It's up
10. Start Trek: Bridge Crew
9. XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
8. Divinity Original Sin 2
7. Yakuza 0
6. Injustice 2
5. Resident Evil 7
4. Cuphead
3. Warhammer: Total Was 2
2. Super Mario Odyssey
1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
It's up
10. Start Trek: Bridge Crew
9. XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
8. Divinity Original Sin 2
7. Yakuza 0
6. Injustice 2
5. Resident Evil 7
4. Cuphead
3. Warhammer: Total Was 2
2. Super Mario Odyssey
1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
who cares
Not video games
Fuck off.
Mad Jose has surprisingly alright taste
Umm it is?
A discussion about video games is not a topic of video games.
I'm on Sup Forums alright.
It is Vidya
What is this guy's name again?
so vidya isn't allowed on a vidya board?
>warhammer total war
Jesus Christ is he a fucking downer?
That shit is more retarded than R2
>No persona 5
>being this dumb
lurk more faggot
Pissed of Pedro
Funny cause he calls it challenging and hard. I mean this is a dude who constantly quits on Dark Souls games
how does it feel being a retard?
Joe "Angry Joe" Vargas
Disgruntled Dennis
>a polished modern masterpiece like Skyrim
>or one of Ben Vogel's games done with the team behind Dragon Age 2?
please tell me this is fake
I thought seven dollar Sanchez hates Nintendo.
>my shitty anime high school story that only a 16 year old can connect to is on the lost.
The visuals and the idea is great. But don't kid yourself. This isn't even the best persona.
Angry Joe is just that despicable of a human being.
He sounds like a grade A spastic
garbage list
Furious Fernando
Pissed José
>Boring dice rolls
This makes me enraged more than anything else in that screencap.
Salty Miguel
you're not
fuck off
Sonyfags on suicide watch
leave forever
Pretty shit list
You didn't see him playing?
He paid jackshit attention to anything that was happening, and cut it out not even halfway through kamoshida's dungeon
Did this guy ever even play a Mario or Zelda game before?
He never even played a FF or MGS before this gen
This was his first Mario and Zelda I think
Surprisingly a good list
Duhhh, kys retard
e-celeb threads should be a bannable offense. everyone here defending it needs to fucking die.
>Played Breath of the Wild
>Thought it was as boring and as generic as Horizon Zero Dawn
>Meanwhile Fast RMX is getting zero love
Top pleb
Remember that time Joe threw Bloodborne into his top ten even though he couldn't kill a single boss? Absolutely pathetic.
besides star trek, that's a good list
E-celebs are not video games
He was a Sega kid and a mustard before being an Xbro, no lie.
>1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Even though BotW is the first and only Zelda game he's ever played
>no gravity rush 2
>no nier
>no persona 5
>no prey
Fucking angery Rodrigez
>This video is unavailable
? ? ?
Why should you care about some random retard's biased (bought) opinion?
How come? Looks fun
the video was deleted
haha did nintendo take his video down again
>video not found