Mfw playing the Switch on new year

>mfw playing the Switch on new year

What is everyone else playing?

Other urls found in this thread:

D44m to test out my new laptop


>needing to remove the text that comes with the image so you don't get BTFO again
Go ahead, post the full version and embarrass yourself.

this image accurately conveys the majority of nintendo's userbase, for women it would just be a prostitute with a zelda tattoo.

Stop making these threads you fucking moron and stop trying to force this shitty meme.

Another faggot on Sup Forums has a problem with people being happy and decides to mock them so they feel less shitty about the fact that they're a lonely NEET virign


>Sup Forums has finally come full circle and makes fun of people who play video games for looking like weak dorks
the lack of irony is incredible

I don't have a PS4, sorry

>im such a memer guys XD

Just got my ps4

this soyshit is reaching critical mass, when does it all end?

And he forces a shitty meme. The absolute state of you virgins

Wait... are you saying the people spamming numale memes AREN'T ripped as fuck handsome alphas? Did Sup Forums lie to me?

>the lack of irony
This is full irony, you glasses wearing faggot

Did you mean "The lack of self-awareness"?


We make fun of numales. There is a difference, numale-kun.

No, I mean lack of irony. They're doing it completely seriously.

Why is it so fucking hard to figure out how to smile for a camera? No open-mouth, overly enthusiastic bullshit like you're some kind of Pixar character. Just a basic smile. Hell, practice in front of a mirror if you have no idea.

>lmao I have a gf and you don't!
>I have no self-worth other than that

The state of soyboys.

Yeah, the difference is that most of these losers are still getting laid

So it's fine to be an ugly goofy looking retard as long as you're not a liberal? Is that what you're getting at? If not please explain the difference to me.

Wow, I wonder who didn't finish their soy lattes this morning?

>there are grown-ass men willing to sign contracts with women over how they play a game
>"yeah but I get laid sometimes"
Honest question, no bullshit, is it actually worth it?


These bitches are buying videogame consoles for them and taking pictures of them smiling under trees in their pjs.

They're hardly girlfriends. They likely have barren wombs and are just acting as surrogate moms

Your moms pussy



Incel pride, worldwide! [brohoof] /)

What if you never smile for a camera? Is that ok?

in his case it's totally worth it considering he's barely a human being

That's fine too, people used to never smile for cameras. Hell, anything is better than trying to do the :D emote

why do grown men wait for Christmas to get vidya?
just go out and buy what you want

desu every time I read a post calling someone else a soyboy I think of the greentext where an user called someone a soyboy in real life and the rest of his coworkers laughed at him when he explained it and said he must be eating a lot of soy himself.

His "wife" doesn't seem that better than him to be honest

Whenever I see another dude not smile in a picture when everyone else in his crew does, I think he's a tryhard who cares too much about appearances.

All marriage is is a contract so this is just the beginning. And no it isn't it never is marriage is dumb just change her last name ring and have a nice trip together no need to sign a bad contract for you the man that stresses your relationship.

>What if you never smile for a camera? Is that ok?

Are you really asking about social etiquette in an image board populated by angry autistic neets living in a basement?

haha very witty

You can have your pride but they're te ones furthering their genes

I wouldn't put up with it but I also know I'd regret it when I'm old and have no kids

t.upset numale

What if he has fucked up teeth?

>everyone is either a soyboy or a tryhard who cares too much about appearances, you must make this exact kind of smile to appear natural and acceptable to me
maybe you're the one who cares too much lad

Because if someone gets you it for Christmas after you bought it it's awkward and they feel bad. Do you not have friends?

>he writes from his MacBook pro
Woah their elliot ghosts aren't allowed to post here go watch Corey in the house in hell.

Nothing wrong in the 3rd pic though.

>tfw crooked smile so I always do a closed mouth smile
is this autistic should I stop? I have zero sense of how the world perceives me so I can't adjust. Sometimes I just wish everyone was super honest and would say for instance "don't smile like that it looks bad because your face is weird" because the alternative is that they think it but don't say it and I keep doing it.

Do you have the full pic from v-sarg?

Nah, I'm not getting laid, I'm just nit pathetic enough to pretend like I'm better than these faggots

How do we stop the soy menace?

>people used to never smile for cameras

Because it took like a half fucking hour to take a picture

i tend to talk with them a lot because that whats friends do and it fairly easy to get a grasp on what they already own and what they might need

yeah gettin ur nuts cut is the pinnacle of being the man in a relationship if you get an xbox for it

Just don't give a fuck, no one in your life cares. Everyone around here, myself included, just tries desperately to invent ways we're better than random people because we know our social worth is almost nil

You need your meme to be called something for it to actually work, yknow.

more cats?

>all these cunts who don't put soy sauce in their noodles
Fucking barbaric.

Sometimes I wish I legitimately had autism so I could have an excuse for being as fucking awkward as I am.

Send in cat extermination squads

t.upset numale

is this an act or actually retarded

get rekt son

Xenoblade 2. Good stuff.

I think that guy is just autistic

Just got my divorce


trained anti soy cats obviously
start with house cats and works towards soy tigers patrols

Start reading Marx
Bring refugees in
Start eating soy

Yeah, so then they avoid buying shit around the holidays because they know you or others might get them for them.

After our Christmas party I'll get what I want, but doing it now would be a dick move.

>that stupid open mouth "smile"
>pointing at the person beside you


The box is empty.

Are you from the States? The divorce rate here is over 50%, with women winning 95% of custody battles. Even if you have bastard children, if she gets pissed off or just feels like being a slut, the court will allow her to take them. It just feels like a lose-lose situation to me.

Which really sucks because I'm the fourth to carry my name and the line is going to end with me


when are they gonna nerf gay Morpheus?
he bodies everyone in the roster

>The divorce rate here is over 50%
white male x black female is the least likely to divorce

>The divorce rate here is over 50%

Source? Also divorce rates are somewhat inflated because there are some shitty people that are divorcing over and over.

black dude has good shorts and stealthy appearance.

the tank on the right might have some time mage abilities from the pants though

least likely to get married too, faggot. Fuck off

Also the least likely to happen because only soyboys would ever have a serious relationship with a sheboon.

my natural smile looks like a frog

>get divorce
>man literally HAS to pay woman every month
>even if she re-marries man still HAS to pay


Didn't say they need to do the overly-dramatic soysmile. But if everyone is having a good time, why put on a mug like you don't enjoy being there all of the sudden someone is taking a picture?

its privilege tax

Some men are happy to pay

>mid to late 20's
>getting that excited over something that costs $300 and is made for children

>le fear grin face

>last alcohol of 2017
>last monster zero ultra sip of 2017

Jesus fucking christ

Why not just kill her? She can't make a slave out of you if she's dead

Get the fuck out of my head, I'm doing exactly that right now.

>posting on a board dedicated to things that cost $300 and are made for children


creampies all day every day

>I will make a sexdoll face, surely I will look happy and sympathetic to everybody on my public facebook!
What lead a human being to think like that?

when you can't have kids, you have failed life. it's the one thing we're meant to do, to pass on our genes.

Nah, that's just fucking dumb.

Why would he want to look sympathetic