Don't mind me, just gonna pirate these swords

Don't mind me, just gonna pirate these swords

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So thats why he turned black


I only know about this anime through memes. Is it worth watching? If so where do I start?


read the VN, do not watch the anime, you can literally just read the whole thing through youtube(pick one where the faggot LPer doesnt speak).

The VN

I am the bone of my sword

steel is my body and fire is my blood

Unknown to death

Do you have enough swords, King of Heroes

Nor known to life

nor known to faggots.



This chant seemed really cool when I was an edgy kid.

I get that VN is the best experience for it, but I can't be assed to focus on just it. I got that autism where if I'm not doing 3 things at once l I feel like I'm wasting my time. So is there a comparable anime experience or should I not bother?

The anime is fun, better than the VN for sure.

drown in your autism and die!

The chant itself isn't too great but the delivery of it makes it memorable.

Don't bother. VN or nothing for you

The UBW anime is a decent adaptation despite what hipsters from Sup Forums will tell you. Avoid the Fate anime by Studio DEEN at all costs. The upcoming Heavens Feel movies should be good, even if they're doing that 3-part meme like its fucking Harry Potter.

>when I was an edgy kid
Are you still an edgy kid? Because the chant will always be cool.

DEEN Fate was alright.

Just wait for Heaven's Feel to come out then. It's the true arc of the VN, anime adaptation is supposed to be good.

So UBW is the original plot right? I don't want to accidentally watch a sequel series or something.

UBW is the second route. You could do what I'm doing.

Fate/zero, then the Fate route of the VN,
then the UBW anime, then the Heaven's Feel movies as they come out.

It's still cool, fuck you.

>Fate/zero, then the Fate route of the VN

I still love it years later. Don't grow up too much now user, or there will be nothing left of you.

>zero first

fuck you, you might as well just spoil the entire story for him right now and save him the trouble

zero spoils nothing besides waver

the first route is just info dump anyway that.
I suggest starting with UBW anime.

Starting with Zero works for people...but it's not intended for beginners. UBW explains everything by like episode 2 and is more straightforward.

>got that autism where if I'm not doing 3 things at once l I feel like I'm wasting my time
Being a child is not autism.

The Fate/Stay Night visual novel is split up into three "routes":

Fate, Saber's route, is the first route and sort of acts like an introduction to the characters despite being a full story on its own.

Unlimited Blade Works, Rin's route, is the second route and generally the most famous and talked-about route. It focuses a lot on Archer and his relationship with the protagonist.

Heaven's Feel, Sakura's route, is the third route and the one where things go off the rails. There's some stuff about the protagonist's ideals (although he seems like a self-insert, he's actually a very ideologically warped person), and it has one of the coolest "bad ends" in the story.

>t. Secondary
Do not listen to this man.

>Fate, Saber's route, is the first route and sort of acts like an introduction to the characters despite being a full story on its own.
So if I already know how shit works in Fate, can I skip Saber's route?

Pretty much, unless Saber is your waifu (don't do this)

What actually happens in it? Anything of note?

Yes, do so. Saber is an awful girl anyway. Her clones are better.

Hey man, I never asked for this.

So Fate/Stay Night, then UBW, and the Heaven's when it comes out. Gotcha, thank you.

can't wait to see Fate/Extra last encore with burn redman and a new EMIYA remix at hand.

Maybe if the HF movie turns out great I could feel the mood again.

Who edited the nipples out and why

>creates copies of all the weapons and armaments Archer ever encountered
>has no effect on the originals
That's actually a working analogy for once

Well, it's not like an actual "prologue" in that it's a full story, but its basically the most vanilla route and like another user said mostly acts to set up the world and infodump shit. If you're playing the VN then you have to play through this to unlock the other routes anyway. If it means anything the Realta Nua rerelease adds an "epilogue" which is a direct continuation of the Fate route.

Does anybody have that huge-ass T/M infograph?

except the parts where it spoilers saber was in the 4th war, gil is from the 4th war, priest was in 4th war, priest is evil, the grail is corrupted, that avalon is in shirou, that rin and sakura are sisters, and the matous are worms and sakura is a wormslut

I'm Gar for Acha.

Don't listen to the VN guys, just watch the UBW anime first and decide if you like it. You can still get into the VNs afterwards

only watch fate zero, the other one is hot garbage

>Don't listen to the people who actually know what they are talking about

fuck you and your rhino, secondary scum

You'll miss the first few tense moments where Ilya is your worst nightmare since her presence means Berserker could fuck you up at any moment.
Also Saber versus Rider is pretty good.
If you're not gonna read the Fate route atleast read the fights with Berserker and Rider.

Nigger, I read the VN in 2008.
The UBW adaptation is not bad and only like 1% of people start with the VN nowadays according to a recent FGO survery.

People burn out from reading, and the first route straight up sucks dick.

>some guy who doesn't really seem all that interested to begin with asks how to get into the series
>tell him to just read the VN
You're not so smart, are you?
Also, the rhino is cute

As someone that played the VN and watched the anime, I say to watch UBW first and if you like it then play the VN.
Dont listen to the VN only shitters. The anime is just fine
Heavens Feel is best route

>game gives you a giantess fetish

whcih game is this

I started with the DEEN staynight and I fucking liked it

watched every adaptation after that

still havent read the vn

Post your hours played in the game then.

What's wrong with the Studio DEEN anime? Is it just bad or does it veer away for the story too much?

Fate/ Extella. It's pretty shit, unfortunately, but the chapter with the giantess /fit/ brown waifu is god-tier.

wow if only there was important information included in the screen shot that you can type into a search engine and find out for out self!

The bad ends of the VN are hilarious
>Lmao dude, I've literally survived servant assaults, I can survive a little fall from the fourth floor right?
>Randomly dies stabbed for making a question to a friend

>not bureiido wakussu

nothing wrong with it, hating DEEN is just an old meme

>not Unrimited

that was nearly a decade ago...
completely different computer.
I see what you're trying to do, dumb male master. I swear to you I actually read it.


So just bad animation?

the anime fucks up some ofthe things with UBW for the sake of epic fights. its better to just read the VN first.

Sparks Liner High is fucking badass

the animation is fine, they just find the worse in between stills to shitpost with

its fine in actual animation

Awful quality and they keep adapting really long VNs and either changing the tone of the VN or missing a lot of vital info.

>making a question to a friend
fucking what

It's not like those things don't get spoiled in every single fate thread or discussion ever. If you've had any curiosity about the franchise you've probably heard all of that anyway.

>Not having a completed Tiger Stamp collection F/SN save on hand at all times
>Recommending adaptations to people who want to get into a series because "people don't read anymore"
I don't believe a word you say.

shirou is the red man

its gonna be awful but i have no choice.

Rosebud is his sled
Darth Vader is luke's father

Yeah it will definitely be intersting to see how the second movie plays out, when the first mostly felt like exposition. This movie really does require knowledge of the VN route to properly enjoy. There was only one theater showing it in my entire state and even then it was just me and about 15 other weebs; made for a comfy night.

>this got translated but not extra CCC

I love Passionlip

Neither did your parents but here you are.

I started liking it a lot more when I found the literal translation instead of the engrish.

>My body is made out of swords.
>My blood is of iron and my heart of glass.
>I have overcome countless battlefields.
>Not even once retreating,
>Not even once being understood.
>He was always alone, intoxicated with victory in a hill of swords.
>Thus, his life has no meaning.
>That body was certainly made out of swords.

i dunno why but all the EMIYA remixes are shit compared to the original. Muramasa's is slightly okay but the original is the only one where the beat functions well.

I guess he is referring to when Shirou asks Issei if he knows anything about Medea.


Shirou has to check glasses guy for command spells. If you ask him directly Caster suddenly possesses him and he stabs you. You have to strip him to progress the story. It's got to be the most out of nowhere Bad End.

Best Shirou is Miyuverse Shirou.

Oh so he meant ASKING a question, he just worded it strangely.
Who the fuck says making a question..

Murasama version is really good yeah

>actually enjoyed the VN back in the day
>completely drop the series as Zero was ending as I could where exactly this series was heading
>ends up worse than anything I imagined

Am I just a hipster?

Not that I disagree with the end result but what did you find bad about Zero's end?

>willingly getting bad ends

lmao, only one i got was simons says i kill myself. Although i am still kinda curious how femme fatale plays out, but i'm too satisfied with the Ryu Ga Gotoku-tier fistfight + project myself to death ending to go back.

A hipster wouldn't be caught dead reading a VN, much less a porn one, or a Japanese one, let alone a popular one.

>Not visiting the Dojo every chance you can get
>Not enjoying the secret Taiga+Illya Hotspring ending
I feel bad for you.

It was supposed to be "airing". Not like the fandom was anything good before but it went straight into the shitter fast