Whats wrong with Floris?

Whats wrong with Floris?

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nothing it is a okay mod

Online combat is trash.
Unless you go into battle fucking naked so you can swing at 1000x the speed of everyone else, you're fucking dead every time unless you fuck someone from the back like a coward

>inb4 get gud
fuck you, if bannerlord keeps the eact same combat as warband, this is DED GAME within months of launch

It dosen't have Dickplomacy

Sex mods will keep it alive

>Playing Mountain Blade for the multiplayer

I can't play single player games anymore.
it makes me fel alone and like im wasting my time accomplishing shit with noone else to see it

I used to love single player games until I played an MMo for 5 years straight

Fucking pleb.

> playing MMOs

bloated mess which change stuff that doesn't need to be changed for worse.

Such as?


floris just needs management mods and it would be good

shit combat animations, ugly graphics, textures, shit armor. When I last time played, it added radious tier units like cavalry for Nords and Rhodoks.

What version of Floris were you playing? Are you sure you got the right mod?

yeah, I got it because of the best overhaul meme and uninstalled quickly. It was like 5 years ago so I don't remember which version it was or whatever.
Combat animations especially turned me off.

>tfw brainlet
>don't know what the fuck I should do in the beginning or create character

just put points into skills you want to use.

How do i open a Brothel in Dickplomacy?
The only reason i installed it was to become a medieval pimp

Porn stuff is disabled on default. You have to copy some files in mod folder and then enable it in camp menu.
Then you need to talk with guildmaster in town that you want open new buisness like in vanilla game, and then there will be new option.

Clans don't pvp naked. You are talking about pub matches. When you become good enough you'll usually parry most attacks, being naked or having armor won't affect how well you can parry the person. People put armor on in clan matchesbecause of obvious reasons.

>don't want to play the Clash of Kings mod because Cozur is a fucking cunt
>the other alternative ASOIAF mods are ass in comparison
Fuck video games desu

Sounds like you're describing a totally different mod.

Is Prophecy of Pendor any good? I've only played vanilla and Floris, never really touched mods before.

Why, I checked and it still adds radious tier units

looks like a improvement to me

It kills faction diversity by adding cavalry to Rhodoks just like Radious did and still does to every Total War he can.

>When I last time played, it added radious tier units like cavalry for Nords and Rhodoks.
Last time i've played there was no Nord cavalry and Rhodoks (Floris Rhodoks are Milan and other Italian city states centered around strong pikemen and crossbowmen) cavalry was meme tier of bad compared to cavalry centered factions.

diversity is bad

fuck off SFO

>Unless you go into battle fucking naked so you can swing at 1000x the speed of everyone else
Git gud

They all mean nothing user, the fact that you're trying to justify your time only shows how bad you're addicted.

>Monster Hunter got another non-handheld game before Bannerlord released
The list is getting insane.

What does Dickplomacy add? I've heard great things about the mod, but never its features.

banner creation
only up to date diplomacy version
fixes some bugs, ands second ladder to sieges.
and some other stuff, check OP in /mbg/ It's flat out upgrade to vanilla and still feels like vanilla. There is no reason to not play it if you want to conquer Calradia again.

All of this except fugging is in the Floris I installed

floris dosen't feels like vanilla

More isn't always better

all you need is Diplovexxed

>2017, mere hours before 2018
>Not playing Anno Domini 1257

People usually shit on it because its popular, but its pretty good mod imo, its adds a bit of supernatural shit, but theres tons of new weapons/armor that are distinct, also just getting few noldor rangers that fuck everything up is fun

People shit on it because of the grind.

what the fuck are those unit names

If you get too many modification options it stops being immersive.

The grind seemed to be on par with any other mod ive played, just kill bandits, get lord status, get 100 ish units, help besiege some castles, or maybe cities, get one, rebel, start fuckin shit up

They're in faction language for immersion.

fuckin great, let me bring along dictionary so i can figure out what the fuckin Le Piccheire Fiamingo d'Dicksuckeroo is

Some of them are also actual names used by their respective factions that they are meant to represent, like Khergits get Turco-Mongol names.

Its for immersion. Theres a reason M&B, Grand Strat and TW are considered the holy trinity of pure autism /his/ games.

As if you need to know more then A for Archer, I for Infrantry and C for Cavalry

>mod hasn't been updated for years

Okay fuckboy then hows this. YOU list the mods that add the most in the most consistent manner to the native experience.

Dickplomacy. Anything more than that is an overhaul and entirely subjective.

But i liked Napoleonic Wars multi

I know >realism is the reason but giving everyone spears in M&B was a mistake.

I honestly only play M&b because its the closest you get to medieval rpg and dont care at all for the characters or vanilla. If I want to play someone as a Mongol tribesman, I want the naming schemes to be at the very least accurate. If they have infantry, eh I wont complain since Mongols did have their chinese and korean auxilaries.

Absolutely disgusting post.

italian names were shit
literally destroyed all my enjoyment


This is exactly how they get you user. You've traded the intrinsic pleasure of mastering new mechanics and exploring new worlds for the extrinsic reward of extremely (time-)costly an irrelevant social status.

Break the cycle user.

>no one recommending warband

i love how Sup Forums sways and just flatout abandons games it once said were crucial


Seems a bit weird to recommend warband in a warband thread.

the fuck are you about

literal faggot mod
>gay """"""marriage""""""

It's intentionally degenerate, user, what did you expect?

there is a cool degeneracy and there is disgusting degeneracy

that's an oxymoron

Has anyone played this?

Looks like napoleonic wars, any good?

>Video game

Will there be another free for all match like Sup Forums had yesterday?