Why do games have such a hard-on for lesbians?
Why do games have such a hard-on for lesbians?
Because lesbians are the safe choice to appeal to all demographics. If you want your media to appeal to tumblrtards (who aren't going to buy it, but whatever), you have to have fags or transgender people in it. If you put gay guys in, people think it's gross and won't play. But if you put lesbians in, dudes still think it's kind of hot and will fap to it, so they'll still buy your game.
I am so fucking sick of the gay meme. They're never happy are they? Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. They should just be glad that they're not executed for their degeneracy anymore.
Lesbians are cute. CUTE!
lesbians are hot
Name 3
Who doesn't have a raging hard-on for lesbians? Let's be real.
Easiest way to get the Social Justice demographic without triggering too many heteros.
Life Is Strange
Last of Us
Lesbian Simulator 2017
Hit the nail on the head.
This guy gets it.
>why do anons want to see cute girls lock tounges and grab at each other
They might be gay, but you are a faggot OP.
Lesbians were never executed for degeneracy, hell, not even adultery even in back-asswards sand shitholes. The worst you'd see is the women being sent to catholic schools, convents or the like, to be surrounded by other sexually repressed women with no male in sight.
They had a male love interest in this game, it just that if your majority player base is male, Max is going to be gay as fuck.
Boy I sure am glad this game is gonna be lauded as a 12/10 because it had two girls kissing. Never mind that the gameplay is boring as shit, the characters are not likeable, the setting is paper thin, and the story is subpar.
Because I do too
Post some more
You forgot Gone Home
Because a lot of new game devs are females and unironically use Tumbler. A lot are probably lesbian or repressed lesbians too, so the game's end up reflecting them.
>hes mad that he can't self insert anymore
yeah first it was life is strange, now it's life is strange 2?! fucking hell................... these fucking bastards..........
i hate lesbians
forever and ever.
>Gravity Rush 1
>Main character is interested in men and even flirts with some
>Gravity Rush 2
>In a bid for more sales the creators introduce another hot female into the game and yuribait the main character and her together
Only if they're young/underage. Yuri is cool but nobody wants 40 year old lesbos.
>Frogposter thinks their opinion matters
Did he?
How is that possible?
>lesbians were never executed for degeneracy
>you will never be a real biological female lesbian
What about a young girl in love with an older woman?
Cute girls being cute together is cute.
I don't. I find it worse than Yaoi to be honest
That's either because you're gay or a woman
>the sudden realization those two are most certainly stoned to death
Based devs.
It's never too late to transition, user!
>real biological female
learn how to read
Gay and lesbian culture is huge in the KSA. Officially it's haram of course, but it's pretty much an open secret.
Did I stutter, bitch?
The "Morality Police" will probably look the other way if you're semi-wealthy. Can always just buy a slave to fuck, anyway.
Not him, but holy shit, did they finally do it? Is there some way to un-birth then re-birth yourself in some Benjamin Button style? Is there nanomachines that rewrite your chromosomes somehow?
Or maybe brain transplants into donated bodies?
my first fap.
Daily reminder
I'm really enjoying Before the Storm right now. When the first episode released I saw a lot of people complaining about Chloe being a bitch but I've always like her, she's more interesting than max due to all her faults and I like Rachel more than expected too. I also really like the improvements to the facial animations. The expressions characters make are hilarious.
I see you're also a man of refined taste.
>censoring the 2 most important images that illustrate how fuck dilating is
why did you even bother posting it you retarded newfag immigrant
You're a madman, but fine, have it your way.
How do we make /u/ great again?
>4 hours a day
where do these rudies these mystical numbers lel
where's that MGS2 quote about leaking selective truths into gated communities? good too see both sjws and Sup Forumstards are equally stupid
>where do these rudies these mystical numbers lel
can you say that again but in people words?
Good fucking lord this is disgusting.
I'm pretty sure at least half of those 'facts' are not true.
I hope this assists you
You can just google it.
Some of the first results are reddit posts of people complaining "i can't keep this up everyday"
>like women
>pr0n gay because of benis
>softcore with naked chick walking around is for pussies
>dykes have twice what u like and doing the sex
Always looking for more of this.
You have two links of recent post-ops saying "dilation is somewhat painful". In fact the OP of the first link posted a comment saying how much easier it got after following another poster's advice. There's nothing here about pus or hairballs or 4 hours or any of your grossout scare tactics
Well said.
But Max kissed Warren in my playthrough
In restrospect LiS was trash, but at least it's better than BtS.
Only Japanese can do yuri right
I'm sorry whites, you just suck at it
Do they? I don't know of a whole bunch of games that have lesbians in it outside of some rpgs, and those are optional, not even forced on you.
Is OP blowing something out of proportion? Is that possible?
Girls kissing girls has been a hot concept for a long time.
Even Tomoko has a harem of cute girls now. We have entered the golden age of yuri.
Yuri is pretty obvious. Girls are cute, guys aren't. More girls = more cute
>Why do games have such a hard-on for lesbians?
I can't think of any polarizing lesbian characters from the past few years, other than Seras from Inquisition or Life is Strange - and I hear it's not a big part of the game. I don't feel like playersexual characters can count, either.
Lesbians trigger me because my gf left me for a duke.
8 fucking years.
Worse yet is that when she started missing the dick she came crawling back and I fucked her again out of spite just to cuck the dyke. Never gave her more aftet that.
Lesbians are pathetic and women can't fulfill the role of man. Nothing can beat the dick.
>Nothing can beat the dick.
keep saying that and maybe eventually it will come true. be sure to call me when you fuck her girlfriend.
>my gf left me for a duke.
Which duke though.
Do women find gay couples as hot as men find lesbian couples hot?
>out of spite just to cuck the dyke
Aha, keep telling yourself that. You're pretty pathetic yourself user senpai.
>women can't fulfill the role of man
You say that but women can't even fulfill the role of woman according to angry Sup Forums posts by frustrated males.
>because my gf left me for a duke
Yes, but what does it have to do with lesbians?
Name 5 pairs
Yuri is great. Lesbians can go die in a fire.
Who hurt you?
Nope, Straight White Male. Don't like yaoi either but its not as forced as yuri lately
/u/. I don't know if they're actual dykes or trannies pretending to girls but they ruined the entire board.
So you are a mysoginist because they chose a girl over you? How frail is your ego?
/u/ is cute CUTE
>Being who you are is a meme to basement dwelling 4channers.
>lesbians ruined /u/
Oh come on.
It's either shitty tumblr games or /u/core, and there's nothing wrong with the latter.
Know the difference, Sup Forums, it could save your life.
Tumblr ran that place to the ground, /u/ was never intended to be a place to discuss lesbian experiences, it a place to discuss the yuri genre and the goddamn bulldykes pilfered OUR SANCTUARY GET THE FUCK OFF MY BOARD
God, Max and Chloe had zero chemistry as a romantic pair. Rachel/Chloe worked so much better. Maybe it's because Rachel is a huge slut but Max just has zero sex appeal.
This. Definitely the cutest board.
They don't go on every thread, at least. But I agree to an extent, LiS, Korra, OW, Western /u/, /lit/u/, all these places are ruining the board culture.
Literal leftist degeneracy. If you support Life is Strange, you are a degenerate.
Thank you, for Sup Forums's sake.
There's been maybe four lesbians in vidya in the last 10 years, why are they so obsessed with putting them in our vidya?
Gaming is male dominated, and a big chunk of guys like lesbians, not to mention it's safer to use chick than guys when discussing homosexuality
Damn scots, they ruined scotland.
Max and Chloe had a lot of baggage and everything ended right when they'd fixed it somewhat. Rachel, on the other hand, was flirty and assertive.
I don't even know why this thread continued after this post. user is too redpilled for this world.
So basically any western yuri.
So basically Burgershit?
I mean, I think that when legit /u/ turns its gaze towards western things it's not that bad, but when westerners (Sup Forums, Sup Forums, tumblr, you name it) go to /u/ is different, they just don't get it.
They disgust me
This. /u/ is for porn and fantasies, not serious discussion or criticism. Dykes should take that shit to .