how did google do?
How did google do?
I would disagree but google has literally never been wrong before
>basically everything to the right of Resi 7, and even then
Jesus, what an awful list.
get rid of d2 and put persona 5
including re7 itself
could you ever be any more sad?
the company that single handedly took the video game market out of the 1983 crash. As no respect for the company and the love it has for a TRUE VIDEO GAME
>Destiny 2
>Call of Duty
>bad breath of the mild
>shitstiny 2
>poopyunknown stinkygrounds
How to spot the underage.
>Everything past RE7
Fucking disgusting.
In what fucking world does Destiny 2 belong near any "best of" list?
Is this bait?
>just shows cover art for most games
>shows game in box for PS4 exclusives
What does this mean?
What's even wrong with Destiny 2? Something about Bungie lying to players?
Subconscious sony shilling right under our noses
Boring, shitty, and barebones basic gameplay.
Destiny 2 is the epitome of normalfag shit made to make retards feel like they're good at video games.
the best FPS of 2017.
Have you even played any of those games?
>how do you know this turd taste like shit, you havent tasted it
that shit being there just invalidates all the others
>the company that single handedly took the video game market out of the 1983 crash
*In America
*And only consoles
>As no respect for the company and the love it has for a SQUEEZING THE MONEY OUT OF THEIR CUSTOMERS
>no total warhammer 2
>no endless space 2
Horizon and Destiny 2. Good lord this is a shit list.
>video games frequently mentioned on the web
First 3 are correct. Mario Kart 8 should not be considered a 2017 game lmao and everyone hates Destiny 2
>only console company that, as of now, does not charge you $60 for the privilege of using the internet you already pay for
>only recently reluctantly started doing DLC for their games, and DLC is released after the fact and is often closer to an expansion pack than actual DLC
>doesn't bloat games with microtransactions
>doesn't do annual releases for their big franchises, allows the main major games some room to breathe between releases
This is not to say that Nintendo doesn't try to make money, they definitely have a lot of extra shit that can get expensive, but in this industry, Nintendo is the least money-grubbing
>PC games
>relevant to the mainstream
There's a reason why PUBG is popular but other PC games aren't. It's just like a console shooter.
>only console company that, as of now, does not charge you $60 for the privilege of using the internet you already pay for
Instead they are going to charge you 20 bucks for the less than bare minimum of things you can do online, a company that out of nowhere adapted the paid online shit
>only recently reluctantly started doing DLC for their games, and DLC is released after the fact and is often closer to an expansion pack than actual DLC
Except that's wrong since amiibos already existed
>doesn't bloat games with microtransactions
Except their mobile games but that's ok because it's nintendo right?
>doesn't do annual releases for their big franchises, allows the main major games some room to breathe between releases
yeah that's why shit like Pokemon gets a rerelease after every year now?
>Nintendo is the least money-grubbing
>charge you more for weaker hardware than the competition
>almost never drops the price out of their games
>would charge 5 bucks for NES roms you purchased hundreds of times because lol no account system
>Nintendo is the least money-grubbing
cmon man, stop drinking the nintendorade
>Instead they are going to charge you 20 bucks for the less than bare minimum of things you can do online, a company that out of nowhere adapted the paid online shit
$12, which is still less than the $60 that Sony and M$ charge
>Except that's wrong since amiibos already existed
Amiibos are not DLC
>yeah that's why shit like Pokemon gets a rerelease after every year now?
If you don't understand how the franchise works, don't talk about it. You're wrong.
>charge you more for weaker hardware than the competition
PS4 and Xbone both cost $400 at launch, which is actually more than $300. Also, the Switch is a really fucking powerful handheld. Considering the 3DS cost $250 at launch, $300 is not a lot more to pay for its successor when you think about the performance jump.
>almost never drops the price out of their games
>would charge 5 bucks for NES roms you purchased hundreds of times because lol no account system
Like I said, they're not perfect, but even all the shit they do is far less egregious than any other big company in gaming.
>Except their mobile games but that's ok because it's nintendo right
To be fair if you're counting mobile games then video games are 70% female or something crazy and peggle is the GOTY for a ninth year in a row..
You're the reason why the "It's okay when Nintendo does it" meme exists. It's okay to like Nintendo, but you don't have to defend them when they do anti-consumer shit like the other companies.
I'm not defending the shit they do, I'm saying the weird Sup Forums autistic triggering any time you hear "nintendo" is not deserved.
>$12, which is still less than the $60 that Sony and M$ charge
>t-they'll charge less so they are still good
>Amiibos are not DLC
Except you do need them to unlock certain content and such
>If you don't understand how the franchise works, don't talk about it. You're wrong.
Yeah i know how it works, Gamefreak and Nintendo knows their fanbase will buy a new Pokemon game even if one just came out six months ago
>PS4 and Xbone both cost $400 at launch, which is actually more than $300.
Except we are not a PS4 and XB1 launch anymore right? Also 300$ for a system that is barely an improvement in tech compared to the WiiU it's a disgrace
>Also, the Switch is a really fucking powerful handheld.
It's actually an hybrid, and in has flaws in both as a handheld and as a console
>but even all the shit they do is far less egregious than any other big company in gaming
You're the reason why people make fun of Nintendo fans on Sup Forums
>Except their mobile games but that's ok because it's nintendo right?
I missed this part in my first reply. It's not fucking okay and Nintendo needs to stop with this mobile bullshit cancer right the fuck now. It's nice that they haven't forgotten about animal crossing, but those fucking morons need to stay away from the retarded mobile phone bullshit before it ruins every franchise they own.
>AC kangz
>Not a single mention of P5
Not very good
>Except you do need them to unlock certain content and such
Amiibos are figurines that have extremely useless extra stuff tied to them.
>Yeah i know how it works, Gamefreak and Nintendo knows their fanbase will buy a new Pokemon game even if one just came out six months ago
You don't know how it works. You're minimally informed about something and have decided to be mad about it because you have some weird grudge against nintendo for whatever reason.
>Except we are not a PS4 and XB1 launch anymore right? Also 300$ for a system that is barely an improvement in tech compared to the WiiU it's a disgrace
No, but the Switch is less than a year old, so if you don't compare its price to the PS4 and Xbone's prices when they were less than a year old, you're a retarded child. And, as someone who has owned a WiiU and a Switch, the Switch is a massive improvement on the WiiU in every single way. The WiiU was a nightmare for countless reasons. And, again, compare the 3DS to the Gamecube. You'd probably say $250 is too much when the 3DS isn't much more powerful than the Gamecube, right? Don't get fooled by the "Switch isn't a handheld" meme. The Switch is a Handheld that can compete with Consoles. End of discussion.
The reason why people make fun of Nintendo fans on Sup Forums is because Sup Forums is full of contrarian autists who enjoy being mad about things.
>Amiibos are figurines that have extremely useless extra stuff tied to them.
So does most DLC yet they count in your eyes
>You're minimally informed about something and have decided to be mad about it because you have some weird grudge against nintendo for whatever reason.
lol now you're using the "w-well you're just mad cuz it's nintendo" but that's how they handle the series now, it's been that way for a while and SuMo2 is the biggest offender so far
>No, but the Switch is less than a year old, so if you don't compare its price to the PS4 and Xbone's prices when they were less than a year old, you're a retarded child.
So if live in the past im retarded? Your excuse is laughable, why would i waste 300 bucks on a weaker console with fewer games when i can pay less for a more powerful one that has more games?
>the Switch is a massive improvement on the WiiU in every single way.
Maybe in the development area but as for tech, it's barely a step up
>The Switch is a Handheld that can compete with Consoles.
You really didnt think this sentence through didnt you? The Switch is an hybrid which serves as both a console and a handheld, that's why it was designed that way
>The reason why people make fun of Nintendo fans on Sup Forums is because Sup Forums is full of contrarian autists who enjoy being mad about things.
No they make fun of them because their fanbase makes tons of excuses and defend them no matter they fuck them over, and you're just adding fuel to the fire
>So does most DLC yet they count in your eyes
"Most DLC" does not come in the form of a figurine.
>lol now you're using the "w-well you're just mad cuz it's nintendo" but that's how they handle the series now, it's been that way for a while and SuMo2 is the biggest offender so far
The Pokemon release schedule has been a very clear and reasonable pattern for years, and it's not 6 months. If you don't understand the release schedule, i.e. the ACTUAL gaps between games, you make yourself look stupid when you try to criticize it.
>So if live in the past im retarded? Your excuse is laughable, why would i waste 300 bucks on a weaker console with fewer games when i can pay less for a more powerful one that has more games?
There's no reason the Switch would release at the price of a 4 year old console. Also, PS4 Pros cost $400 currently, which is more than $300. The fact that you don't understand this is why you're a retarded child.
>Maybe in the development area but as for tech, it's barely a step up
And? There's a LOT more that goes into games than just hardware.
>You really didnt think this sentence through didnt you? The Switch is an hybrid which serves as both a console and a handheld, that's why it was designed that way
The Switch is a handheld that can connect to a TV and can play games that compete with current gen consoles. Previous Nintendo handhelds can't say the same thing. The Vita comes really close, but flops in the games library department unless you live in Japan and have niche interests.
>No they make fun of them because their fanbase makes tons of excuses and defend them no matter they fuck them over, and you're just adding fuel to the fire
So far, I've defended specific things that you said that were retarded or incorrect. I've backed up your legitimate criticisms, like the moronic fucking Mobile games and the really annoying practice of never dropping prices. Coincidentally, you've ignored that.
>"Most DLC" does not come in the form of a figurine.
Yeah but they do come in form of useless stuff, like the bonuses amiibo gives like you say
>The Pokemon release schedule has been a very clear and reasonable pattern for years, and it's not 6 months. If you don't understand the release schedule, i.e. the ACTUAL gaps between games, you make yourself look stupid when you try to criticize it.
Im sorry if you're too dumb to realize what a manner of speech is, but what i was trying to say is that Nintendo and Gamefreak have been rehashing Pokemon not old but the latest generation of games for a while so they are guilty of pumping uninspired sequels too
>There's no reason the Switch would release at the price of a 4 year old console.
Maybe because the tech and library dont warrant that price at this point of this console generation?
>Also, PS4 Pros cost $400 currently, which is more than $300. The fact that you don't understand this is why you're a retarded child.
So you're shooting yourself in the foot here with this, of course the more powerful revision of a already existing console would cost more, you're paying more for more power, also it's not obligatory since you can always opt for the normal ps4 which is like 200$ which is more cheap and more powerful than the Switch that cost 300$, you're the idiot here if you cant grasp that concept
>The Switch is a handheld that can connect to a TV and can play games that compete with current gen consoles.
So it's also a console then? If it werent why devs and fans are trying to put big console games on it like Doom and Skyrim if it werent? I mean many handheld tried to and failed enough to know that isnt viable so why the Switch keeps begging for more?
>So far, I've defended specific things that you said that were retarded or incorrect
Actually so far i've been correcting you on your poor attempts to defend a company that's just as bad as the others
>Yeah but they do come in form of useless stuff, like the bonuses amiibo gives like you say
You're missing the point. Amiibo are figurines. If you buy a $15 map pack for an FPS, for example, you don't get any figurines. It's just a download.
>Im sorry if you're too dumb to realize what a manner of speech is, but what i was trying to say is that Nintendo and Gamefreak have been rehashing Pokemon not old but the latest generation of games for a while so they are guilty of pumping uninspired sequels too
I'll consider talking about USUM when you give the slightest indication that you have the tiniest understanding of Pokemon.
>Maybe because the tech and library dont warrant that price at this point of this console generation?
The Switch has been out for less than a year and already has one of the best release libraries ever. If you're not going to take into account the fact that it's less than a year old, then why not ask why buy a PS4 when the PS2 has a better library and is cheaper? Why buy a PS4 when you can buy a SNES, since the library is better and it's cheaper?
>So you're shooting yourself in the foot here with this, of course the more powerful revision of a already existing console would cost more, you're paying more for more power, also it's not obligatory since you can always opt for the normal ps4 which is like 200$ which is more cheap and more powerful than the Switch that cost 300$, you're the idiot here if you cant grasp that concept
Nobody is going to debate the fact that the PS4's hardware is stronger than the Switch, but *you're* the retard if you think the only deciding factor that goes into buying a console is how strong it is. Also, again, you're comparing a console to a handheld. Obviously the PS4 is stronger than a handheld. It's like asking why buy a 3DS when the PS3 is stronger.
Horizon is unironically good though.
>thing tastes like thing because it is thing
>Good game is bad because Sup Forums told me it was bad!!
Yeah I'm not seeing how your analogy works here.
>You're missing the point. Amiibo are figurines. If you buy a $15 map pack for an FPS, for example, you don't get any figurines. It's just a download.
So you're fine with DLC as long it comes with a little McDonalds toy? That's sad
>I'll consider talking about USUM when you give the slightest indication that you have the tiniest understanding of Pokemon.
Dude even the fanbase knows Gamefreak just shits out these games with no regard of whether they'll be good or not, IE: Ruby/Saphire remake
>The Switch has been out for less than a year and already has one of the best release libraries ever.
But that's wrong, also why would i pay 300 for a couple of games when i can buy a Xbone or PS4 and gets dozens?
> then why not ask why buy a PS4 when the PS2 has a better library and is cheaper? Why buy a PS4 when you can buy a SNES, since the library is better and it's cheaper?
Are you actually retarded or you're just grasping at straws at this point?
>but *you're* the retard if you think the only deciding factor that goes into buying a console is how strong it is
If im going to pay more for weaker tech then im getting the short end of the stick here, also you'd be paying more for a smaller library
>Also, again, you're comparing a console to a handheld. Obviously the PS4 is stronger than a handheld.
And you'd be right if it were the case but it's not, the Switch was designed to be both a handheld and a console, otherwise you'd seen a teaser for the next Nintendo console by now given the WiiU is dead
>So it's also a console then? If it werent why devs and fans are trying to put big console games on it like Doom and Skyrim if it werent? I mean many handheld tried to and failed enough to know that isnt viable so why the Switch keeps begging for more?
No, it's a handheld. Big console games are being put on it because it is a handheld that can actually play them. Theoretically, the only difference between a console and a handheld is the fact that Consoles aren't portable. Historically, handhelds have been missing things that are super important for playing games on non-portable consoles, like TV support and raw hardware power. The Switch's hardware is good enough to run console-level games, which has been proven by BotW and Odyssey. Putting shit like Doom and Skyrim is purely tech flexing and Bethesda testing the waters. Obviously, multiplats like Doom and Skyrim will *always* be best on PC. If anything, the fact that the Switch can play games like Doom and Skyrim at all while retaining portability gives it an advantage over the PS4 and Xbone. If you're gonna limit yourself to playing those games only at home, you'd have to be a moron or a child to buy them on the PS4 or Xbone instead of a PC.
>Actually so far i've been correcting you on your poor attempts to defend a company that's just as bad as the others
No company is good, but Nintendo is definitely not as bad as Sony or Microsoft.
Imagine being this fucking autistic that you just can't stand the fact that people like all sorts of games and instead of talking about the games you like you instead spend all your time and effort trying to convince people that they're wrong for liking the games they like.
>havent played a single one of these
>NieR Automata Isn't listed
Pretty good list, honestly.
1/10 really bad.
Extreme western bias except for Nintendo games because everyone shuts down their brain and gets wet for Nintendo, even google's algorithms.
Although it's also because of your region (or your shit tastes). There are about 8 or 10 jap games that should be way above any and all AAA trash shown there.
>So you're fine with DLC as long it comes with a little McDonalds toy? That's sad
I don't buy Amiibos, but I also don't buy anime figurines. I respect the choice of the people who do, and I think it's cool that Nintendo has given an actual purpose to buying them beyond just having a cluttered shelf full of hot glue material. If I were to buy any figurines, you bet your ass it'd be the figurines that give me extra shit in some games.
>Dude even the fanbase knows Gamefreak just shits out these games with no regard of whether they'll be good or not, IE: Ruby/Saphire remake
Again, I'll talk about Pokemon when you show the slightest grasp of the franchise and "the fanbase."
>But that's wrong, also why would i pay 300 for a couple of games when i can buy a Xbone or PS4 and gets dozens?
Why would I pay $200 for a PS4 or Xbone with dozens of games when I could pay $50 for a PS2 with hundreds?
>If im going to pay more for weaker tech then im getting the short end of the stick here, also you'd be paying more for a smaller library
So, using your logic, buying a Switch would be perfectly fine in 2021? If I'm understanding you, you don't actually have a problem with the Switch itself here, you're just talking about platform age? I assume you'd say the same thing about someone who bought a PS4 or Xbone at launch, since they both had abysmal launch libraries and cost $400 a pop?
>No, it's a handheld.
It's both, it serves as a replacement for the WiiU and 3DS
>Big console games are being put on it because it is a handheld that can actually play them.
Can they? Most ports of console games tend to be the worst version of said games, even things that dont require a lot of power like Rocket League look and run terrible on the Switch
>the fact that the Switch can play games like Doom and Skyrim at all while retaining portability gives it an advantage over the PS4 and Xbone.
>you'd have to be a moron or a child to buy them on the PS4 or Xbone instead of a PC.
Except laptops exist and they provide a better experience than the Switch can even on the portable area
>but Nintendo is definitely not as bad as Sony or Microsoft.
At this point, they are all equally bad but for their own reasons
>There are about 8 or 10 jap games that should be way above any and all AAA trash shown there.
Japan has never made a good game.
>And you'd be right if it were the case but it's not, the Switch was designed to be both a handheld and a console, otherwise you'd seen a teaser for the next Nintendo console by now given the WiiU is dead
Nintendo isn't making stationary consoles anymore. The Switch is a Handheld. They have a handheld that competes with stationary consoles. Comparing the Switch to stationary consoles without taking that into consideration is as retarded as comparing the GBA to the PS2.
You're right. The piece of land itself that we label as "Japan" never created anything as it isn't even a form of life.
On the other hand, japanese developers create 90% of what's best about gaming.
>and I think it's cool that Nintendo has given an actual purpose to buying them beyond just having a cluttered shelf full of hot glue material.
By making figurines that just add some small bonus and then just become dust collectors?
>Again, I'll talk about Pokemon when you show the slightest grasp of the franchise and "the fanbase."
So even if i present again and again examples of Gamefrreak being lazy i still dont have a "grasp" on the franchise? How delusional
>Why would I pay $200 for a PS4 or Xbone with dozens of games when I could pay $50 for a PS2 with hundreds?
So you're indeed grasping at straws because you cant defend that the Switch is ripping off people?
>So, using your logic, buying a Switch would be perfectly fine in 2021?
Not entirely but yes because at that time it would have a much bigger library and there would be other consoles that dont warrant their prices, at least to my knowledge
> assume you'd say the same thing about someone who bought a PS4 or Xbone at launch, since they both had abysmal launch libraries and cost $400 a pop?
Yes, but now they are cheaper and have a sizeable least one of them do
w-we won nintenbros... sony is finished
Laptops for gaming are astronomically more expensive than the Switch. Come on man, you're the one hammering away at prices and shit. A Laptop that's twice the price of the Switch wouldn't run Skyrim, Doom, or even Rocket league any better than the Switch can. And the difference in portability isn't even worth debating. Again, you're comparing shit without thinking about it for more than a second. The Switch has the portability of a tablet.
Saying they're all just equally bad for different reasons is lazy, dumb, and wrong. They're differently bad for different reasons.
>Laptops for gaming are astronomically more expensive than the Switch. Come on man, you're the one hammering away at prices and shit. A Laptop that's twice the price of the Switch wouldn't run Skyrim, Doom, or even Rocket league any better than the Switch can.
Except that's wrong, given those games i meantioned could run better than the Switch version even on toasters
>Saying they're all just equally bad for different reasons is lazy, dumb, and wrong. They're differently bad for different reasons.
No they are all equally bad given they have adapted most of the bad practices each one has created
>By making figurines that just add some small bonus and then just become dust collectors?
If you don't like figurines, you don't like figurines. There's no reason in arguing that.
>So even if i present again and again examples of Gamefrreak being lazy i still dont have a "grasp" on the franchise? How delusional
Nope, you don't, because even though Gamefreak has lots of things to criticise, you've pulled out the most uninformed points that everyone marches out when they want a reason to hate Pokemon but haven't actually dedicated any time to the games. You sound like all the kids who are bitter because their mommy wouldn't buy them a gameboy in school.
>So you're indeed grasping at straws because you cant defend that the Switch is ripping off people?
I'm showing you how retarded your stupid attempt at an argument is. The Switch isn't ripping off anybody.
>Not entirely but yes because at that time it would have a much bigger library and there would be other consoles that dont warrant their prices, at least to my knowledge
>Yes, but now they are cheaper and have a sizeable least one of them do
So basically, you're screaming and crying about how the Switch is evil, yet these specific points could be flipped around for the PS4, which has a raw hardware advantage but lacks a lot of good points about the Switch.
I've tried playing each of those games on a $600 computer (it was actually more like $800 and on sale at the time), and even Skyrim doesn't have an acceptable framerate.
>on a $600 computer (it was actually more like $800 and on sale at the time)
>cant run Skyrim in it
You're either Dobson or they guy sold you a cardboard box with a hamster wheel inside of it
Also RE7 was shit too
>you've pulled out the most uninformed points that everyone marches out when they want a reason to hate Pokemon but haven't actually dedicated any time to the games.
You mean the fact that the formula has gotten stale to the point when even trying to change it with SuMo still doesnt make the game better?
>I'm showing you how retarded your stupid attempt at an argument is. The Switch isn't ripping off anybody.
300$ for a pseudo-handheld/console that doesnt excel in either way it's what i'd call a rip off
>So basically, you're screaming and crying about how the Switch is evil, yet these specific points could be flipped around for the PS4, which has a raw hardware advantage but lacks a lot of good points about the Switch.
Even if it had good points, then this argument would change to you screaming and crying about how the PS4 is evil, yet those specific points could be flipped around for the Switch
Nintendo fans acting in denial again
to be fair half that stuff is pretty outdated and the other half can be said about Sony and Microsoft tenfold
ya gotta realize that, even though nintneod does some pretty shitty stuff, acting like theyre worse than sony or ms is buttfuck stupid
>only console company that, as of now, does not charge you $60 for the privilege of using the internet you already pay for
Yeah, they charge you more in other ways, like Zelda's 100+ dollars of season pass and amiibo restricted content.
>only recently reluctantly started doing DLC for their games, and DLC is released after the fact and is often closer to an expansion pack than actual DLC
Big fat lie. All DLC is evil, and should be free no matter how big it is, or how long it takes to be released. Expansions packs were a mistake because they just led to more and more greedy practices. Devs can no longer be allowed any leeway with this.
>doesn't bloat games with microtransactions
The mobile games don't count, I see? Interesting.
>doesn't do annual releases for their big franchises, allows the main major games some room to breathe between releases
Except for Pokemon.
Don't forget their biggest sin user.
>Nintendo fans talk about how bad Uncharted and Horizon are because they're cinematic experiences
>meanwhile games like Metroid: Other M have literal "skip gameplay" modes
>every single Nintendo fan worships it like it's perfection