Alright, so which is the best?

Alright, so which is the best?

BB because it's still getting content

None of them.
Souls is a shit series.

Dark Souls 2 had the most potential and great ideas. A shame that those great ideas were thrown away in favor of making a total Dark Souls 1 rehash.

Demons Souls. Has the best central hub and bleakest atmosphere in my opinion. Still the most fun I've had in pvp



Demon's Souls. It's a tight experience that knows exactly what it's supposed to be.

Bloodborne, easily.

BB > DeS > DS2 > DS1 > DS3

Better question, who is the strongest protagonist?

The Hunter

Want to say Bloodborne, but I haven't played Dark Souls in a very long time.

>Play Bloodborne
>have so much fun
>beat it
>feel proud of myself
>NG+ starts immediately
>get bored of the game by the time I get to the first lantern

Its a good game, but I don't see how some people are able to play it nonstop

Lorewise: the Good Hunter, then depending on interpretation Chosen Undead, Slayer of Demons and Ashen one are valid seconds. True Monarch is dead last just like his game.

Bloodborne, it feels like the most realised of the games, the world and setting are excellent, the combat is great with the trick weapons being a great idea that adds interesting new facets to the weapons, the bosses are some of the best in the series and I'm just a sucker for its aesthetic/themes.

It has its share of problems, like being warped back to the hunters dream at lanterns to level up/teleport, and I would have liked the attribute system to be a little more complex to fiddle around with, but I can appreciate that it is streamlined in one of the few instances where it has turned out decent.

DaS, but I haven't played DeS or BB


this but I would rank BB over DaS

Is it getting more DLCs? I though BB was over.

i play though it every couple months when i get that urge as like a secondary to whatever else i’m playing. i usually run through a new build i haven’t tried before or stack on to my arcane moonlight greatsword ng+ file. it’s pretty fun if you run builds you’ve never done before. my most recent was a bloodtinge build and it was a fucking blast.

I guess he's talking about the new boss(es?) people exploited into the game or however it works.

King's Field 2

it depends on how i’m feeling. the only reason i put DaS equal to it is i like that it feels like a metroidvania with its connected world but at the same time, some of its areas are pretty weak and it can feel like a bit of a slog to play through again. BB is stronger all around.

I just noticed how short the game actually is when you don't bother trying to fight the optional bosses. Not to mention you already know what strategies to implement. I just can't have that feeling of adventure anymore with this game.

This. DaS would be up there with BB and DeS of it didn't feel like a unfinished mess.

Bloodborne to me. Kind of reminds me of DMC1.

I agree with both of these.

Haven't played DeS but so far I like Bloodborne and SoTFS the best by far.

I fucking love when games put all of their mechanics to use and every stat or item does something effective for rescues you. The numbers turn just right.

DaS and DaS3 have good art and atmosphere but also a lot of shit that is just window dressing and is never necessary to use.

In Bloodborne you got stuff like Sedatives that stop frenzy, Blue Elixir which cloaks you, Bone Marrow Ash and Shaman Bone Blade, etc. and in DaS2 you have Herbs, Waters, Spices, and Balms that admittedly I have used every one of (because holy fuck they are powerful)

Objectively speaking
