Pokemon game

>Pokemon game
>rewards skill and hard work
>well-balanced yet unique roster of characters

Why don't more people play this?

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Wii U

too slow

Because it's slow as shit and why does it take so long for basic punches and kicks to come out?


FGG hates anything not called SF or Tekken, Pokémon fandom either are too shit to play this game or hat it because their bro "didn't mak it"

Nevertheless is an awesome game.

Chandelure main btw

>rewards... hard work
I don't play games to do work

Released on the WiiU, didn't get all the characters, and the superior Switch release shits on those who supported it originally

>it's not the 2D/2.5D fighter everyone wanted for decades
Third person arena fighters are NOT fun to play

>Switch release shits on those who supported it originally
how do you mean? i had it on wii u and had a lot of fun playing sceptile but i sold the wii u

Because they're using the wrong Garchomp model

Frame data too slow for most FGC guys and roster too small for casuals, there's a dedicated few who stick to the game and they are slowly growing, but a Pokken 2 needs a solid overhaul if the series wants to hit mainstream.

tourneyfag btw

Because if anyone wanted to play a fighting game with pokemons, he'd just play Smash.

>FGC hates anything not called SF.

I like the game. Sitting at C2 right now

games that reward hard fun when?

i wish gamefreak ditches TBC and substitutes it with this, just to shake those poketards a bit

Played it in an arcade in Japan a fair amount, but the home release is kind of shit. I think the only fun that my sister and I had with it was the fact that we where in an arcade.

It's just... Not that fun.

I play it all the time.

Get a solid stream of matches with less than ten seconds in between.

still learning the characters, I like scizor and garchomp but I think I want to learn pikachu

IS on switch now retard and is one of the best game I have played

Rumors say that could be happening, I'm excited about that but I don't buy into rumors too much.

People that play Pikachu are bitches.

Because Braixen

Pikachu is underrepresented at the highest levels of play, only 1-2 people that can actually play Pikachu and keep up. Pika's in a rough spot, similar situation to Weavile.

Scizor level 55 in the house is so good to spam sword dance but then it comes to the 2d part and I reckt them with a rushdown combo finish it with an air combo with swords at the end.

You don't sound like you're very good at the game.

I was going to buy it, but SFVA and FighterZ release later this month, and I don't have time for 3 fighters.

Pokken's actually a great side fighter. Its frame data is structured and movelists and execution are relatively lighter. You don't need to invest as much time to get to the good stuff, and I believe that's one of its greatest strengths.

A 50-60% damage combo in 2d but good tools to keep away in 3d plus rank B1 now tell me your main and a combo that does more than that?

Theres nothing to fucking do.

Story Mode is a slog, theres no Arcade Mode, and no real reason to upgrade your fighters.

Well, unless you play online, but fuck that noise.

And don't get me wrong, I really want it since it looks different enough so I don't wear out on 2D fighters, but all my friends play SFV and have been bugging me to get it since it released, and I'm personally really interested in FighterZ.

I'll probably pick it up down the line, if it ever gets on sale on the eShop. Even 25% percent off would really temp me to grab it.

>fighting game
>not playing online
please, for the sake of everyone that loves and cares about you, git gud

no breloom

Don't give me your percentages, I need raw numbers. Every character has different HP amounts but take the same amount of damage assuming that Skill Points are turned off, which they are for competitive play. I'm S5, but rank truly doesn't matter. What do you've got for offline tourney results? I wouldn't imagine a whole lot.
Playing online or playing locally is where fighting games shine, that's their main purpose. However, the lack of single-player content still is somewhat disappointing as it turned off many from the game, didn't bother me though.

>fighting game
>great fighting pokémon
>only the furry and the classic chad get in
Nah I'll stick to Mugen.

>he doesn't want to rub those paws
>sniff that ruffle
>pinch those ears
>lick that snout

See, shit like this is why its impossible to be a fan of Lucario.

you have no understanding of how much of a huge undertaking that would actually be

>unique roster
>literally who pokemon

Too many large unknowns that look visually boring and disconnected from Pokemon and a random Mexican pikachu. Should have done more iconic characters.

Such as?

See what we have in the normal fighting game roster 10 dudes with black hair 10 chics with blonde hair wow such a good variety you have there.

Fennekin instead of Braixen
Mew instead of Dark Mewtwo
Machoke instead of Machamp
Remove Weavile, Suicine, Sceptile, Garchomp and Chandelure
Add Muk, Blastoise, Venusaur

The roster is so blase for the pokemon they could have chosen. Why they felt the need to have duplicate entries is beyond me.

But gotta make sure to put in a fucking chandelier

Don't be silly, user. Embrace it.

oh and remove the duplicates or at least get a better gimmick for pikachu than Mexican wrestler.

You have to be a barafag if you really want machoke over machamp

>Remove Weavile

please tell me how machoke is more iconic than machamp


He's more recognisable than Machamp.

gen 1 fag lmao

gen 1 aka iconic characters. No one cares about some random nobody chandelier from gen 5 or 6 or whatever.

to who? do you actually have proof of this?

I just think he has a cool design, and his moves are neat. Some kinda kung-fu jackal that shoots Kamehamehas.

But no. Mention you like him, and you CLEARLY must wanna fuck him.

why wouldnt a barafag prefer machamp? He's bigger

Fuck AND marry!

I tried the game and it's just garbage. I actually expected a decent 3d fighter like tekken because of the name

Lose the spikes and it'd be 10/10 design. They look tacked on like they forgot he was a steel type

Too many (and unnecessary) mechanics for casuals.
Too shallow and and slow to be taken seriously.

It's decent fun but the game is kinda garbage.

This is the game I point people to when they say they want to get into fighting games. and then once they play through it a bit I ask them what they liked and hated and give them a game based on that
>I loved the duel phase and the field was shit
Street Fighter
>I wish the field phase was more combat involved
>I really like how everyone had at least some kind of projectile
Touhou fighting games

I'm stuck on pokken just because I like how moves play out and I like how your reward for comboing an opponent is more synergy gauge for you, there's just so much that was well thought out that captures my interest way more than others out there

Imagine having shit taste this bad Muk would be cool though

Day 1 when I get a Switch, but that won't be until CFW.

fuck off genwunner

Japan does, and the millions who bought later gen pokemons do too


Okay, it. You get the point.

The retards decided to include 2 pikachus instead of Hawlucha.
I will never stop being mad

Because it's a fighting game

Blame Japan for their shit taste. They got the ability to vote a Pokemon in and they picked Pikachu Libre. Meanwhile Worst Korea picked Chandelure

have you guys never seen tekken aka the other fucking half of this collab

Where are you getting that from? I thought Japan voted for Magnemite with Gengar as 2nd place. And I never heard that about Chandelure.

Some post from a year ago, so I'm probably wrong

same reason no one plays arms, it's a dead game. wait for smash switch.

I like it, but I suck shit too much to even try to play online and I have no idea where to even begin to work on getting better.

>Fennekin over Braixen when the anime exists
Don't get me wrong, I adore Mew, but it doesn't fit.
>Machoke instead of Machamp for no reason
>Remove these 5 for no reason
>Muk, Blastoise, Venusaur
Muk would be neat, Blastoise would be cool, Venusaur is too big and slow.

he doesnt main Suicune

most people online suck too, user. I just pick Machamp and spam random moves yet still have a 60% winrate in E rank

But I don't like obviously sucking. Part of why I've avoided most fighters is that I was always a button masher.

Tekken sucks

>he sucks at any above basic fighting games

All of that is what makes him disgusting.

Pokken combat makes melee look smooth by comparison

Couple of you in this thread act like they know what they're talking about.

>wii u
it will never get a competitive scene on casual consoles

Already has a worldwide circuit with solid pot bonuses and decent turnouts, we only have up to go from here.


>Machoke instead of Machamp
Nigga what?

>shit tier projectile hell
>massive damage button super with no risk
No thanks

>FGC hates everything

Ask somebody who has 1500+ hours and goes to competitive events anything

>I don't know anything about the game: The post

The core of the gameplay in Pokken exists in the 2d phase, which plays exactly like traditional 2d fighters. The 3d shit is just a specific mechanic tied to that that acts as an anti infinite system and a return to neutral in the 3d phase, but the moment a single player lands an actual heavy hit that breaks neutral, it switches back to and stays in 2d untill a signicantly long combo lands or other conditions are met.

>and I have no idea where to even begin to work on getting better.

The community is pretty much entirely on discord.gg/pokken for disscusion, and Pokkkearena.com for posting resources and guides, so check out those. Twitter is also a good resource, since a lot of combos and new tech get posted there too. I don't have a list of twitter people to follow, but here's a short list of people on youtube:


note I didn't include any youtube channels that just post matches from tournaments and events, these are all channels that make combo videos, guides, etc.

the meta hasn't been zoning focused for almost 2 years, pretty much all of the exclusively zoning characters are considered to be among the worst in the game, (though are still tournament viable)

How to tell someone hasn't played the game: the post

>you get matches in less then 20 seconds online
>game was at pretty much every FGC major this past year
>gets a decent, even if relatively small amount of entrants at said events
>community is active with making resources, guides, discovering new tech, etc


Okay bud

What was the lest event you went to fellow tourneyfag?

You would have a point if Machamp was something like a weird gen 4 evo like Magnezone or a locked out evo most people didn't get like Slowking...
But Machamp is literally THE gen 1 Fighting mon.

Hey who has some good Croagunk combos? I went looking around but I hate just seeing stuff in training room cause it can be disingenuous as to whether it's a true combo sometimes, I'd like some solid stuff to start with

I would rather not name the specific major I went to last because that would probably narrow down who I am too much, but I go to all of my state's locals when they come up, and the last one I was at was about a month ago

East Coast I presume? All good man, I'm one of the few players of my main and my main would pretty much reveal who I am.
Try looking up tournament footage of Mewtater at GTX, or get in contact with Croagunks in the Croagunk Discord.

How cringy is the discord?

The best croagunk player I know of would be twitter.com/GenoGunkMain , so I would take a look through his twitter. You should obviously check out Croagunk server attached to the main discord server I linked, if you get on there there's a bot command to be added to the character specific servers from there

Not at all, really. There's a bit of circlejerking since a lot of people know each other but that's about it.

Pretty chill place with lots of newbies and top-players alike. The Christmas crowd is still getting used to it all but generally a great and friendly atmosphere.

cool stuff, thank you

>"why don't more people play this?"
>[gives a solid reason]

I should have seen this coming.
