wait they are gone now?
Barry officially announced his resignation from Game Grumps a few days ago. Ross hasn't made a new video since 2016.

>Game Grumps
>video games

>Game Grumps begins
Arin is the tall skinny one who provides insight on things while Jon is the loud obnoxious fat one who makes all the jokes

>Jon leaves, Danny joins
Danny is the tall skinny one who provides insight on things while Arin is the loud obnoxious fat one who makes all the jokes

Jon was the better fat guy though.

>annoying voices
they make the games they play so much more dynamic. sure some of them are annoying but that's the nature of trying new things. ddlc would be abysmal without the voices.

Because egoraptor thinks gay stuf is funny haha
Also he made a gay dating sim and always picks female characters because it's more fun that way haha

His old videos were pretty good, did the quality drop that much?
Last I heard of him he was a bit of a dick to Jon but that's it.

is egoraptor gay?

Gay stuff is funny tho

PBG has passed the obnoxious threshold, relying on Fred-level acting rather than content.

Spacehamster does the same now, I blame PB and Jeff.

No, he's just gross.

But so is Suzy, so maybe that's why they're married.

I never thought about this, but everything you wrote is true

I always ask what role they had in its development but no one knows

When Game Grumps first started with Arin and Jon, it felt like Arin was the older, more mature straight man while Jon was the younger, louder, funnier one.

Once Dan came along that dynamic did a total 180 and Dan became the older, wiser one while still being funnier than Arin.

Arin has occasional moments of brilliance but the past five years have demonstrated that his comedy has not changed much since Metal Gear Awesome. It's still amateurish and cringey compared to whoever he's recording with.

It seems Game Grumps has been winding down dramatically over the past year, so I don't know how much longer Dan is going to hang on. Considering that he's been "not so Grump" for 80% of the channel's history, it's not likely he could be replaced overnight like Jon was.

Arin could replace him fine if Dan got a proper send off and not just dropping him seemingly randomly like Jon.



the problem is Danny's humor is purely reactionary, so Arin had to compensate for this by acting up a lot more. He didn't have this issue with Jon because Jon was a lot louder and more proactive in their humor.

Most days I just end up imagining Arin getting kicked in the teeth just to shut him up.

Any retard on Sup Forums could throw together a visual novel like Dream Daddy if they wanted to, it's really not that much of an accomplishment.

Don’t be a newfag

There was a time Sup Forums unironically enjoyed it back when they were genuine about it

The massive 180 happened during Ego’s wind Waker tun

That hurts since Sup Forums actually did make a group visual novel and it was actually pretty fucking good

It even had a decent animation budget

>Jon goes on Ethan's podcast
>Number 1 Q&A question was "What happened on grumps?"
>Jon just says creative differences

I like to believe that tiny shit they played off as jokes like Arin complaining about too many replays was a legitimate issue between them.

>Watching game grumps post Jon Tron

>reddit spacing retard defending e-celebs in threads that never happened
Try lurking more and not posting like you're supposed to.

wow Ross used to be tinier

and girlier

Oh shit really? Link?

Have another rare pic

>tfw no doodle doods

Who's better, Arin or Chris?

Lurk for 2 years before posting, newfag.

Best daddies

They gave money to Vernon and his friends.

game grumps is a sinking ship and arin needs alternate sources of income

What does Sup Forums think about Arin during the solo GG he did while Danny was sick?


>Jon was the better fat guy though.
I only just started watching Game Grumps recently and Jon is the only LPer that I can enjoy being loud and obnoxious.

As a recent GG fan, why do so many fans hate them now? What went wrong?

I heard these guys are racist against us darkies. Is that true?

It's bad enough having Arin alone.

It's even worse when it's a flavor-of-the-month online game and all he can react to are dumb randos.

I didn't even bother.

Why do people hate Arin so much?

He's loud, retarded, bad at video games and very opinionated.

But also because he got rich playing video games, and that makes a lot of folks pretty jealous.

Jon is old and Dan is new. Sup Forums is a pretentious, contrarian edgeworld where old is good and new is bad. Always, and without question.

Remember that time people got offended because of a gender swap image

Used to be 2 video game content creators takin some time off to fuck around with some classic games. They'd argue about game design just as much as they'd make retarded memes and jokes.

Now, it's clearly the full time job of everyone involved. No more Sequelitis, no more animations. Now it's just Arin and Danny playing either some rando fuck-off game for 2 episodes, or playing a new release. They have absolutely no reason to put effort into their show since they will make a bajillion dollars a day no matter what they do.

You DID subscribe to YouTube Red to watch this, right...?

Is the chick on the right the one from the fucking Testers?

You really outed yourself as a newfag

From left to right:

>Token strong, independent black girl
>Fallen from grace gamer that's back into the groove
>Guy that sucks at games and coaches everyone
>Everything that comes out of his mouth is about homosexuality and poo
>Token girl that's smarter and saner than everyone

Most of his opinions of why he doesn’t like a game is literally because he is either
A: bad at games
Or B: doesn’t listen to the instructions/tutorials that tell him the information he needs
It’s one of the biggest reasons people hate the Zelda lp and his sequalitis about it.

Also Danny and Ross playing Sierra games will always be better than anything egoraptor can hope to do

>it's so random and stupid
You just answered your own question

What set Game Grumps apart from most LPers in 2012 was that it featured two permanent hosts instead of one, and they would constantly riff off of each other.

It's much harder to do comedy alone, and Arin is really not capable of pulling it off.

Not him, but I've been here since 2006 and I'm not sure what the other user's referring to.

Wasn't that more Sup Forums?

>getting triggered over "muh reddit spacing"
go be pathetic somewhere else newfag

Danny is barely new at this point

He sold out and stopped being funny.

Watching old GG videos of him and Jon and then comparing it to new videos is both surreal and sad. He just doesn't even try or care anymore. All his "humor" is silly voices. Not to mention he's been castrated. He used to act a bit like your typical 4channer, he wasn't afraid to be crass and off-color. Now he's fucking terrified of offending anyone, full tumblr pandering. Jon and Arin both screamed the word Nigger (it was censored, but they still said it) on old episodes. The idea of Arin saying that now is absurd.

>But also because he got rich playing video games, and that makes a lot of folks pretty jealous.

jealous sure, but i think the reason people don't like arin for doing it this way is because he broadcasted publicly that he didn't like letsplays and was very much set on doing animation as a career, two things he went completely backward on, and while continuing in this direction has since made a lot of really super unintelligent decisions and opinions.

Lol. No.

I know, but most of the time people hate on it, it's either because of a general dislike for LPs, or "sux without Jon."

The OSRS videos are a fucking trainwreck and I love it.


Do I have to?

The backlash over this was retarded

Changing the gender doesn’t change if any of them were trans

That's what happens when your fun side-project becomes a full-time job, especially during the period when YouTube grew from being an amateur video community to a primary entertainment destination, and even more so since YouTube has been out for blood this past year to appease advertisers.

Why in gods name did he settle for Suzy? The guy couldve easily pulled in a 7/10 socially awkward girl to play vidya with him, he must have some freaky ass alien fetish or some shit.

IIRC they were each others' first loves as teenagers and they never dated anyone else.

As long as they're happy, good for them.

Would fuck the living daylights out of FemBrian and FemCraig, god damn.

>random and stupid
theres ur answer bud


It just seemed odd

Danny was a terrible choice from the beginning because he doesn't know shit about videogames and he's said it many times
Jon and Arin were both people who knew shit about videogames, and had good conversations about it. Dan and Arin's conversations are never about videogames because Dan offers zero insight about videogames.

Yes, people making a game is odd. Why would anyone make games?

He's from newgrounds.

Dan isn't really funny in the context of grumps though. The amount of times I've actually laughed at something Dan says is probably countable on one hand. He sometimes comes off as straight up cringe trying to chase a joke arin made but doing it worse.

Dan can make some really funny observational humor, Dog Island, Mad Dog McCree, and Leisure Suit Larry for some examples

The artstyle works infinitely better for men.
