Thoughts on the best selling game on pc in history?


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feels like a bad fort nite clone.
inb4 pubg came first.

play both, pubg feels like the clone.

why are there so many shills for fortnite and pubg

it will do 10x on PS4

Pic isn't related?

popular game so people happen to talk about it
fortnite is for contrarians

Too many Chinese playing on north american servers, I can't even pug a squad match because Chinese don't know english and vice versa

>Fortnite has literal RNG shooting mechanics
>PUBG actually has half decent ballistics with weapon attachments and ironsights
Yeah no, Fortnite's pretty cloney

[muffled chinese bots in the distance]


PUBG has now likely crossed into the top 10 best selling games of all time despite releasing less than 2 weeks ago.

I for one welcome our new korean overlords.

>Chinks using server lag to gain an advantage
>Terrible Xbone launch
>A popular clone is free to play

Played it for an hour and a half then got a refund. Just didn't feel like it was worth the money, and there were better games on sale. I'll wait until it's on sale next year sometime, maybe.

It's also very ugly, and runs like shit. Having to turn details down with a 7700K and 1080 while running it at 1080p is bullshit.

Also, the guy who made it is an absolute tool.

>buying an unfinished game, ever
>complain about it being unifinished

1.0 runs smooth as a baby's butt

I bought it when 1.0 dropped, hence the refund. It ran like shit on Ultra, and I was told by someone on Steam that I had to turn it down.

>complain about it being unifinished

Where did he say that exactly? He just said it ran like shit - which it still does.

>1.0 runs smooth as a baby's butt

It really doesn't.

>sell a 30€ videogame
>claim it's unfinished to cover your ass from criticism

Fuck off.

Come to EU servers they’re pretty chink free

>Thoughts on the best selling game on pc in history?
Picture unrelated right ? You know Minecraft holds the record for most sales ever

Runs fine on ultra for my and my rig is worse than yours

1060 6gb

>best selling game on pc in history?

would that be solitaire, or minesweeper?


I truly do not get it. The graphics are shit. The shooting is shit. The sound is shit. It's boring as fuck. Everything is shit. How did this come to be.

it's an ok game
fun with friends.


I don't think my computer can run it

>March 23, 2017
>2 weeks ago

Because winning actually means something. Being the best out of 100 players feels good.

You can fucking hide until there are 2-3 guys left, then jump in. It's fucking stupid.

of all the shit you see on this board, the one thing you can be sure is dishonest is the statement that fortnite is a better game than pubg
fortnite is like a kiddie version at best. like a training wheels mode for little kids AT BEST

Its called strategy

I doubt it feels better than completing a raid with your bros or clutching a round with your bros watching your every move or getting that nuke killstreak or wallbouncing a wallbouncer

Literally no one actually believes this. Go into a fortnite thread and look at people looking to play together, and you'll notice it's overwhelmingly ps4. Pretty sure this is where the meme comes from.

It looks semi-interesting, but I've heard too many stories about how badly optimised it is to grab it at the moment.

I'm due to upgrade my PC pretty soon, so I get the feeling it'd run like shit on my current one, so I'll wait until I've got better specs & it's running better as a whole.

idk lol

It's called scrubbery.

Fortnite is the super smash bros of battle royale. No matter how deep the shooting mechanics of pubg may be, no matter the lack of survival mechanics from others like H1Z1, it will become the supreme master of the genre in much the same way, through aesthetic and tounament-bility.

In many ways, Pubg is kid mode, as certain things like lack of hitmarkers (like you wouldnt know where your getting hit from irl), and being able to legitimately hide in foliage until the last handful of people.

Its called being salty

Both Pubg and Fortnite have squad modes, making your point moot.

I time my sessions on Xbone by when PUBG decides to crash to home. Generally a session lasts 60-90 minutes.

Its called cheesing, and its very shameful. Maybe a step away from total scrubbery.

and? what are you even talking about

All your points have to do with your friends being there. But in both these games, your friends can in fact be there. So really, your complaints are entirely subjective.

Best selling PC game in history? Maybe approaching there?

>World of Warcraft 5.5 million active subscriptions, height 12 million active subscriptions.
>CrossFire (previously) 8 million concurrent players. 650 million accounts.
>League of Legends >27 million concurrent players. 100 million accounts in 2016.

windows isn't free

1.0 hasn't improved performance, at least noticably.

PUBG has sold more copies than WoW ever had in subscribers.
CrossFire and LoL are Free to Play, and therefore account numbers cannot be used in the context of BEST SELLING.

It still really bothers me he decided to put his nickname in the fucking title of the game

Seems like a pretty boring game. Spend most of each match doing nothing but running and playing with looting menus. Then get shot and killed by someone you almost certainly never saw.

I don't get the appeal, and the game seems to be janky as hell and ugly, to boot. Look at the fucking game splash art. That helmet looks goddamn retarded. The name is stupid, too. Who the fuck is "player unknown"? What a wanker.

i emjoy it but i have no friends that play it

and solo isnt fun


I'm sure people play it because of some streamers

It's a battle royale, some games are pretty dull if you don't have anyone around you but you only really keep looting after the beginning if there's shit you really need. You can just get your first gun where you land and then go on a rampage if you want. Maybe I'm wrong but you don't usually get sniped until the end game where people have picked up scope upgrades. It's easy to bash a game for a bunch of reasons but when you ignore the twitch kiddies/streamers and just play the game it's pretty fun.

you buy windows not the games you retard

either you're having a cozy winter or your computer is melting

everything else is debatable but the sound is the only thing in the game that is well designed

Fortnite is the kiddified version of Pubg. I guess your taste is indicative of your mental age

It's a 6 year old laptop. I bought it for university. Just not got around to building a new PC yet