Hey Sup Forums is this the best elder scrolls game? Cause I'm downloading it

Hey Sup Forums is this the best elder scrolls game? Cause I'm downloading it

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no, in fact it is one of the worst. the level scaling kills the fun of the game.

The best Elder Scrolls game is entirely subjective. It depends on which one you played first when you were young, open for adventure, and not a jaded cunt.
Seriously get a mod that kills level scaling, though. That's one of the worst decisions they ever made.

It’s certainly one of the best; comfy gameplay and actually well-written quests. Definitely more memorable than skyrim’s endless fetch quests

>Cause I'm downloading it
After having paid for it, I assume.


Is the level scaling the reason ogres eat 200 arrows each?


Just want this board's juicy take, no reason to get salty bruh

you’ll get the joke when you start playing, it was a reference to something in game. install a de-level scaling mod and enjoy, OP.


I'd say it's second best after Morrowind, but like some others said, everyone's favorite is the one they played first.

probably not

It's actually the worst since Morrowind, but with the right mods it arguably becomes the best.

Lower the difficulty on generic shit.
I only max the difficulty when I face a boss.

Gameplay wise, yes.

Anyone that tells you otherwise is either a lore fag who loves Morrowind cuz
>muh immersion
Or Skyrim cuz brainlet

>problem easily fixed with mods
Seriously, do you not understand that Bethesda had to release the game with horrible level scaling so idiots could breeze through the game? Play on PC and fix the problems instead of bitching about it, fag

>Mod the levelscaling
>Haul ass trough the gates not stopping for anything untill you get to the stone

Make sure you download the GoG version so all the mods actually work


it's more stable, too

You weren't going to call him out for saying "juicy" too?

Second best, Morrowind is still better

It's definitely my favourite.

If I can recommend one thing, like others in this thread, get a mod to fix the level scaling.
I just starting using Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul for the first time (I've played this game for years and years now) and it's fucking excellent, fixes level scaling and really gives you a sense of progression... though perhaps play default first so you get used to it.

>gameplay wise
Besides being able to cast magicka on-the-fly with the offhand, and NPCs having routines, everything about Oblivion was a giant downgrade from Morrowind.
>Or Skyrim cuz brainlet
Skyrim is actually better than Oblivion.

Generally speaking, its combat is more floaty and generally feels worse than Skyrim's. In addition, Skyrim has better-looking character models, more streamlined gameplay features, and graphics in general. Skyrim is also generally more stable than Oblivion.

However, Oblivion's music and general atmosphere offer a very different experience than that of Skyrim's. I really miss the generic conversations that NPCs can have with each other, as this adds some background noise to custom homes and towns instead of just having the NPCs silently go about their business like in Skyrim.

Heavy modding can alleviate most of the gameplay/feature/graphical woes from Oblivion, leaving you with a worthy contender for best modded TES game if done properly. However, Oblivion modding is more complex than Skyrim modding, and Skyrim still tends to be more stable when it comes to a heavily modded game.

Oh, and when you get into mods, Use Wyre Bash and BOSS.
People say it's complicated but it's honestly very easy to get used to, and god damn it makes clean installing and uninstalling mods an absolute breeze.

and Nexus Mod Manager will fuck up your installations by straight up skipping files that it should be copying into your data folder. don't use it for oblivion.

>the game isn't bad because random fans had to fix Bethesda's garbage fire of a game

does anyone else have trouble playing this on the pc version with an xbox one controller?

>the fact that bethesda has stuck with an easy to mod engine that even a baby can operate shouldn't be considered a huge plus for the game as a whole

A lot of games aren't complete fucking shit without modding them.

No because I use a keyboard and mouse like a competent person.

Oblivion XP is also worth a mention.

It removes the leveling system that encourages putting your most-used skills into minor skills instead of the reversed in favor of a more traditional EXP system.

You get EXP for the usual suspects such as killing things, gaining fame/infamy, and completing quests. However, you also gain EXP for making potions, exploring new places, stealing things, finding Nirnroot, eating stuff to find out alchemical properties, closing Oblivion Gates, etc. This mod led me to reading a fuckton of the books in the IC bookstore for 2-3 hours, which in turn makes you appreciate the short stories and lore contained within the game.

I think the game is too old to properly support controllers on windows, I had issues as well.

>Hey Sup Forums is this the best elder scrolls game?
No, that would be Morrowind.

None of them really are that good. I find it fascinating that Bethesda actually came this fare making the shittiest RPG ever made.

No, Morrowind is.

The problem with Oblivion is compatibility. The game is prone to crashing when you start getting a lot of mods. Skyrim is much better about this as when there's a conflict you usually just get broken textures or whatever.

Best music, overworld, quest, cities. Its my favorite

the cities are actually the worst in o'Blivion

Not the best but great, but only after modding it to hell and back.

Despite how broken and awkward it is, Oblivion somehow has that soul that Skyrim lacks

Absolute garbage game, expect to spend hours modding it into something that's actually decent.

You're not just wrong, you're stupid.

wow great argument, you showed me who's the boss of this gym

Cities that all look alike and the only quest there are guild quest.
Boring cities with few buildings and even fewer people.


to this user I properly concede that he is right and most virtuous

Yes, if you like FPS games. Morrowind was the last real Elder Scrolls RPG.

I don't think there is a 'best' Elder Scrolls game, they're all good games in their own right but all have their own strengths and weaknesses.

To this user I give the accusation of being a sodomite.


but hes right

Two weeks ago I finished playing through all Elder Scrolls games in order of release and the most fun I had with Daggerfall and Morrowind because of the weird shit I could do. I'll even do another Daggerfall playthrough at some point just to try out a few things that make me curious.
To me Oblivion is the weakest of them - with it they tried to streamline the RPG mechanics to a point they are boring but didn't add anything new to the mix that felt good enough to make the game enjoyable. You might as well go with Skyrim if you want a streamlined modern "cinematic" experience because it does that better.

Guess I will at some point even try Elder Scrolls Online, which might very well dethrone Oblivion from being the weakest game - I expect nothing but disappointment due to it being a MMO but also I heard it has some interesting class builds and quest lines that set it apart from other MMORPGs so who knows how it turns out in the end.

No he is not.

You are objectively playing an FPS in Oblivion and Skyrim. In RPGs, you can miss attacks. In FPS games, all you have to do is "hit" your target on screen.

This isn't bait, this is objective truth.

I really like Oblivion's comfy feel and stuff like spellcrafting.

If only the game had content past the quests, I've seen it all already.

>In RPGs, you can miss attacks.
Literally never been a requirement to be an RPG until you pulled that out of your ass.

Even more games are better with mods.

it is for me by virtue of it being my first tes game. everything comfy bout that game.

>I'll never be 15 again enjoying this game for the first time



jeremy soule is fucking blessed

But it has the best quests. Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood lines are GOAT-tier

Morrowind is best game in the series

morrowind is the tops
the cat's meow, if you will