Do you use it?

Do you use it?

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in FPS/TPS generally no because the input lag makes aiming feel like dogshit. Other than that I generally use it for everything.

Yes. Nothing is worse than screen tearing. I'd rather not play than have to deal with that.

No, input lag is literal aids.


I'm not a barbarian

1000 times this

In KOTOR, I have to turn on v-sync to stop a weird bug where my character won't move. I have no idea why v-sync would have anything to do with something like that, but turning it on fixes it.

>v-sync mode: fast

no I use G-Sync because I'm a gangster

Yes but only to lock some games at 60 fps since I don't like it when my gpu runs hot. Try to avoid it as much as I can because the input lag is shit.

rarely. maybe if the game is entirely something where quick inputs are not required but even in slower paced games I end up hating input delay far more than I hate screen tearing.

Nvidia fast vsync is great for games that run at very high FPS but something that runs at 30FPS I could never vsync because of how much input lag it adds.

You know that devs can use adaptive v-sync in their games right? you know even FF Unfinished XV uses adaptive v-sync right?
Since they are lazy they make you buy expensive monitors to get it

>Nothing is worse than screen tearing.
game not doing what you want exactly when you want and need it to is.

>not using N-sync
>being this much of a faggot

The first thing I do whenever I boot up a new PC game is go into the menu and turn that shit off.
It's an unnecessary performance hit for a purely visual problem that doesn't even happen that often anyway.

You can use RadeonPro and possibly Nvidia Inspector to cap FPS wherever you want without having to suffer with vsync. There are other tools for this as well.

I have horrible screen tearing and no matter how I change the settings it doesn't go away
I my GPU dying?

There's is (or was, I haven't played in a while) a bug in Shovel Knight where you ever so slightly can't jump as high off a bouncy surface if v-sync is off and it actually makes part of Mole Knight's stage unpassable.

This. What some people seem to fail to understand, is that the higher your frame rate is the less screen tear error you get.
Nah, it's not a sign of that. What game though?

Install new drivers
Check default refresh rate of monitor is set right

I usually have it on when using my 2006 laptop, helps prevent overheating

The inputlag is un fucking bareable but my guess is you play the likes of skyrim and shit so you wouldnt care. Regardless of that, it's 2018, if you're that anal about it get a freesync or gsync monitor

All games, even YouTube videos
Refresh rate at 60hz
Maybe it's my monitor?

Also in latest drivers

>At 60hz


not sure about AMD but you can turn on vsync for everything in the nvidia control panel. See if that fixes the screen tearing.

Oh oh oh, use a theme thats aero enabled, the classic themes dont support vsync!

This is the solution especially if youre running things in borderless fullscreen

I play any some recent games too, I just can't stand the screen tearing

Anyone play Lightning Returns on PC? It's literally my first experience with noticeable screen tearing and it's really bad.

Yes, but it depends on the game. Maybe I have autism but:
If there is a way to cap FPS in game, I will usually use that over v-sync. The game looks more smooth with v-sync, but I've been having issues in some games with in-game v-sync. It'll just cut the fps to 30 randomly.
I cannot use nvidia's v-sync through the control panel because that uses fullscreen only. I cannot fullscreen most, if not all my game right now because I believe windows 10 creator update really fucked things up in that department. Fullscreen boots fine, but if I minimize it my whole first monitor just goes black and I either have to restart my computer or restart the display through windows (with Display Manager or whatever). So right now I have issues with both of the v-syncs and fullscreen.
Capping FPS though other means like MSI Afterburner is nice. Some games have in-game FPS limiters, some don't.
V-sync is nice.

You video game purists are so fucking obnoxious. Get over yourselves and play your dumb mindless game.

ff13 saga ports are unplayable dogshit to begin with.

V-sync is use for fix framerate in some game, very useful while you steaming but if your PC and net speed are that good it's really not necessary.

>It'll just cut the fps to 30 randomly.
Its a feature of vsync called adaptive vsync and what ut does is, if you can't reach full 60, it rounds down to 30 to avoid screen tearing

that's not adaptive vsync. Adaptive V-Sync turns off VSync if you're not hitting 60.

what he's describing is double buffered Vsync.

The thing is, it happens in games that I use their native v-sync on (usually just on/off) so there's no really fixing it without going through Nvidia's shit, which I can't do because requires fullscreen.

Never, since my computer is beast and it can run the latest version of Joi. Only 21stfags and poorfags use v-sync.

I use it in offline games if it has particularly bad screen-tearing

7/10 times I don't use v-sync because it causes retard input lag but for turn based games and what not

i just wish the screen wouldn't tear every here and there it is pretty damn annoying

If I want to cap framerate, yes.
If I want to stop screen tearing or micro stutters, yes.
If the game runs fine without screen tearing or microstutters, then no.

Are the graphics as bad on consoles too? It looks like a PS2 game, yet XIII on 360 looks amazing.

what is the best way to prevent tearing without using a "sync" technology?

input lag sucks but so does tearing

Depends on how bad the screen tearing is and what sort of game it is. If the game requires fast as possible reflexes, I leave it off generally.

This, and i have a freesync monitor.

No, I have a Gsync monitor

You can still force different kinds of vsync through nvidia control panel

>be able to play with vsync on at 60fps for years with no input lag

>now suddenly input lag issues with vsync in modern games

what the FUCK happened??

This. Anyone who whines about an extra 3ms delay over this is a retard.

this. G-sync/freesync for playing on a monitor, and v-sync for couch gaming on the TV

>using a proprietary display standard slapped ontop of displayport by scumvidia
yeah you're a thug alright

only when I have to use it. it usually causes mouse lag and i'd prefer to just leave it uncapped

Only when I'm not playing a rhythm game

it adds input lag, i simply lock the framerate with RTSS

I'm on a 1440p 144Hz Freesync screen. Means no, I don't use v-sync. Should have gone with nVidia though but 2.5 years ago nobody could have known how bad AMD will fuck up down the road. Screen itself is fine though, it's just the GPUs and drivers I struggle with.

I tried all the settings but I didn't know about the aero thing

If it has screen tearing, sure. I don't play multiplayer games much anymore so I don't care about the slight input delay that much.

PSA: Cap at 0.01 fps under refresh for a better time

I usually turn it off.

3ms is a lot my dude