G-guys talk me out of buying a ALIENWARE pc/laptop

g-guys talk me out of buying a ALIENWARE pc/laptop

Also PC thread

Huge intel flaw. Go look at Sup Forums for 10 minutes.
I just bought one last month and I'm regretting it, wait a while.

Do it nigger

Do you like League of Legends and CS:GO? Then get a PC.

Msi is cheaper

All you have to do is build it yourself man. If you can't do it then you can't even build with legos.

>Paying more money for less hardware + additional bloatware.

For what purpose?

I'm not even going to be a typical elitist fag and tell you not to buy pre-built. Sometimes, it's the easiest method and in my case, cheaper than building your own. What I will tell you, though, is to not buy fucking Alienware. It's overpriced and looks retarded. Do some research and find something cheaper.

Intel CPUs are about to take a big performance hit.
If you buy a laptop now you're stuck with it.
At least you can replace it in a PC.
>Gaming laptop

>talk me out of buying a ALIENWARE


whats wrong with dell?


Go for it!

>people are seriously discussing gaymen laptops on Sup Forums
if you're asking for advice about what gaymen laptop you want always post the reason WHY you need one, or else you'll get shit on because they're garbage

If have money to throw away, do whatever you want with it. I'm not your accountant, you faggot.

ok so ALIENWARE is dog shit but what about other gaymen laptop

>tfw i have a "gaming laptop" but it's just a $500 one with i5 and gtx 930
>dont really play demanding games and go to numerous friend's houses regularly and play multiplayer stuff together

also dog shit, why do you want a laptop and why did you consider buying an alienware at all?
made a mistake, nothing different between a gayman and a high spec one, in most cases a high spec laptop is better while costing less.
but hey if it works for you don't listen to what an grumpy old man like me have to say


Well it wasnt a gaming pc by name, just listed as one on the site that recommended it.
Had it for like 3 years and it's doing pretty well. I love portability

look at other gaming laptops

>people on Sup Forums actually recommending gaymen laptops

Dude LMAO Laptops were always terrible at games and cooling.

anything specifically wrong with gayman laptops?

Maybe OP is a student and cannot lug around a desktop at all times.

I bought a GE60 years ago for army reasons, it served me well but I will never understand people buying gaming laptops without having a proper reason for one instead of building a desktop, sounds like you're having fun with it though.
what do you think
>weak parts which degrade fast
>bad build quality unless you're willing to push out extra cash
>expensive compared to just building a proper computer
>very few have interchangeable parts
i could go on and on about why i think buying a gaming laptop is a bad idea, only buy one if you're not able to use a desktop
then he should have specified why he needs one and when you're a student why wouldn't you just buy a cheap laptop to drag around and have a desktop instead? and if you're a student you shouldn't spend your time on video games

AYY LAMO you don't need that shit when taken notes on Word or Notepad. A Tablet with a keyboard does the same thing or better.

I like laptops but I wouldn't get a high spec one. Really think about what you need vs want. I'd personally stick to a mid range laptop with a 1050 for under $700.