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Video Games #4021
Video Games
ITT: Post the first three video games you ever owned. (If your family owned games prior to your adolescence...
Hi! I'm the worst boss in soulsborne
Nu-Sup Forums will defend this
ITT games that would be perfect on Switch
Why do i still come here
January Nintendo Direct Prediction Thread
Give me one good reason why fighting games shouldnt do this
You've been given the task of making the most frustrating game to speedrun, how do you do it?
Will it be good?
Mfw sonymugs will never, EVER get PUBG
Was this game any good?
It's time to discuss the greatest RPG of all time
3x3 thread
Daddy's back
*Kills father for not seeing eye to eye politically*
Games Done Quick
Is niaposting truly the best way to drive soyboys and resetfags out of Sup Forums?
Final boss is in space
I've heard good things about this game but I'm yet to play it. Opinions?
Should I use a guide or go blind?
She will be good Lara?
WRPGs won't ever top these
What will the graphics for the next generation look like?
Post the most aesthetic weapon in New Vegas
Name a game where I can witness this
My wife Shantae is the very cutest!
You have to marry the last character you played as
*ruins smash*
Tootoosis says video game publisher 2K Games, which is behind the Civilization series...
The reason it's called Xenoblade 2 when there wasn't a first game is because Pyra is a "xeno" Blade who is 2 people
PC player whose last console was NES here
Lest be honest. If this was a Switch exclusive it would be praised
He willingly plays Japanese games with English voiceovers
Can someone post that image guide for playing SH2 on pc?
Soulcalibur 6
Is this the best box art of all time?
Recommend me a high IQ game
Whats gonna be better, PS5 or Xbox Zero?
Dear pc master race:
Why isn't this game coming out on a real console?
This game has fans
Help vee I've been stuck for 2 hours here wtf
What went wrong?
A Mario movie is being made by Illumination
Sm64 switch
Reasons to buy a Switch
Couch-Coop games to play with the girlfriend?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
.hack//G.U. Last Recode
A school shooter simulation
What do you want in Mortal Kombat II (eleven)?
109 games released for it in 2017
How is Path of Exile? It's free to play, so there must be a catch. Is it P2W?
Why have you summoned me...
What are some unusual games that literally, LITERALLY only you have played?
Itt: best teammates
Win 7 matches in a fighting game online
Was she autistic?
MonHun Thread
Klonoa Movie
Who's the best tomboy in vidya?
Name a more manly game developer
Xbox One X is the best selling product in Amazon Mexico
Sup Forums VR when?
Is the "TF2 vs Overwatch" a real thing here or is it just a dumb thing Sup Forums likes to do just like console wars?
Be me
Why is religion usually evil in video games?
Dog piracy will ruin the dog industry
Is this game worth $12?
Why would you ever play EA battlefront 2 when the multiplayer for this gem is back?
To my dear Sup Forumsirgins. I have never played a Warhammer game. I have decided to break that cycle and try it out...
Is this game proof that artstyle > realistic graphics?
Post ost kino
ITT That ONE friend who refuses to tryout your CURRENT favorite games
What games let me protect the safety of the Western world?
What am I in for? What do I do? Just bought this from the sale
Darkspore thread
Hello my brudda
How did Gallia win the war if their soldiers were all starving like this?
Have you ever played a game just because you saw that a cute girl is in it?
Name every single playstation 2 game you have owned right now
Nuclear Throne
Games done quick 2018
Got a new console after 20 years - the SWITCH!
So was the intel performance loss a meme? Are people who use their system mainly to game impacted at all?
SNES and PSX were the peak of 2D and 3D games
Wtf is wrong with the game?
Why is he so gay?
The Steam sale is officially over. The final purchase has been made. Post the full list of items you bought on sale...
Was it kino?
Problems with BOTW
Tfw you didn't fall for the soystation
What games do this?
Think Forces will get any more DLC in the way Lost World did?
This is your next Smash bros newcomer
Had realistic graphics and sound that still look and sound good today from the earlier installments (MK2 AND MK3)
What are you playing in your psp?
How do we fix modern gamers?
Pokemon game
Be honest, do you enjoy late 90's 3D platformer collectathons?
Is Civ 6 worth it?
Redpill me about this game
Why does X's world look so much more professional and beautiful than Xenoblade 2's?
Is it possible to play burned mini DVDs for the gamecube?
Get stuck on boss
You still waiting on something to eventually come to your mailbox Sup Forums?
How is this boss more diablo than diablo?
This game has fans
Teach someone that is new to torrenting how to torrent
ITT: we act as if pic related just got ported
Total War: Warhammer
Lets talk about Mario Tennis
Finkle is Einhorn? EINHORN IS FINKLE?!
Why is Sup Forums so assblasted about the switch, don't like it? Don't buy it, is not like your forced to get one
Demon Souls
Whats the point of female protag when you are a male?
Is Bayek the most human and realistic protag in AC so far?
Steam Friends
What was the biggest JUST flop in the last 5 years?
Why do you even buy consoles?
Game has shitting mechanic
Xenoblade 2
Does anyone here actually think Versus XV is happening?
Lose in the last 10 seconds
Game is actually fun
Can games be considered art?
Would you ever name your child after a video game character? Not some normal name, some obscure name
Describe your favorite video game without using the letter E...
Filename thread
Gaming died today
2hu Battle Network
Should i bother?If so, where should i start?
Play RPG
Any games where I can land and take-off from an aircraft carrier?
Why FFX is so good, Sup Forums?
Was his name Jack or John? We never got his last name either
Would you, Sup Forums?
I used to give out tons of keys here but you guys always gave negative reviews...
Hi-Rez sure are fucking shameless aren't they...
I'll have one copy of Xenoblade Chronicles please
The year is 2018
Holy fuck Steam reviews have some of the biggest retards in video game history...
Is 8 hours a long time to put into a game?
ITT: Apologize for being a fanboy
System shock & ss2
Graffix Thread
Why do you have a ps4 pro instead of an xbox one x?
Why is the combat so hard?
What did you buy at Steam Sale?
Do you game on a laptop Sup Forums?
Fuck you all I'm off to play Subnautica
Which vidya controller has the biggest buttons?
What game are you playing this winter?
Game changes its genre halfway through
Tfw urge to play modded skyrim
Is it possible to get into jrpgs if you've played only wrpgs before...
It finally came
A Quarians greatest form of trust is intimacy, you do trust me, right Shepard?
Is there a music game with more nu-male setlist?? Don't get me wrong - game is alright after all these patches...
Project Octopath Traveller
Who is the best wheelchair-bound vidya character?
Think of the last character you played in an online game
The Elder Scrolls VI
Don't get the ending? What the fuck?
How can an overpriced tablet with only two games sell 5 million units in america...
Bayonetta is noq officially a "Nintendo franchise"
Can Nintendofriends and Sonyfriends ever get along?
Where is da queen?
Is it possible to complete persona 5 on rpsc3 with 8gb ram, i5-4460 and AMD rx380?
Are they the Porgs of the videogame world?
That one game where you just put on your own music and do cool shit without worrying too much about story/dialogue
Who was he? literally never mentioned in the first game
Fate grand order
Steam Avatar thread
ITT: characters that did nothing wrong
Sup bitches, post your favourite porn games. I want to show chad here what you permavirgins masturbate to all day...
Alex changes
What games do Latinos play?
I got a Wii and its the biggest regret of my life...
Hollow Knight Thread
The Elder Scrolls
Will Mass Effect ever recover from this?
How the fuck do i progress in this game? i got 10 hours in and i feel like im at a brick wall...
Is there a bigger pleb filterer than TEW1?
Nintendo Direct
How did Nintnedo win in the end?
Recommend me a good game to fuck shit up while i blast death grips
Should we just accept that Vidya culture has been over run by women at this point and give up trying to have it a male...
The three best Pokémon
This is Dracule Mihawk, also known as Hawk-Eyes Mihawk...
Why did he seem so passive for a black guy and a supposed gangster?
Someone says "U mad" after beating you
Find a goddamn flaw
People who said it would flop: how do you feel now?
VR is just a gimmi-
Department of Homeland Security presents: SWAT 5 Thread 3
*breathes in*
Is Resident Evil 4 the best game ever made?
Why do you hate her, Sup Forums?
Holy shit how did the IOS/android port take such a amazing game and make it so bad?
Pokemon Crystal
Game sells 10 million copies
Will we ever get a Deus Ex-like technothriller to comment on modern society?
Me when switch has no gaems
ITT: games that did NOTHING wrong
Is this game any good?
Switch fastest selling system of all time
Leaves his shitty country on the balkans and moves to the best country in the world
16 euros for Street fighter V
But only if you keep it vidya related
What do you expect to see in the next tf2 update Sup Forums?
Subs or Dubs?
Well Sup Forums, what kind of fun do YOU have when gaming?
Fixed persona 5
He killed millions
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Post the game you are curretnly playing in this thread
Nexon: 'PUBG' to Blame for 'LawBreakers' Poor Performance
We've heard nothing. Is it dead?
What went wrong?
That one game that will never, ever be announced during a Nintendo Direct that only you would go crazy for
Make game for Moba players instead of your core audience
What the fuck was his problem?
Does anyone else think pc seems to have "won" with the normals?
Post cool images of Mario RIGHT NOW
What are YOU emulating right now?
If youre a guy, why do you play as a girl?
Whatever happened to this? Why was it cancelled?
I'm buying a Vita today
You're being a good master and helping train the best Saber-class Servant during her event, right Sup Forums?
Does Rainbow 6 siege have greatest meme economy of all games?
Wait for denuvo to be cracked
Bayonetta 2 is now fully playable. On PC
Why don't you use cheats in online games, user?
This time we went to Doma and Ala Mhigo, so what will FFXIV's next expansion be about?
Shouldn't a genre have some successful games before calling itself a genre? Like RTSes had Starcraft and MOBAs had DOTA
Whatever happened to The Sims?
Ching palamoolay! Toong king baaaah nono teck!
Console> PC
He actually thinks Talos is a Divine
Need 77
Is this the most aesthetic controller ever made?
It has no games
Is VR still a meme or would it be considerable to buy one of these second hand?
Game set in New York
Tfw you fell for the Intel meme
It's another human is the weakest race in the world or human is jack-of-all-trade
Oh! its another ground pound this spot to get a moon
Dark souls 3 is the best souls game
Will they actually deliver for once?
Was there ever again a game with so much variety ?
What games do you stay up all night playing?
Post the chatacter creation you are most proud of
How do you guys feel about the fact that nu-funhaus have not only acknowledged that they are nu-funhaus...
COMFY fantasy MUSIC from games
Post favorite vidya thighs
First Ape Escape 3 thread of the year!
Department of Homeland Security presents: SWAT 5 Thread 2
Xenoblade 2: Discussion
Recommend me a good economical management game where I can go max Jew
Thief thread
The empire is the bad guys
Why cant they make a great comfy cyberpunk game Sup Forums?
Any games that teach you how to fend for yourself when the world ends?
In China they say
Better dead than Al Bhed, ya?
Nintendo said the point of Windwaker was to recreate that "giant world" feeling that Zelda 1 had...
Don't mind me, just rushing your base on page 10
Video games no longer belong on Sup Forums
Let's talk about redditpunk: the game
It's up
Classic Medal of Honor games thread. Did you play it back in the day...
Hitman Thread
Are there any good Evangelion games out there?
Biggest let down of 2017
Favorite minecraft mods?
I don't claim to be the best blacksmith in Whiterun
I can't find a game that i used to play years ago
Skyrim Thread
T. soyboy
Do u kno de wey
Dark Souls vs Bloodborne
What is the future of gaming, Sup Forums?
Thoughts on this walking simulator?
Would it be accurate to say that Skyrim is underrated on Sup Forums?
Why do all good things have to come to an end?
Want to replay a game
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Now that Intel and Nvidia are going to lose over 30% of their performance...
Best Final Fantasy
Post a good speedrun that's not part of the Juden-ridden GDQ marathons. Oh wait...
This is an adult virgin
Who was in the wrong?
There are non-americans browsing Sup Forums right now
So what vidya did you play today, Sup Forums?
Come on user, let's go out for a walk! You can play video games any other time!
Im in the mood or a metroidvania, which is better?
Why is crying wojak so beautiful? Is it cause everyone can relate?
This game was so fucking good. Hope it sold well and justifies a Dishonored 3 later down the line
Am I the only one to find this strange?
Which one should I play this evening?
Can we have a Berseria thread? I just finished this game and i wanted to discuss it
Is this game still worth playing in the current year?
Is gaming dying? Or are we outgrowing it?
Department of Homeland Security presents: SWAT 5
Let's try and come up with 10-12 kingdoms for this game
G-guys talk me out of buying a ALIENWARE pc/laptop
How do I git gud at fighting games?
Colony Sims other than rimworld
Name one (1) game
Tfw your yaripons get permanently eaten by a t rex and you lose the only weapons capable of beating the game and you...
What are some franchises where the first entry into a series is no one's favorite?
there are games that have never been mentioned on Sup Forums
What are some games where you make music?
Please pick a language
Why did Noct have to suffer so much?
Why is this board so shit?
Was PS3 the greatest scam of all time?
First week living in US
Psvr worth a damn?
Is he chad?
What killed the hype?
First zone has a powerful enemy to instantly kill you
Rayman is better than Sonic
Lets have a PSVita thread
Why do Japanese games even bother to clothe women?
Why is RPG so shit?
What's so "popful" about Mail anyway?
Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
Enemies have life-leeching abilities
The Last Of Us
[spoiler/] learning how to spoiler
You can romance the Christmas cake teacher
What is the Sup Forums's opinion on Rise Kujikawa?
Are ya winning, son?
Are you fucking kidding me?
What are some games you wish more people played?
I am Calypso, and what is it that you desire?
How the hell does he have electric powers, it makes no fucking sense and is never explained
Dear Switch owners. Just buy this game. You won't be let down
What are some games you've purchases multiple copies of/repurchased over time after being made available on other...
Is this the New Vegas of Seiken Densetsu?
So, Pic related is free on PS+, i added it to my library but i was wondering if its worth it to play it...
Steam Sales
Will there ever be a more perfect girl in existence than Kaede?
Guns are far weaker than melee attacks
Bloodborne help
Obscure Theories that are probably true
Plays stalker once
Are the No More Heroes fans on Sup Forums fucking excited for 2018?
Tfw inadequate social skills
In this thread we talk shit about this game
What are some games where the hero and villain can become lovers?
Killing zombies feel satisfying unlike in DR2
Is duel wielding in Bravely Default just not a good idea at all...
Games that everyone said was god awful but made you say "its not THAT bad"
Caring about achievements
ITT: Shit games with shit fandoms
What's it like playing with friends?
ITT: Traps in games that you'd fuck no homo
What went right?
ITT: We create the new def jam fighting game
Just finished Ys I. If it weren't for the bosses in the latter half of the game being annoying...
Holy shit this game is fun why do people badmouth the gameplay?
How do you feel about this character?
That one game Sup Forums recommended that you actually liked
Have a ton of games
What games do virgins play? I need some recs
The best RPG you've never played
What went wrong
Did he deserve to suffer?
Anyone want to coop?
Vampire Legends: Power of Three
Which game makes the best use of traps?
Can we have a tyranny thread
Vidya red flags
ITT: Your favorite level from your favorite game
Would you actually play a VR MMO if you could?
Redpill a Physical guy on switching to Digital
We want the Call of Duty audience who's parents would only buy them a Wii
Entire game is on a time limit
Has any game so publicly imploded in on itself?
"Okay, little bro...
Hey you guys
What went wrong?
Classic Star Wars Battlefront 2 Server thread
He would rather play as a shitty 3D loli than embark on ebola-riddled crusades
IGN Editor-in-Chief FIRED
What the fuck happened to Nosgoth?
Buy Witcher 3? Yes or No?
How do I get good in this game?
Kids: "McDonald's! McDonald's!"
You haven't forgotten, right Sup Forums?
UNIST Thread
Donkey Kong Planet Info. leak
Grand Theft Auto thread
Kingdom Hearts 3
Post your gamer fuel
ITT: Video game soyguments that people use
Darkest Dungeon
Great GameStop Experience Today
What went wrong?
Who is the Apple of video games?
CPU exploit forces all Intel and Nvidia machines to take a 5%-30% performance cut
What kinds of outfits do you want to see for the Pokemon protagonists in the new Switch games?
Come on user, will you become my familiar? I want to play with you everyday!
Strawberry, Banana, or Mint?
KANGZ aside, how much time have you invested into this franchise over the years?
What went wrong?
Gerudo males are born every 100 years. Why the fuck was there no male Gerudo in Breath of the Wild? Missed opportunity...
Why do video games love this tool so much?
Is it time for a new 50 Cent game?
Playing competitive overwatch
Xbox thread
Alright Sup Forums, I'm currently a console peasant trying to find the parts to build a decent PC for around $1000
New 3DS XL
CPU exploit killing performance
What is the best video game set on a cruise ship?
How do I git gud?
The Arbiter
Was his donkey kong tape legit, or did he cheat?
Flame person in game
What's objectively the best non-handheld Senran Kagura game, gameplay wise?
Game breaks itself
Is it really true how after you turn 20 your vidya skills diminish to the point where you don't look at minimaps or...
Isn't this a kids game?
Who was in the wrong here?
Why was it so much better than the shitfest that was 5?
Hey Sup Forums is this the best elder scrolls game? Cause I'm downloading it
Where did Pokemon go wrong?
Why does it all go to shit around the third palace?
I killed my kid and burned down a forest but you're the real monsters here
Monster Hunter World PC News
Does Kojima create art, movies, or videogames?
What Am I in For?
ITT: Cancelled games/Beta Content
I post this from time to time, and never get an answer
Game ends at a cliffhanger with no sequel
ITT: Post vidya cats
You are gonna buy my game when it comes on steam tomorrow user? You're not some kinda poorfag like me right?
Night in the woods
Calling it
Weekly EZA thread
Is it better to play the JP FGO now with all the latest updates or play your region's version and wait for the updates?
See all the praise for The Witcher 3
What does Sup Forums think of Rise "Risecchi" Kujikawa?
The good guys and the bad guys unite the forces to defeat the real evil
Was banning Chibi the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?
So what went wrong?
Should Cappy return in future Mario games?
Play online game
Thinking of getting Disgaea 5 for my Switch. Haven't touched a Disgaea game since 2 on PS2...
How is it?
Meanwhile at the Sup Forums gym
What are some video games where I can play as a racist?
Sup ForumsGA - Vidya Gaem Awards
Just got this, is it a meme game, or am I in for a good time?
Die in an online game
Villain looks absolutely hideous
Nintendo has just given you complete control of creating their first M rated Zelda game
What series do you think has the absolute worst fan base?
Complete a stupid fetch quest
Final boss is God
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Thread
Do the meltdown bug affect consoles?
What am I in for?
HK47 from KotoR introduce as a killer and has a joy of killing jedis
Why do people shit on this game so much?
Choose wisely
What else is there to hope for?
Is everyone using Intel related stuff fucked right now?
Half-Life thread fgts
Got this game
What now?
Why does Riju keep stressing that she's a child?
Thoughts on the Fate series?
How would you change the MOBA genre?
Boob jiggle physics FUCKING REMOVED in Xenoblade Chronicles 2!!!
The other Sonic games had a sense of build up towards the ending like Launch Base or Sky chase zone...
ITT: great game OPs
Game punishes you for cheating
Vidya moments where you had to take a quick...break
You did the right thing right Sup Forums?
What do you like in a RTS?
The game works if you install thirty fan made patches and are okay with playing it in an unstable fps with low...
1993 level design:
If you like this game you are objectively retarded
My bruddas
Dark Souls 2 downgrade is so fucking depressing
Battle Station Thread
So why the fuck aren't there more games were you can play as a little girl...
Amazon.JP - #1
Donkey Kong Planet Info. leak
Is Salt & Sanctuary worth $8...
Are yall living the dream™?
Why are these stores so fucking comfy?
Is doomguy Asexual?
Do the cons of fighting games outweigh the pros?
Final boss is you
It's been over 2 months. What do you think about Odyssey?
Game teaches you its mechanics so subtle you didn't even notice you went through a tutorial
Time for the first La-Mulana thread of the year
Everything is Fire
Post your 2 favorite attack and defense characters you operate with
Robin or Corrin Sup Forums?
Is that it...
Was fast traveling in Souls a mistake?
This device is actually a true masterpiece...
ITT: Well rounded female characters. Only the most developed need apply
ITT: flash game kino
Just finished this
How the FUCK am I supposed to beat the final fucking sword trial? I've been trying for WEEKS now...
U mad?
Games like this?
Press F to pay respects
Steam Winter Sale thread
Can we talk about how shit the Year of Luigi was?
What happens here?
Regardless of the qualities and flaws of the rest of the game, the relationship between those two was so satisfying
Does Sup Forums want to see another 2D Mario game?
Pokken doesn't have any Normal or Rock-type pokemon. Which ones would you like to see added?
I know dee way
What's the consensus on vidya tattoos, famdongus?
Everyone praises this game, even Sup Forums
What happened?
Do you use it?
You do clean out the gunk from your controllers/mice, right?
The Nerevarine > Champion of Cyrodiil > Dragonborn
La la la
What video games do Canadians play?
Imminent Sony Souls Game on the Horizon
Why does Resident Evil 2 have such a distinct atmosphere compared to the rest of the series...
From Nintendo's Planning Department...
So, playing FF Crisis Core
PUBG/Brendan Greene Thread
Why did CRPGs die while JRPGs are more popular than ever?
Vidya Gaem Awards 2017 | VOTING HAS OPENED
Here is your level bro
What are some GOOD games only you played?
Just started playing kotor2 and i wanted to know which is the "best" playthrough? Light or dark or both...
This is Frank West. Say something nice about him!
Games like this?
Tfw built an intel i5 8600k + gtx 1080 ti rig last month
Those of you who actually enjoyed BotW, what are some minor flaws you would fix for the next open world Zelda game?
Sony is quite literally the faggiest company ever
What's next for Sonic? and Knuckles
Miiverse fully archived
This is honestly amazing
Let's have a nive filename thread
Nintendo Switch
Medallion's humming, Witcher 3 thread , gotta be
Monster Hunter World
Where is it?
Who's your Smash main?
I'm starting to get buyer's remorse, the movement is clunky, the horse even clunkier...
This game is absolute dogshit and it's a travesty that it's getting good reviews from anyone...
How many years before you can have realistic snow physic in games?
Took me 31 hours to get through this turd. picked the merging with helios ending...
ITT: Music pieces featured in games that really make you feel
Pick up that can
Back to playing good games lads
Not a single thread about platformers
DMC Thread
Why is everybody playing fucking KEN in this game? Why don't they play something cool like Vega or Zeku or Urien...
Xenoblade 2 Thread
10 days spent staring at a catalogue
Lootcrates are ba-
Reminder that if you liked or even remotely enjoyed any of the following games
What did they mean by this?
I just uninstalled tf2 someone hold me
Will this be the next Bloodborne?
Best Saiyan is dlc
Glad I could make it, Arthas
helps a stressed-out news reporter find her camera lens in Paris
Top games of all time
Do you remember to clean your gaming chair wheels, Sup Forums?
Skyrim on Switch
P-please buy it twice :)
Games where the main character dies off screen in the sequel?
I'm sorry, but this game just hasn't aged well
Meanwhile, at the Square-Enix headquarters, Sup Forums
They don't make em like they used to. Are the expansions worth it?
Hey Sup Forums I haven't touched games since I had a dsi in school 2011ish...
What team/job setups are fun in FFXII: ZA?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is anyone else content that no new games are coming out in 2018...
Just started Awakening. My first experience with the FE franchise. Should i babysit this little guy...
Never see anything posted about this game. Normies seem to hate it, what about Sup Forums
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...