Why is RPG so shit?

Why is RPG so shit?

He's kinda right, if I actually gave a shit about story, I would just go read lotr.



wtf i hate rpgs now

He has a point

Difference being you can make decisions. Books are basically just movies in word form.

yknow I never really thought about it before, like I never really sat down to ponder it but now that I've seen this post I realize I really am a "fucking faggot"

>Times New Roman

> Books are basically just movies in word form.
what an idiotic way to think of and compare narratives

>mfw Morrowind destroys his entire argument

>mfw people are dissident priests around me

I hope /lit/ sees this

[autistically screeching about combat mechanics]
What's easier in real life, sneaking past ten dudes, murdering ten dudes, or convincing their commander to let you past?
Why shouldn't this apply to an RPG?
It's not supposed to be an action game, it's supposed to be a strategy/puzzle/story game. You know, brain candy, not brain dead.

the rpg genre is currently a genre for casuals and normalfags, back in the day (Wizardry/Ultima days) it was the most hardcore type of game for home consoles/computers, nowadays modern rpgs are like Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm compared to Street Fighter III.

This is the opinion of someone who has only read genre fiction.

>what is a screenplay

What are some RPGs with no turn-based and grindan bullshit? I agree with the pasta about that aspect, fucking can't stand that shit.

have you heard of skyrim? it's a bit obscure but it sounds right up your alley

>People who watch movies primarily for story are also faggots. There are much better mediums for story, like actual books, word-of-mouth, cave paints, etc. I don't relate to a retarded picture on a screen made for retarded manchildren and I don't "watch" movies to experience that shit.

No, dey arpeegee arenot shit brudda.

>reddit: the game

No thanks.

people should watch movies primarily for the cinematography you fucking pleb.

what the fuck dialect or accent are you trying to type out?

you do not know de wey

He's not wrong though

>you do not know how to pretend to be retarded
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt with 'pretend,' don't ruin that for yourself

He is wrong. Books are adapted into screenplays before a movie can be made from them. Books don't have to tell a story or have a narrative, but even documentaries rely on narrative to entertain and keep interest. Narrative literature uses different tools to convey stories than film. There is no visual or audio aspect of reading a book (not including audiobooks). Those two aspects of film completely change (and some would argue that they limit) the medium for telling a story. Books are not just movies in word form. You'd have to be retarded to believe that.


Because the games he plays are shit. Had he played REAL RPGs, like Fallout 1/2 (no, Tactics is not a Fallout game) or Space Rangers, he would clearly see that D&D trash for what it is.

>play D&D3 RPG
>oh my, it's dice-overloaded!

Color me surprised. GURPS is where the fun's at.

Traditional RPGs are for people who have a management boner and it's true, self-insertion and escapism are pretty important in RPGs. The key word here is escapism. People who hate RPGs inherently hate escapism and want everything they do to be realistic and meaningful.
They fail to see that gameplay doesn't have to be hyper realistic and hyper responsive to appease the dumbest of ADHD fuckheads populating FPS and action fightan games. RPGs appeal to the niche of faggots who see management and micro-management as a valid form of gameplay and are entertained by it. It's that simple.

>>Times New Roman
Honestly this is what offends me the most about this image