Is it really true how after you turn 20 your vidya skills diminish to the point where you don't look at minimaps or...

Is it really true how after you turn 20 your vidya skills diminish to the point where you don't look at minimaps or know your left from your right?

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tfw 73 and always win

I don’t think woolie ever knew his left from his right

>their recent KOTOR playthrough

No, Woolie had a bizarre and inadequate childhood education.
Matt is just intellectually subnormal.

I love Woolie but I never want to watch him play a Mario game ever again

No. At 23, if anything I've gotten better at FPS games.

The Mario Odyssey and Kotor playthroughs are fucking garbage.

>Odyssey ends in the most anti-climactic way possible, essentially doing two postgame episodes without doing any of the main postgame stuff
>Kotor is just Woolie and Pat alternating between boredom and retardation for a million parts

Watching Matt play Bully is like getting teeth pulled too.

>tfw can't stand friend simulator anymore

>the closest thing to a western Yakuza game
>Matt is on the controls
What were they actually thinking

would best friends be better if no one was on the controls

no, I'm 29 and still competitive in rts

WhiteRa is like 50 and still does tournaments

Woolie getting passive aggressive at Pat giving him genuine help is fucking infuriating.

I know you hate being told what to do woolie, but just listen to the ginger midget this time since he certainly knows what hes doing better than you.

>Says he doesn't want to waste time on the classes when the game is literally about being a kid in school

what the fuck is he thinking

>tfw liam was the best at the controls

No, woolie is just fucking retarded.

remove matt and make the channel woolie and pat only

im 23 and I feel better at videogames than when I was 18.

I want liam back.

>The geography class in bully
>Matt thinks Greece is Portugal
>Doesn't know a single Scandinavian country.

I don't know how anyone gets to thirty with Geography knowledge this lacking. Do they literally ignore all of existence outside of canada and gaming/films?

>canadians act so high and mighty over americans
>can't even point out greece on a map

how come Sup Forums suddenly talks about this woolie like he's their friend?

I thought he was a fighting game youtuber or something

Only homos care about Geography for other places

He will never come back if pat is on the channel

I miss liam

I'm just shy of 28 and my situational awareness, hand eye coordination and problem solving abilities have never been better, what's fucked is my reaction time.

>the KOTOR playthrough
>pause after every attack enabled
>Woolie actually goes into the fucking menu to use medpacks so he doesn't waste a turn using one
>powergaming by not just leveling up

I thought liam left because fans kept insulting his skills

yeah he's a guy from fighterpedia

I used to hang out with Woolie on an old message board years and years before BFP was a thing

Yes. I'm just the wrong side of 30 and I forget, every few hours, that you can left AND right click with your mouse.

Policenauts was recent and it's one of their all-time best LPs, so I think they've still got it.

They just need the enthusiasm and the material.

These guys really have perfected the friend simulator formula. Game Grumps feel too media trained, always be talking even if it's just making noise. Giant Bomb feels too sterile, not much rapport between the crew and kind of depressing, feels like it is just a job to them. Best friends are the only ones I've come across that literally feels like someone placed a mic in the room of two good friends playing a video game, sometimes they are boring, funny occasionally, but always feel genuine.

what the fug he has almost as many subs as maxdood

never even heard of this channel

Woolie/Pat podcasts are legit comfy as fuck, they need to just ban Matt from the podcasts

Leave Matt alone

I'd honestly prefer it if he went back to only quoting Simpsons quotes than spewing his own garbage thoughts out

That's the podcast, which is awful whenever Matt is there

and yakuzies

i still got hope for kotor once they cash in those lvls and start exploring the galaxy

bullie might also work once they finally understand how to play in like 10 more parts

I watched one of their bully videos and stopped when I found out they were so retarded they didn't know european countries

>Caring about yurop

Come on now they thought Portugal was Poland

Once more
>Giving a shit about any part of yurop

>1 month till matt huffs and puffs every week because they wanna talk about mh.
Cant wait

Canada is basically America light with better syrup.

His barely-contained tantrums over P5 were delicious.

>Pat and Woolie visit Maanan

dumb weeb

It was embarrassing but ultimately unsurprising for an art and psych major.

dumb anti-weeb

They need to fucking edit some of their stat managing out. It's not interesting or insightful, just eats uptime to make it past the 20 min mark. It wouldn't even be that hard to edit, but they are all such lazy pieces of shit.

Did they fire Billy because he's literally just a waste of money if they actually pay him.

Please look forward to them spending 40 episodes on it

No, they actually pay him to do nothing but chop up the recordings and upload them.

I don't think I've seen a single cut or edit since they hired him on and he's missed the 3PM and 9PM uploads multiple times.
What a bunch of putzes, jesus fucking christ

Are you the old chess player before "A Bugs Life:

The videos are also occasionally out of sync or out of order, which was a problem before they began paying someone specifically to do that job.

The first 2 or 3 lps after they hired him had some actual editing done, but I guess they told him to stop or he got lazy.

Reflexes will slow as you age, but only by a few milliseconds. It's completely unnoticeable until you're so old your eye-sight starts failing and you've got arthritis.

Seriously. I was first introduced to them through their machinima series and only recently did I discover their podcasts. But after about a year of listening to podcasts its becoming more and more evident that Matt is the third wheel of the group. He's good for nostalgia and referencing old cartoons and shit like that but when it comes to actually discussion it's always

>Woolie dropping some knowledge
>Pat overreacting to said knowledge
>Matt kind of there to cosign with whatever Woolie or Pat says

>matt and talking about which classes to skip
>never experienced this phenomenon because i did computer science & math at a great school

Man it really is a different world for people who don't go down the hard sciences route isn't it

I think most of the time when people say you get worse at vidya as you get older what they actually mean is you spend more time taking care of necessary responsibilities rather than keeping your vidya skills sharp. I fucking love fighting games. But I know I can't do the things I did even 5 years ago.

this is why you shouldn't have any friends or family

the real degradation is that as you get older you simply have less interest in video game, which means diminished compulsion to "git gud"

i'm sure when you're a bright-eyed 13 year old you think dota2 is the coolest shit you've ever seen, so much complexity and endless play value. when you're 30 you look at it as the autistic shitpile that you don't have the inclination to learn >muh meta and realize you could be spending your time playing actual fun games instead of shit ones.


>you could be spending your time playing actual fun games instead of shit ones
But younger me wouldn't deliberately try to play shit games.

My main gripe is woolie forgetting things literally all the time, it's absolutely insane. He might have some crazy early onset of alzheimers or something.

They all forget things seconds after hearing them, because none of them pay enough attention to understand what the fuck is going on.

he stoned out of his brains and even then hes just a pet nigger. plus canadian education is trash.

I miss Liam, he wasn't always the best but he was a very good foil for the 3 of them.

good thing he didn't forget anyone

I bet Pat called that little faggot out for sucking so much company cock and that's why he left

>quit because "anxiety"
>immediately start solo streaming business

That little cunt can fuck right off.

He was friends with Woolie and Matt but never with Pat. That's probably some reason behind him leaving.

But he's doing a side LP with Matt right now so that's alright.

>current timeline all but confirms Pat doesn't give a shit about Liam
>Liam was booted off the channel and Matt said it wasn't for just the stated reasons that he can't mention

Pat still best friend after all these years

So we can unanimously agree that Pat is best boy?

>pat>darlington>eli>>>>>>liam>>>>>>>>>>>literally who

Pat did win the cool gaming gf lottery.

How the fuck does Matt afford to go on vacation bi-weekly? And not, like. Roadtrips and shit, it's usually flights and cruises.

shes ugly as sin. i've seen koreans with smaller jaws.

Paige is great and has months left to live.

This, I loved STALKER as a teenager and I went back to it after almost a decade during the Steam Winter Sale and it felt clunky, boring and just plain bad.

His Mafia Princess waifu and her family pays for it. They even paid to replace his wardrobe

His wife is apart of some ancient Italian order who owns a castle in Canada apparently.

liam was so bad, Matt sucks but he manages to occasionally conjure memories of when he was decent. Liam was never good and when he signed on full time the channel's growth got stunted like crazy. Boring gameplay style, nothing interesting to say, becoming more PC all the time. Good riddance

How did he score a wealthy goblin like her? Nothing about Matt indicates he has any ability with women, hell his whiny bitch rants in Bully suggest he was the weirdo loner.

She's the prettiest out of all the best girlfriends and she's also the coolest imho. But her health does suck, hopefully she lasts the winter.

Woolie joining up was the downfall. Liam was at least willing to die on his his hills, as retarded as they were, and he could actually tell left from right

Reminder that its explictly woolies fault they dont do brawls but stick with SMS

How'd this bitch beat Bloodborne?

Has Woolie's [BLACKED] ever been on camera, or is she completely outside the public eye?

She only beat Bloodborne because it allows her to mindlessly smash her face against the boss until it works

>listening to Pat try to not fucking crack as he has to repeat, "No, Matt" for the thousandth fucking time because navigating to the school gate is just as hard as it was the past 600 times
I haven't watched these guys in years and holy FUCK Matt is still a goddamn retard. Just give the midget the fucking controller.

>Woolie joining up was the downfall.

their top viewed videos are all brawls. You're objectively wrong

geography is possibly one of the most worthless things you could you know


Was he? Pat says some nerdy stuff that I like, Matt see's too nonsensical for my tastes. Woolie's my favorite but he games for shit 3/4 of the time and suffers from memory loss. Liam's wierd as shit and nerdier then the other 3, he was a good addition to the whole.

The best friends are better as a group then they are individually.

Man the pat liam nier LP is still one of my favorites fuck all y'all

If my memory serves he talked about something involving the start of it on a podcast like 3 years ago.
He apparently was flirting with her a bit on facebook, and she came back at him with essentially "Hey, are we going to go out because of all the flirting you are doing?"

During the recent PSX stream there is a questionable segment off camera.

No, Woolie despite being a QA tester never had any sense. The nigga will get lost in the simplest of games its actually baffling.

She's in his Japan videos. She's a fat white girl with short dyed hair.