I just uninstalled tf2 someone hold me

I just uninstalled tf2 someone hold me

I know that feel. Couldn't believe it myself when I did it

You're 5 years too late, faggot.


Do you guys need a therapy for that game addiction?

I probably will keep playing TF2 forever. 10 years and its still fun.

I stopped a while ago. Probably one of the most annoying, gag-inducing communities out there.

This, 2bh

only f2ps play seriously nowadays. after you got all the achievements and all the weapons you're only left with grinding weekly drops and collecting unusuals.

It's okay. It's time to let go. You had some good times with TF2. We all did. But everything comes to an end.

No, my fun comes from killing friendlys and hearing them complain and just regularly playing the game. Seriously I havent found a better game and I tried overwatch and blizzards "balancing" ruined that for me before the end of 2016. Quake Live and Unreal Tournament 2k14 are pretty fun though.


>Maybe play it once every 3 or 4 months or so for an hour usually while drunk.
Huh maybe it is time OP. At least it will always have it's hard core players and a fan base

You are great doctor.

hey Sup Forums

You talk as if you should only play a game to get the achievements or items and not because you have fun wuth the mechanics.

I defended the shit out of that game.

Even after they hid the community servers behind a menu.

It isn't the same anymore. Back in the day, people staid in the fucking match; now they leave and the server empties the first sign of a match going south.

It is now truly filled with casuals, its veterans all but gone. Long gone are the days when a bunch of faggots shot themselves for hours.

All my favourite servers are fucking dead thanks to valve.

It isn't just TF2

-Tribes ascend
-Warhammer: EC

And countless others trampled under the demands of kids, russians and casuals for more brainless 1 minute games where you just have to play a role regardless whether you suck or not JUST DO YOUR SKILLS

Video game crash fucking when

what mechanics? medic's syringe gun stopped rotating long time ago

>that post
>that spacing
Nice blog, fagtron.

Based ugleh poster

kill their microtransaction sites first. hire a hacker and flood everyone's inventory with free keys to crash their cancerous economy. the worst youll get from this is tf2 being unfree again.

What's up with this new autism about spacing? I don't get it.

i installed it after not playing it for a year. should i just uninstall it again?

>new autism
Reddit picked up that spacing a long time ago and now some sperg freak out about it when they see it. Not really new.

>letting other people tell you what to play
>letting Sup Forums tell you what to play
Play it and if you still like it you keep playing it, dumbass.

If you like it play it. These are just jaded retards with nothin in their life.

more like a decade

>mann co store down since keys became worthless
>valve cant leech off mtx anymore
>have to make games or else people who gabe hired to lunge his fat fuck ass around will lose their jobs
this needs to happen

i uninstalled the game 2 years ago. i had 2000 hours clocked in. Sold all my hats, metal and stuff. bought a few other games with the money i made.

But i got back into it 2 weeks ago, and i havent had this much fun in this game since 2008. i dont know why

Congrats, you did good.

Fuck valve. Microtransactions ruined them.