games like this?
Games like this?
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CoD taught me what war is about
not helpful
this flopped right? like its not getting new seasons? This is the worst forced meme that came out in a while.
this seasons forced meme was Made in Abyss. Tanya is kino.
Ace Combat Zero.
Valkyria Chronicles
its honestly the only anime i watched in 2017
MiA was pretty good. I don't know how Tanya did but I would assume not great since it's a war anime which doesn't feature Japan kicking ass and taking names.
I've never watched this show but I like the doujin where she gets fucked to the point of mindbreak and then gets her limbs blown off while orgasming.
Season 2 and a Nendroid are coming. 2018 is the year of Tanya, faggot.
Ftw is wrong with the artstyle? looks like a fucking duck
But Made in Abyss is pure kino?
And Tanya is absolute trash???
Lord knows you can't post on Sup Forums anymore, that place is awful.
No and no.
I wish it wasn't the most successful salary man reincarnated as a cute kid to bullshit their way to the most powerful soldier in their world anime last year though.
>Made in Abyss
>literally 10 episode of absolutely nothing
>last 3 episode are decent
No idea what people saw in it. The manga is cool purely because of the art but that doesn't come across in the anime at all.
It sold alright but was overshadowed along with everything else that season by a bag, a cat and a robot.
>>literally 10 episode of absolutely nothing
>what war is all about
Games about setting up logistics and production lines are pretty niche
Arma, run around for 99% of the game and then get blown up by an air strike or shot by a guy 300m away that you didnt see.
>le development and buildup meme
You know you can have build up and character development while simultaneously advancing the plot. Abyss spins its wheels endlessly, garbage tier pacing.
Funny how Sup Forums says the same about Sup Forums
But Tanya is pure kino???
And Made in Abyss is absolute trash?????????
Does Tanya like hugs?
Duck Hunt
Funny how literally every board hates Sup Forums
I wasn't aware descending into the abyss didn't count as advancing the plot about getting to the bottom of the abyss.
Sup Forums says the same about Sup Forums. The one redeeming feature of Sup Forums is that we knoe we're shit.
Lips are more pronounced for ease of kissing.
>some isekai tier trash
No wonder why Sup Forums would be into it.
It did pretty well, and they're announcing "something". Might be OVA, might be sequel I dunno.
But Sup Forums is actually correct
foxhole does it pretty well, the team with the better logistics is generally the one that wins.
I love Aoi!
nah but she likes bbc
You are mentally ill.
why did they give an 8 year old such pronounced dick sucking lips? she's fucking 8. pretty good show though.
I was turned off by it at first but it ended up growing on me as a I watched it.
Could you really even discuss this one there at all though? Aren't the mods super anal about Sup Forumsposting?
Verdun I guess.
wasn't there supposed to be a s2 announcement soon?
Why do you have to be a Sup Forumstard to discuss this anime?
>that one doujin in which tanya gets tortured, raped and her fucking arm torn off and she enjoyed it
I wonder why all Tanya doujins are guro
Tanya did nothing wrong being x was just being a dick.
Yes you can and its great because rarely does someone butt in with inane shit about Trump or liberals because American politics have nothing to do with the board topic.
Radical idea.
is Sup Forums the Sup Forums of Sup Forums?
truth hurts
what anime is this boy from?
No, that's still /sci/.
>refuses god
>literally met god
So people like this because something something nazis?
literally Advance Wars
420 blaze it quickscope?
He was doing a bad at being good.
Meant god.
Tastelets being unoriginal as awlays
She figures that, given what it's doing, it might not be God but the Devil as God is meant to be perfect and in the opening God claims to be overworked and exhausted, being the person he is the MC says that the system in flawed then.
God then makes him into a little girl.
What about a dragon?
>use meme response
>other person uses the same meme response mockingly
>pffft totally unoriginal
wow...btfo...this is the power of made in abyss fans...
tiny metal>?
What, waging war in a video game? Civ games swiftly comes to mind. You can start 'em, end 'em, nuke literally every other CIv just for shits and giggles.
It was more like he met a god-like being more akin to death or the ferryman
>God is meant to be perfect
You've never looked into the Bible, have you?
I'm Roman Catholic but a Japanese salaryman probably isn't. Not that it matters as that salaryman is now a psycho loli.
Who the fuck needs evidence? It's extremely upfront about being an alternate history WW1 with some WW2 level tech + magic.
Why are you incapable of discussing this anime without veering off to completely unrelated shit about politics?
Your picture is surprisingly accurate.
>thinks system is flawed
>become a little girl
So what's the issue?
Check these 3 numbers that add up to 12.
its mentioned plenty of times in the anime that the war they are experiencing is the first "world war" the world has ever experienced, but they are at the level as if it was earth's second world war
I was unaware that wizards were present in WW2
The issue is Mary Sue, who is a moron.
it's actually merging ww1 and ww2