Nintendo ALWAYS Wins!

Welp looks like I'm buying a couple switches! Let's go boys!



i was waiting for this 2018 is going to be EPIC familiosa's

Cool but the scene will be a mess for a few years like 3ds was. Come back with offline cfw and freeshop/usb helper equivalent and then we'll be in business. Good news regardless.

Why the FUCK does Nintendo get ther consoles hacked first? Is the 360/PS3 even emulatable?

>As to the thief, male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power

MY Nigga! I was reporting CEMU threads and CEMUs patron to them but this is getting reprorted too

Are they called the Virgin Islands because you live there, user?


But the only people who hack nintendo consoles are nintendo console OWNERS? and that would mean that they probably already like nintendo right?


Also yes, the PS3 and 360 are homebrewable, but you have to have certain hardware and not update, just like the Switch

Both are hacked and can be emulated. You'd better off getting a fat ps3 with a big external drive if you wanna play that generation though.

It just won’t feel right with unofficial firmware on it

>hardware gets hacked
>this somehow allows pirates into your system?
do they fit their boats in, if so how does that work? is it like the TARDIS?

of course Nintendo and only Nintendo would have something like that

This is old news, not sure why they're writing about that now.
Also, you have to be on FW 3.0 so good luck finding a console like that.


I motorboated your mom yesterday, yes, her vagina was so loose I thought it was a tardis vagina.

Sweet! Now I can Bing Bing WAHOO!!!! to my life's content!

wait, is there even a way to dump the switch games yet?

stop emulating nintendo games!

wow, so this is the power of nintenbros....

remember to educate your kids!

If I'm not mistaken the OS is pretty similar to 3DS/WiiU and they have shit like Internet Browser in the system but disabled it. So either Nintendo was never confident about their security or they really need to get that departement for that mess fired/reorganized.
It was fun to see how the latest WiiU firmware got cracked wideopen but Nintendo never released an update. Just shows that they had lost hopes in the WiiU back then.
The 3DS got updates all the time trying to disable entrypoints

You have seen nothing yet, just wait nine months.

fear us!

>only nintendo
Are you this delusional? Do you have that much of a hate boner for nintendo that you think only they do anything wrong? you think that maybe all sides are shit?

I have a 3DS and a Switch right next to me

what happens then? you'll be old enough to post here?

>PS4 a few days ago
>now Switch

What a glorious time to be alive.

Oh sweet, you'll see something amazing getting out from the tardis.

Have fun bricking your Switches, bitches


my mom is menopausal, user.

>so even though it's technically legal for you to make a copy of a game you own so you have one in case the original is damaged, it's actually still illegal for you to download a copy of a game that you own

really made me think

God Nintendo are worst Jews in the industry.

Because the other two doesn't have exclusives that people want to play. why do you think people was paying a shit lot of money to cemu just to play BotW?

Stupid argument trying to ignite console wars, Nintendo are just shit at security.

Most Switches today ships with FW 3.0.1 or above, and you need FW 3.0.0 to actually hack it, before you guys fall for it again.

The PS3 got hacked but it took years. The 360 got hacked fairly early but Microsoft was notoriously good at catching people in the act and bricking their consoles for it. Emulation does exist for both but it's still in its infancy and broken beyond belief.

people only hack things they want to play


Nintendo makes great games but shitty hardware and security
Sony makes OK games and great hardware and security
Microsoft makes money

It makes sense why people would want to hack any of Nintendo's consoles first.

>3.0 firmware

because their hardware is always shit

I'm sure at some point it'll be updated to a higher firmware. I'm not buying a switch until I know for a fact I can hack it, made that mistake with my 3ds when I realized fucking every shitty mobile game on the console was running for 80$ on sale. Granted, all I do with the 3ds now is play monster hunter 3 with a real fucking controller using NTR hax, which is something I bought with the console.

Maybe I'll pick one up and toss it in a closet until I can hack it.

>Buys their console
>Plays their games

because people actually like/care about Nintendo consoles

>sharing/downloading copyrighted content is illegal
Yeah really gets the neurons firing don't it

thanks based thomas edison for creating the copyright laws

>Cracking a system means you must torrent all games for that system, without fail.
are you ACTUALLY retarded, or merely pretending?

meant for

This sucks because someone's going to datamine pokemon again and post all the new pokemon on youtube and spoil me before I play it.

No, I'm saying that people want Nintendo games more than they want those on Xbox and Microsoft.

What are you going to play there then?

>he doesn't have a 3.0 firmware Switch

I'm laughing for real right now.

So then explain why the Wii U utterly failed in sales next to PS4 and XB1? If no one cares about Microsoft and Sony but everyone loves Nintendo then why wasn't it reflected in the sales?


>implying implications

And yet the Wii U was still cracked.


Imply what? You are not going to play anything?

even with free games the console wasnt selling
really makes you think

>imagine being this fucking pathetic

If this results in DS levels of easy piracy then I will buy a Switch.

i don't play consoles, i was just pointing out that cracking system hardware doesn't mean you need to torrent all games for that system.

theres an exploit that unlocks the browser tho, currently posting from switch

>waaaah company don't let me play their games for free!!!
>they are jews because they want a momentary in exchange of playing/using their products they spend time and money to develop >:^(

It's literally nothing. No homebrew, it’s only RetroShit. You can play Chrono trigger but what about Odyssey, Xenoblade or Splatoon? Nope, requires a firmware higher than 3.0

Fuck dude. Just take a fucking second to use your brain before posting. Holy shit man. I swear to god my 5 year old nephew thinks more before writing something on the internet. By all means, show me the moment where I said "all".

its been broken since CEMU

Time for a second switch, based Nintendo

PS3 is can now be emulated actually
not sure about 360 or even huegbox

Don't you still have to go this very complicated route through Facebook through Gmail to Google Translate to eventually going to where you want?
When I last tried it I couldn't get the needed links from the Facebook pages anymore, so I was stuck in a loop

OGbox is emulable

newfag :^)

no, just use the DNS exploit
search SwitchBru/SwitchHu/switch dns exploit

can someone explain how to make a fire stick work?
I know I download kodi but then how do I actually get free stuff?

the original post i responded to made it seem like user was upset people were inconsistent with their logic because
>fuck nintendo
>buys their system and plays their games anyways
as if someone could not buy nintendo produced games, and torrent third party ones. if you were that user, instead of talking with meme arrows almost exclusively maybe elaborate more so others don't have to try to read into your posts and misinterpret whatever it is you're saying

>PS4 gets cracked 4 years into life
>Switch in 9 months

got it
change the main dns from automatic to manual and put on the first one
if you wanna use normal internet again change the dns settings back to automatic, it remembers when you go back to manual

if only it had any games worth playing

My feelings about the last five console generations in one sentence

Thats because the Switch has games


Stay offline.

Wrong, its because nintendo are incompetent. I would love to pirate Bayonetta 3 day 1. If they made a patreon I would donate.

Nintendo does a good enough job doing that themselves now with fucking coro coro posting 3-6 new pokemon every month for a year leading up to the game, plus showing new ones in every single trailer

No its because Nintendo has games people want to play. You just said it yourself

All Sony has is mutiplats on PC and Bloodborne

Tfw you will never be autistic like this anonymous.

It used to be because of region-locking. Now I guess it's because people want the portability.

Funny you should say that considering every nintendo console has an emulator within it's life cycle.

>giving money to talented people making a good product is autistic

>Giving money to talented people making a good product
You mean giving money to people stealing the product wanted.
>I would love to pirate Bayonetta 3 day 1. If they made a patreon I would donate

What OP doesn't tell you is that if you updated your Switch, you're not hacking it anytime soon. The only games you'll be playing there are 1,2 Switch, Zelda, Snipperclips, and Bomberman.

That still shows you Nintendo has games people want to play. All of PS4 games are 3rd party shit and bloodborne

>you'll never have taste this shit

>blatantly lie about what is and what isn't legal (read their ROMs page)
>release the same 10 VC games for over 10 years, requiring you to rebuy them on each new console
>download ROMs off the internet then DMCA the site they took it from
>release limited supply products that an be easily replicated with literally anything else
>lock an unreleased game on a system that you have to get used or through 3rd party scalpers
upstanding company.

>>waaaah company don't let me play their games for free!!!
>brainlets can't even comprehend what emulation is
Fuck off, jew.

>>release limited supply products that an be easily replicated with literally anything else
>>lock an unreleased game on a system that you have to get used or through 3rd party scalpers
Get out from under the rock user, SNES Classic isn't being artificially scalped

Well Piracy did ruin the PSP, DS, 3DS and WiiU'S Software sales by the end of their lifespans.

Unless Nintendo goes full microsoft and bricks the systems of anyone who goes online with a hacked system, we're going to see the Nintendo's software sales get destroyed by pirates yet again since it's a well founded myth that they buy games, when they actually just steal them all.