I'm starting to get buyer's remorse, the movement is clunky, the horse even clunkier...

I'm starting to get buyer's remorse, the movement is clunky, the horse even clunkier, the combat's pretty basic and repetitive, the rpg elements are a little bland too.

Hopefully the story's good, so let's see, but anyone else a little confused as to why Sup Forums loves this so much?

It's been more than 2 years now, can't you guys just stop shitposting and admit the Witcher 3 is the game of the decade already?

Sup Forums bitches about all those points, you're just being willfully ignorant. IMO the main story is subpar, but the Velen segment, a number of sidequests, and both DLCs are top notch. I still think Witcher 2 had the best main story of all three games.

fella, i just got the pc version during the steam sales

To hell with your buzzwords

Game of the millenium user...

only not really

ignorant of what?

well, here's an example of what clunky means, when you or your horse starts running in place because of a tiny thing in the grass, or when you can't go through a doorway because the door you broke is blocking the way, things like that.

Is is just a pc thing?

Sup Forums's distaste of this game. It's posted in every single W3 thread, you'd have to be blind to not notice that Sup Forums dislikes many aspects of W3.

>not having a controller for platformers and third person action games
>not taking advantage of having the ability to pick pretty much whatever controller you want on PC

It's like you have a gaming PC but you don't really want to be apart of the master race.

user, i thought i made it clear, i never gave a shit about witcher 3 before buying it on a whim. I don't read those threads, it's like you're also expecting me to get splatoon memes

I only encountered things like that a couple of times out of 50+ hours of gameplay

It's been two and a half years.
Why can't people stop shitposting about this game? There's a thread about it every fucking day.

Naw, it's for all systems. Even though they were working with a AAA budget, you have to remember that this is a polish company working on a game that would be considered ambitious by any standard, shitty aspects were bound to slip through the cracks.

>Witcher 3 movement
>not clunky
I love the game but come on now, it could be a lot better.

OP's right. The game is overrated.
>Combat is "clunky" meaning it's not fluid at all and it's quite repetitive. All you will do is mash button and sometimes spam a potion on higher difficulty. That's literally it. There is no depth and you don't feel like you hunt monsters but just big chunks of meat with a lot of HP depending on their level.
>99% of loot is fucking useless and the only reason it exists is to sell it to get money to pay for making the best loot (witcher gear) that will be better than anything you will find for next 10 levels (reminder, main game ends around lvl 35-40). You could remove it all and fix the game's economy.
>Open World is completely unnecessary. You could have smaller, hub-like areas like in W1 or W2 that go Velen into Novigrad into Skellige etc. and the game would play the same for every single fucking player. Nothing would change because this is the order the story, level scaling and map design forces you into (to get to Skellige you have to get to Novigrad first and to get to Novigrad you can get papers from Bloody Baron etc.)
>Extension of the higher argument. Open World serves no fucking purpose in this game whatsoever. I might even say that it hurts it further. There are no gameplay features that use it nor does the story fits the world structure (because it's still linear). It's more like a theme park than anything.
>Bloody Baron is literally the only great piece of writing in this game (aside from HoS, but that's an expansion). Everything else is mediocre generic medieval fantasy.
>Content got tamed down compared to W1 and W2 thanks to feminists and SJWs digging into CDPR.

what makes you think i don't have a controller?

hopefully that means the beginning area before seeing the emperor was just badly concieved or something, I had that stuff happen all the time, along with enemies getting stuck or me completely clipping through the griffon

>but anyone else a little confused as to why Sup Forums loves this so much?
You clearly know enough to make this statement, which is what I was responding to.

I'm not even saying the game's overrated or anything I'm just 5 hours in ya fucks

Isn't the game practically free when it's on sale? How can you get buyers remorse?

At least they break the fourth wall and acknowledge that in B&W

I'm trying to complete it since release. The gameplay is mind numbingly boring.

how is that any different than skyrim?
>swing sword that feels weightless
>get hit
>take potion

>the combat is good - it's like skyrim
are you fucking retarded?

Fun is the only buzzword

at least you're learning to be more subtle, but you need to let go user.

Which game would you say has fun gameplay?



even diablo 1 had more combat variety, friendo.

don't be surprised when people notice patterns.

that's how it worked out for me, i really liked the witcher 2 too, which is weird. idk i have a theory that playing in a certain way makes the game way better, but i don't know what that way is.

anyone got the quest system pasta?