Who will replace him now that he’s left?

Who will replace him now that he’s left?

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woah did he left? why?


Ben Shapiro

I thought it was Barry who left?


the mantis



this guy

Jon needs to start his own GG.

yeah him

This but unironaclly


There he is

you'd be great user

With only himself.
He will call it Grump.

He died of flu. Look at all their latest videos, it's just Arin now.


wait are you fucking serious?
i'll never look it up but that sounds boring as shit if he's alone


"hey, I'm dead!...."

serious talk guys how do we get this user to be part of GG

More like Dump lol

He was sick for 2+ weeks and it was just announced that it was fatal

Haha, funny joke anons.


You're fucking with us.

Barry also left but dan has died, think it’s gonna be Arin solo for a while now


Please tell me you don't actually believe this

I don't. But the fact Arin's alone is hilarious.

How is it possible to look that awful? Why can't he get a decent haircut and lift a little? Would it be that hard?

we believe in you user

If I recall he was growing out his hair to make wigs for children with cancer.

What a fucking LOOOOOOOOSER!

run escape

start slapping your erect dick rythmically on your thigh while sending user all your power.

Well that's nice. What about being a skeleton with horrible clothes?

Oneyplays is also cancelled

He can't help being Jewish, man

Jon lets go on a safari Jafari

like he would even want to though, who would willingly subject themselves to a daily dose of Arin?

His wife.

Yeah, I don't believe this for a second and don't care to give them even more attention by looking it up. Illness never strikes down the right people.

He was sick over a week ago, it takes a long time for videos to be uploaded.

Sounds like punishment enough.

He left for a reason.

keking at your life m8

They upload every day user

Did he ever say why

Would feel bad for her buuut, she is even more insufferable than he is. They are perfect for eachother.

It certainly feels like it will be shortly after the holiday season ends. Uploads slowing to a crawl, increasingly lazy editing and DD constantly shilling his new game "studio" and talking up how much work he's going to get done this next year. I don't think nearly as many people are going to follow him after OP ends as he thinks.

The right people? He was a nice Jew he doesn’t deserve the chamber

She only deals with Arins autism because he has that youtube dosh for her to leech off of
If Arin wasn't making what he was making she would drop him in a heartbeat

why do you still watch them

They're friends from childhood though

She's the one who ruined him in the first place, he used to be a somewhat cool guy and then they married.

Does Jon even play videogames anymore? he only uploads his reaction to shitty things from the 90's

No, but it's obvious to anyone that he and Arin had a falling out. And I guess making let's plays wasn't that creatively fulfilling.

He almost spilled the beans while drunk on a livestream. Arin is just a controlling douchey stubborn ass. And Suzy is like the Yoko Ono of the group.

Do you really think they just push uploads out as they make them and don't have a buffer?

Yeah I agree. Danny's a very good hearted person and even he can't stand Arin at times.

you can only do so many game reviews before it gets stale, there are very little games that haven't been reviewed on youtube

sick burn brah

No, he's far too busy lynching blacks with Flex Tape.

user both of them arre ugly as fuck it is true love, im sorry you never had someone special

He at least started Persona 5 when it came out and his first impressions seemed good, I think that's the last game we have confirmation of him playing.

Yeah, you're right. If he's secretly a total fucking assbag he must keep it under very tight wraps. I'm just still bitter that the original group ended on such a sour note and hate the direction they've gone, everything about them seems so corporate now.

He plays privately with Sargoy of Akkad, Sargon has mentioned off handedly talking with and gaming with Jon a few times.

The JonTron show keeps him pretty busy I would imagine.

>Arin "enjoying the taste/texture of cum isn't gay" Hanson
I'm 90% sure either Suzy pegs him or he's a literal cuck, with how much he """ironcially""" acts gay.

Not really but from what we`ve seen everyone assumes Arin was enjoying the idea of focusing on the let`s plays as their main content and leaving their original channels aside, while Jon wanted to actually make what he felt was good content (he always openly disliked the Let`s Play format, and made Grumps as a pastime). Also Arin`s a controlling ass and Suzy is Yoko like said.

They do but the last group of video they were talking about stuff that happened in november. Plus in a making of video he mentions some games have not been released or just on the back burner for down time. Aaron's Game Grumps is a business they will always have content out.

I like that he actually calls Arin out on his shit now. He used to be a yes man, but he got tired of nodding his head all the time I guess.

He continues being positive about something even when Arin is shitting on everything.

That picture is funny Arin never reads on screen info or hints.

that feel when season 1 lasted less than a year and dan has been season 2 for nearly 5 years now

that feel when i love dan with arin and don't know why i want there to be someone new
i know it'll be worse because dan was worse

are you the goose?

Reminds me of a hundred page book I read once where a chapter was like 80 pages and the next 20 were 3 other chapters.

I cant wait for the inevitable/eventual eight chan leaks of his cloud data where he is a literal cuck and likes to watch and helps Suzy clean up the stallion afterwards.

You like cuck porn?

No, it will just confirm what I always thought. Confirmation bias feels good sometimes.


>Jon leaves
>Gets replaced by a 35 year old Jew who sings in a "lol le buttsecks is funny" band
>he's actually funnier than Jon

You became an anime girl with silver hair when that happened?

>Tfw Wokegrumps isn't a thing.

shame the other half became extremely unlikeable and boring
I'd watch anything with Dan without arin.

Why is it that whenever Dan makes a genuinely hilarious joke Arin has to follow up with an unfunny comment thats the exact same joke but worse?

Give me a shout out once your officially there. My handle is "faggot" ok?

Tell me about it. Dan is comfy and funny, Arin just screams and is bitter about everything.

All this Arin hate. Arin literally put together a business that employs like 10+ people and launched the careers of the people that left.

And he's only like 27, I respect the hell out of what he's made.

I can respect that but that doesn't mean I like him.

t. Arin

>tfw not in the timeline with jon and dan

Just because someone did something impressive doesn't mean they are a good or likable person.

i would lose my shit

i can respect Andrew Wilson for being able to run a sucessful business, doesnt mean i dont want him to die


didnt he create it with jon and then kick him out for a girl when it got successfull

Arin's 31.

"Creative differences" in the h3h3 podcast