Why does everyone hate this game??
Why does everyone hate this game??
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What are you talking about OP? I love this movie.
Best movie I've ever played.
ACT 3 is shit tho.
>casualized as fuck (not saying the series was ever hard) ordering any weapons and ammos any time is casual friendly
>only 2 memorable boss fights (screaming mantis and metal gear vs metal gear)
>overrated ending
>overrated final boss
>fanservice-y as hell
>20 fps all the way through
it's a victim of the time at which it was made, every shooter game of that era was brown on brown, it has cutscenes that go for 40 minutes at a time in what's supposed to be an action game
it was one of the first PS3 games to introduce forced HDD installs, not just at the start, but before every chapter of the game.
I love all the other MGS games and i've never played this one for more than an hour.
because we didn't think its fuckups could be outdone
>boring boss fights excluding Crying Wolf and RAY
>act 3
>a plot that tries to make sense of a game's ending never meant to be touched after its completion
but then we got PO and MGS5 and now we realize it was the last true MGS game
Laughing Octopus was pretty good tho
But nobody hates it.
It’s the best MGS game if you’re an enthusiast who enjoys experimenting with a games systems.
People who cruised through the game doing nothing but beelining story objectives missed out on a lot of fantastic content
Liquid Ocelot fight in the end was legendary.
Seriously, 4 has been made to look good because of 5 and PW.
Has any game aged better than Metal Gear Solid 1?
Who wants to play as old guy? Old snake sucks
because it wasn't Snake Eater.
Snake Eater
turns into a bad movie/boss rush/gimmick section fest that ruins previous games.
>areas with infinite respawning enemies and where you can randomly take damage.
>nanomachines and in general Kojima not giving a fuck during the writing process
>nostalgia pandering for better games
>people seem to forget that Kojima lied about being able to choose sides, both rebels and PMC.
>hour long cutscenes
>mostly god awful bosses, the bosses themselves having even more retarded stories and behaviors than standard MGS fare.
>gimmick stuff like mission 3 tailing, or boring action stuff like mission 3 rail shooter sequences, mission 3 in general.
>pointless otacon-naomi romance.
Just everything, I can't believe there are people who actually like this game
I don't hate it, but it was a generally unsatisfying conclusion to the Metal Gear Saga. Also
Because George told me
The last true Metal Gear was MGS2
MGS3 started the whole big environment survival meme where you have to manage 50 meters and subsystems, and enemies can see a thousand miles
Because the writing is fucking garbage?
No, it wasn't. At that point Liquid Ocelot was just "No longer hypnotized to believe he is Liquid" Ocelot. There was absolutely not reason for them to fight.
Snake didn't particularly give a fuck. Ocelot, as himself, did not have a grudge against either Snake, or BB. The fight was more pointless than 2 old men slapping at each other trying to regain that feeling of their glory days.
It was cringeworthy, not legendary. Just because you had a problem with Ocelot does not mean the fight in any way made sense given the context of the characters in the game.
Superbunnyhop finally put out his critical analysis of it.
count down the days until the fan opinion of ACT 3 being garbage starts to sway now that he's come out in support of the first half of it
>disliking the final boss fight
That was one of the only good things about that game, you fag.
>you guys only hate it coz it's hard!
>i hate fun!!
i read that.
Literally who?
>MGS4 releases and becomes an instant critical darling, fanboys love it and proport it as the perfect conclusion to the saga
>meanwhile longtime MGS fans are hit revelation that it's not all that its hyped up to be and ruins everything they originally loved about the saga
it had a more in depth control scheme than GZ and TPP. furthermore, you did actually have to acquire new weapons before you were able to get them from drebin.
The guy that helped influence public opinion on MGS2 after he put out his analysis of it. Showing dissent is cute, but pretending he's irrelevant when his videos get linked to all the time wherever the series is discussed is not going to work.
MGS3 fags cant handle it being better than the menusimulator and muh boss ending "fight"
the statement of a MGS3 fanboy
Oh so a literal nobody. Got it
this is the most accurate post regarding mgs4 i have ever seen. good job, user.
Everything in the Metal Gear universe happened because a strong independent woman didn't need no man
You fags literally hate EVERYTHING. It's so sad and pathetic, and I seriously wonder why any of you play games at all
His MGS critical close ups have like half a million views each and has tons of subscribers but okay.
He's more successful than you or I will ever be.
>tranq everything in sight
fighting with the militias against the PMCs was god tier or even moving past them by using a disguise
>ayo jack imma tell you summthin real quick
>*builds a private army and terrorizes the world*
>*becomes the most famous soldier despite his whole thing about stealth*
>kojima writing after 3
>not tranq everything in sight
>-50,000 points, "WOW BOSS YOU ARE A FUCKING LOSER", entire base on full alert for the next three hours, autistic chicken rank
>can only find this one in garage sales
>can't find any copy of MGS3
>been searching for 2 years
I didn't even play it yet but I already hate it
wooooahhhh dude... like half a million
>Terrible level design that you can breeze through, or alternatively railroads you into gunning through everyone
>Incomprehensible, convoluted plotline
>Camo system made everything easy-mode
>Boss fights were all shit
>All of the enemies are retarded and they don't have anything you can really do with them
>No tactical or strategic planning involved in going through game
No idea if they unfucked MGS5 but it doesn't look like it so I didn't even bother touching it.
Pretty damn accurate.
>A decade later and still read it in his voice.
don't generalize mate I loved the game except for that fucking wank epilogue.
>he doesnt know
you can get S ranks by jsut running past everything and getting the time score
>he thinks i mean MGSV automatically whenever someone mentions tranqing everything
hmmmm..? using all the weapons in MGS1-4 was fun as fuck, score and shit is for autists, jsut unlock the shit you want then play it your way
>play MGS 5
>marking enemies, taking over bases, collecting animals, plants and resources
>realize I'm playing Far Cry 3
Because it has 5 chapters and only the first two have gameplay.
I've got their 3 second riff from the Laughing Octopus fight burning into my brain.
I meant every game since 2. You can get a bit more creative in 3, but at the end of the day you are still just tranqing everyone
in 3 you can shoot fags and stroll through the game its just that autists dont like killing and are too scared to used unsilenced guns,
>No gameplay worth a shit past Act 2
>Horrible story that replaces actual substance with lame pandering for retards
Worst game in the series