60fps version of one of the best games of all time

>60fps version of one of the best games of all time
>Sup Forums doesn't like it because the cut colossi is not included

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It's ridiculously lazy and its just as much of a waste as when Wind Waker HD did it.

What's the point of a ground up remake if you aren't adding new shit especially shit that was cut

>one of the best games of all time

haha ok guy

>horse controls are the worst thing this side of RDR
>empty world inhabited by nothing except lizards and fruit
>no hud, basically have to figure out your own way to each colossi
>no obvious hints at how to destroy each giant
>2 of the 'colossi' are barely bigger than your horse.
>sword swing attack that is never used in the game


its not 60fps at all. its just an ENB with a style that looks like every other game now.

I fuckin bet you theyre resetting the difficulty back to the american easy mode again.

look it's pretty as all hell but we already got a great port for the ps3
just looking nice isn't a reason to buy the same game for the third time

Wow I can't wait to pay $60 to play the same game I played over 10 years ago. And the PS3 version was already 60 fps and it also required paying for it. Sony should make some original games rather than milking decade old games over and over again. It's amazing how many fucking remasters we've had the last few years. And completely remaking a game but not actually bothering to do things like add in cut content or improve some things is retarded.

>tfw remaking your remaster

>cut colossi
Enough with this bullshit, nothing was ever cut because nothing was ever done.
They PLANNED more colossi, but they never left the planning stages. It's not CUT content, just content that was never made.

Both the PS3 HD port and the PS4 remake look worse than the original.