You guys realize if the creator cut the colossi it means not even the creator liked them or wanted them in the original game and vision. What you retards are begging for is the literal definition of shoehorning.
60fps version of one of the best games of all time
Bruh, I don't like it because it's the second re-release and they haven't added anything.
It's the same fucking game again just slightly prettier.
unironically this
Besides, you know the changes they do make aren't going to sit right with a lot of people for such a highly regarded game. Wander is fucking hideous, for one. I'm not saying the remaster will be bad, but honestly, why are they even bothering? Oh yeah, because money.
>ps3 port worse than original
Literally the same game upscaled, fuck off
>its not 60fps at all
it is
PS3 was 30fps and had grab issues
>60fps version of one of the best games of all time
What? Demon's souls is being ported to ps4? How could I miss this?
>I fuckin bet you theyre resetting the difficulty back to the american easy mode again.
I played the original NTSC-U PS2 version first and loved it, but when the PS3 port came out I never had a problem with it. One of those things I can't believe people actually complained about. This remake is gonna get complaints 100 times worse for every little thing that's changed.
Nope, PS3 version was 60 fps.
It's a pretty big complaint to be fair. If you're going to re-release a game some significant work should go into it beyond a new coat of paint to justify buying it for the 3rd time and if you're not complaining about how lazy they're being then I would argue you have bigger issues than the people complaining, at least they have their priorities straight.
I don't get people's obsession with increasing the resolution on old games. It looks worse since the game's assets were designed for a low resolution.