Why do i still come here

why do i still come here

Because there's literally nowhere else to go to talk about games

Who the hell is this even suppose to be?

for the titties

cuz its alright

Just to suffer

Does she suck dick on camera?

A fat bitch neo-Sup Forums will try to convince you is merely "thicc"

because you love the insanely funny content that redditfugees coming from /pol grace us with and raunchy fanart


Imagine having tits that fucking big. I'm laying in my bed right now shit posting on my phone and I wouldn't even be able to see my screen without holding it up high

So you can post shitty cosplayers and circlejerk about them with the Sup Forumsirgins?


they'd sag to the sides so you'd be fine

mai pookie bear. doesn't seem to do any explicit content


Source is Pookie Bear.

that's a fat girl angle if i ever seen one

Because despite all the shitposters and off topic trash, you realize Sup Forums is still better than 99 percent of the internet when you look past the surface.

You can be user, in fact, you SHOULD be user. No upboats, karma, post history, cliques etc. Fanboy groups shitpost each other in consolewar threads, but that's not quite the same thing. The board is still very fast and active despite not being a complete normie central place.

That's why I'm still here anyway.

Very night I feel my legs.

Huh.. so this ball of lard is what you mutts find attractive now?