redpill me about this game
Redpill me about this game
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The perfect amount of autism
play it and you'll be able to automate red pill production within hours
Very comfy it's as complicated as you want it to be
Made by Germans for Germans
It's a metaphor for what'll happen when (((they))) finally fulfil the (((deep state)))'s plan and if we don't defend Trump hard enough online.
get out
he wanted to be redpilled, I dropped the red pills.
>tfw da joos launch a rocket to space while you're just a burner inserter with no coal
the game is too smart for you and your kind
>bought few days ago
>can't host or connect to friends game, despite forwarding ports, trying different versions and other memes
What do Sup Forumsros?
It's a Chech game
The game is a mix of comfy and turboautism. If you like puzzle games, you'll like this one.
That image triggers me more the longer I look at it
>copper ore, iron plate, coal, and a single copper plate on one belt
>belts randomly changing from red to yellow and back again
>nothing loading a short belt with some batteries on it
>random iron ore and coal on the ground
>pumping, crafting, mining, and smelting all in one area
>that pipe to ground that goes nowhere
>that absolute clusterfuck of a power network
>numerous belts to ground that go nowhere
There's no other game like it with the same premise, and you wont be able to fill the void after you've milked all the juice you can squish out of it so you'll resort to modded industry minecraft
There's some solid fuel on the ground too :^)
its a fake game since it has a pollution mechanic which is a lie made by lizard illuminati bankers.
this guy knows what's up.
also it features space travel which everyone who's been redpilled knows is a myth as the earth is flat and surrounded by a painted dome
>yellow belts with blue underground belts
my factory :)
Factorio world is flat though
Not anymore my dude
why did they bow to the SJW liebral-Media pressure?
Does that really work? I don't want to install soyware if I don't have to
>fancy nature walls
Lame. z-levels when?
yes hello this is a good game
play with aliens enabled you need them to make advanced things
it gets kinda weird in the end with advanced tech, the robots are not that much fun and even the fastest belts may not be fast enough for some things
It has came a long way
You'll start, then accidentally 12 hours
You haven't needed aliens to make things for a while now
You're already at soy levels if you can't figure out how to host.
Not completely true. There exist similar games but none as complex as it.
Big Pharma for example.
Install Bob's mods and Angel's ores
Then fucking enlighten me faggot
What are some good mods for factorio?
I said good mods
>the devs were holding a party celebrating a million sales in prague
>go on vacation on prague with friends that same week but to late to buy tickets
>email devs and ask if something can be arranged
>they tell us it's cool and we can come anyway
It's a pretty cool game made by cool people.
You are the soyboy if you arent capable of doing such a simple thing as setting factorio multiplayer
Red bull me on why an indieshit game is still so expensive?
>Host game
>Connect via ip for private game
wow so hard
I like Opus Magnum better
What do I need to study to play this properly?
I know how to set up multiplayer servers, I've done it many times with other games, but if factorio doesn't even let me connect to my friend's game when other people can, then it's clearly not my fault. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
Port forward and make sure you have the exact same game versions. That is literally it.
That's literally not it, because port forwarding doesn't work for some reason.
then you're doing port forwarding wrong dumbfuck
Now show the ore sorting.
Also what's the big dark-gray things with loaders attached to them? Warehouses?
Did you also conveniently miss the part that you have to have the same game version too?
Meant for
I already told you soybot, hamachi
>"This run I'll go full automation with robots and stuff"
>End up running around building belt mazes
every fucking time
Imagine being this much of a brainlet
I'm not doing it wrong. UDP with port 34197. It works with other games, so I'm pretty sure the problem is elsewhere. Also i should't even need to do it if I'm not the one hosting.
Great advice faggot, but that's literally the first thing I checked.
Hamachi is trash so i'd rather not use it
ok, don't judge too hard user, this is only my main one.
all you need to know bro
In the last server I played with friends we got really lazy and eventually just sent everything being made on one side of the base down to the center via one belt and loaded it into a single chest for logistics robots to distribute
Then dont play the games with friends, easy.
At this point I'm going to tell you what I did as I was in the same spot as you.
>Port forward 34197 UDP only
>Allow firewall bullshit
>Update to latest version (should be 16.13 currently)
>Go to multiplayer option and host game
>Don't put in password
>Make sure it is not public
>Can only join via IP
>>can't host or connect to friends game, despite forwarding ports, trying different versions and other memes
Try asking on the forum or factorio subreddit.
Nuclear power?
I could never get that set up so I always ran out of coal and stuff before I could make it.
if you can't figure out if you'll enjoy it just from the picture you posted
then you fucking won't
>Hamachi is trash
>But it works
>And I cant make multiplayer works
Really makes me think
The best way that I can describe it is that it is one of the best feelings in the world to make a crazy contraption and just to watch it work, and then to add more shit to it and so on.
If you're doing anything manually, you're doing it wrong.
Slowly expanding my Railway system to 4-lane while moving the smelting out of the starter base into a train based one.
As an Electronics Engineering student, this game is my cocaine.
Send help.
Thanks for help, but already tried all of those. The thing that's puzzling me the most is why my friend can connect to some random server fine, but when i try to it just doesn't work. Only explanation I can think of is some NAT fuckery on my ISP's side
>google problem
>people having the exact same issue
>no replies
>rinse and repeat
>infinite resources
>peaceful aliens
Funny, I have the exact opposite problem
>This run I'll scale my end-game bases around actual belts
>End up with an almost entirely belt-less factory with thousands of robots zipping everywhere
that's beautiful. thank you for showing us this, user.
That's the more fun variant though.
>Space efficient
>No spaghetti except Pipes (but you can barrel too, so...)
Thanks user, factorio aesthetically pleasing porn is my fetish.
I'm hoping to reach these levels some day.
>pic related
that one is pretty, but the crossing rails are bothering me. There is no reason to cross two rails ever and doing so anyways can cause some pretty ugly deadlock situations if you're not careful.
that being said, my factories look uglier than that even on vanilla
>Gates on train tracks.
Does this even work? I never thought of this.
Whats wrong in this pic? Never played it
I believe it was added recently
It's fine. Fags just have never tried a 1 belt bus before
>1 belt
You sound like a faggot. Anyone got real advice?
You want only one sort of product per side of a belt to avoid blockades and providing efficient supply for factories
Play the game and find out fucktard
Horribly inefficient. Pile up waiting to happen.
>Using sushi trains as a model for efficiency
now that you mention sushi bars, it might be interesting to expand on the single belt bus using a circuit network, so a consuming part of the factory can 'order' a material it wants to eat if it doesn't naturally appear after a set amount of time
seriously, a single belt bus would be a really fun challenge that finally forces you to use the circuit system while also thinking about the ratios of material you need on your main belt to proceed with research most efficiently
1.0 WHEN
>play game
>pretty fun for a while
>stay up until 4am optimizing production chains
>realize you have five alarm autism
>realize you are still a little brainlet whose factory is complete shit
>start new game so you can further optimize production chains in futile attempt to make a good factory
>repeat every few months when you realize no game can scratch your autism itch like this one
factorio is one of my favorite games
Should we make a server?